G3 - Basic Course 3 - Cat Breeding

The content of the G3 course in summary:
- Anatomy and physiology
- The danger of breeding for extremes
- Behavior
- Communication
- Behavior problems
- Reproduction and reproduction disorders
- Kittens and kitten problems
- Color genetics and pedigree info
- Population genetics
- Breeding for health
- Designing a health program
- Working with health
- Analyzing a genome
- Breeding and selection
- Evaluation systems
- Breeding progression
- Showing vs breeding
- Development of the breeds
- Keeping cats together in groups
- Infectious pressure
- Infectious diseases
- Teeth and oral cavity
- Nutrition for cat
- Economy and selling
- Special project
The course is scheduled over 12 weeks plus the addition of two recovery weeks. As in earlier courses the course participants will read articles, do tests, write short essays and solve problems in connection with the articles. There are both group assignments and individual assignments.
Keep in mind that the courses of PawPeds demand a lot of work from the participants, that this course G3 is the most demanding one and that you, therefore, should expect many working hours!
NB! To be accepted for a G3 course, there are some requirements that must be met: A G3 course applicant should have bred at least one, preferably two (or more) litter of pedigreed kittens in his/her own home. An exemption can be given if a prospective course participant by other means has earned enough experience of breeding and working with breeding cats. Please contact PawPeds if you are in doubt.
About the language G3 is translated into English to provide a better opportunity for everyone to learn more. The G3 courses in English and Swedish are very intensive and rich in content. Most of the material and texts are very technical, requiring a better command of English than when compared with G1-EN and G2-EN. Most of the G3 EN course participants and course leaders are non-English when it comes to their mother tongue. We all do rely on English for communication and studying. Everyone, participants and course leaders included, rely on one language (only English) for communication, for studying, and for working out the tasks, alone or together in small groups. If someone constantly requests or totally uses a translator as an aid for understanding texts and other course material and for understanding communication, this person will have a very difficult time, will inconvenience other participants, and find it impossible to fully enjoy the course.
Entering the course
If you would like to sign up to take the G3 course, please contact
The course fee is presently approximately €180 (plus bank fees for transferring the money). The price might change over time. You will not have to pay until we can offer you a place in the course and you have accepted. If you can not get a place in the next planned course, you will be placed on a waiting list and will be offered a place later on.
Examination banner
Cat owners and breeders who participate in and pass the exams of this course will be listed on a specific page on PawPeds. They will also have the right to use the banner shown above on their websites, to show that they have taken this course.
Status (update: 2024-06-08)
The G3 course is presently being rewritten, and there are also plans for a G4 course. Since the progress depends on voluntary work, we can't say for sure when we can start the next G3 course.