Hip Radiographs - Information to the Cat Owner

We also have general information about hip dysplasia and information specific to veterinarians.

Talk to your regular veterinarian and make an appointment for a digital X-ray of the hips and - unless it has already been done - to microchip or tattoo the cat for a permanent ID. If your clinic does not have the necessary equipment, they will be able to refer you to a colleague who has.


Radiographs of the hips can be taken when the cat is at least 10 months of age in order to get a certified result. You will receive a preliminary result when the radiographs are taken before 10 months of age. Preliminary results will be registered in the health programme with a note saying it is a preliminary result.


  • Make sure the cat's pedigree is already registered in the pedigree database of PawPeds, by sending it to one of your breeds database maintainers
  • If your cat has not recieved an ID with microchip or tattoo, you must have that done either during the same visit or before
    • The radiograph must be identified with either microchip or a tattoo number and the veterinarian must check the identification of the cat
    • This is necessary in order to receive a certified result
  • Print and sign the form
    • Create a HD case in our HealthWeb system (https://health.pawpeds.com/), download the generated form, and print it
    • The form must then be signed and brought to your appointment, together with the pedigree of the cat
  • Pay the fee for the evaluation of the radiographs
    • See payment details below
    • The payment should be made in advance before you test the cat
    • Note that our evaluator will not see the radiographs until the payment is registered in the system

You Must Bring the Following to the Veterinary Appointment

  • The correct form for HD-testing that was generated in the HealthWeb (duly filled in and signed)
    • Very important so that the veterinarian will know how to send in the form and the radiographs
    • Also bring the information for the veterinarian that is included in the pdf with the form in case they do not know the procedure for this health programme
  • Proof of identity of the cat like a pedigree with the id number
    • Some countries have official health passports, vaccination booklets, and confirmation of the microchip or tattoo that can be used to verify the identity of the cat

What Happens Next

  • The veterinarian submit the radiographs together with the original form in the HealthWeb
  • Our evaluator will assess the received radiographs approximately every 2 to 3 weeks
  • You will have the result sent to you by e-mail
  • PawPeds will first show "Result registered but not public yet" and after 60 days the actual result will be showed instead. The reason is to give owners time to tell about possible bad results to those who might need to know, so that no one would find out through the webpage.
  • All results are public available per breed on the Health Data Download page and for some breeds the results are also presented in the pedigree database

Payment for the Evaluation

You need to pay for the evaluation done by our evaluator. This can be done directly to PawPeds' bank account or via PayPal. The price for the evaluation is:

200 SEK per cat

Note: Write HD and the name(s) of the cat(s) in the notes of your payment! If possible also add the owner's name and email address. If you have any questions around payments contact PawPeds' treasurer: treasurer@pawpeds.com.

Paying to PawPeds' Bank Account

Please note that bank fees are not included in the price. The cat owner should pay all fees to the sending and receiving bank. The exception is when the payment is made via the Swedish Bankgiro or as a so-called SEPA payment (within EU/EES) since the transfer cost is very small in these cases. Your bank has information on how a SEPA payment is made.

PawPeds accepts no additional costs and will not accept any checks. Payment should be made to:

c/o Peter Olsson
Ängsmyrvägen 1, Bäsna
SE-781 95 Borlänge

IBAN SE42 6000 0000 0006 1075 0682

Within Sweden: Bankgiro 200-1816

Paying through PayPal

210 SEK per cat

You can also pay for your HD evaluations through PayPal. Because of the fee PayPal charges for transferring money, you will then have to pay 210 SEK for each cat. Pay to PawPeds' PayPal account: paypal@pawpeds.com


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the contact persons for the health programme! You can also email hd@pawpeds.com.
