Veterinarians associated with the HCM Health Programme
Certain credentials need to be fulfilled for veterinarians of the HCM health programme. More info and instructions can be found on this page.
This is a list of veterinarians who are participating in the health programme against HCM in cats. Information updates can be emailed to
Click on a country to see their associated vets.
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Italy
- The Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- UK
Rita Singh
Veterinary Cardiac Referrals
335 Mona Vale Road
Terres Hills, NSW, 2084
Phone: +61 0457 964 114
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or email
Price: $330 AUD (incl. GST) per cat
Richard Woolley
Mobile service
Pet Emergency & Specialist Centre
1103 Dandenong Road
Malvern East, Victoria 3145, Australia
Phone: +61 0410 3636 20
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Sliding scale for cats with same owner. $400 AUD for one cat, $300 AUD each for two cats, $250 AUD each for three cats, $200 AUD each for four cats or more.
Elisa Gamperl / Matus Pagac
Heidehofweg 4
7111 Parndorf
Phone: +432166 / 22727
Make an appointmet: Appointment can be made by Phone/Email.
Price: 120-140 €
Ursula Heindl
- Herz–Zentrum Dieselgasse (in der Tierärztlichen Ordination Dieselgasse)
Dieselgasse 3
1100 Wien
Austria - Wiener Neustadt
Gymelsdorfer Gasse 23b
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Phone: 0676/4702223
Make an appointmet: Appointment can be made by Phone/Email.
Price: 120- 150 €
Katharina Hittmair
Bildgebende Diagnostik
Department für Kleintiere und Pferde
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
Veterinärplatz 1
A-1210 Wien
Phone: +43-1-25077-5701
Make an appointment: Phone clinic Monday to Friday, 9:00-13:00
Price: 92-105 € HCM and PKD
Ursula Kolm
Cardiology Service
I.Medical Clinic for Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease
Veterinärplatz 1
A-1210 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-250775137
Make an appointment: Phone clinic from Monday to Friday, 8.00-13.00. In addition to the university clinic, she can also be reached at the following e-mail address:
Price: call for current prices (price includes clinical exam, blood pressure measurement, ECG and ECHO incl. Doppler)
Mato Markovic
- Mobile Überweisungspraxis für Kardiologie und Sonograpahie - Mobile referral service for cardiology and sonography
Mühlgasse 2
6170 Zirl
Phone: +43-69919016360
www.markovic-vetkardiologie.atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone or send an email
Price: 120 - 130 € (includes cardiovascular examination, complete conventional echocardiography, Doppler and Tissue Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG and detailed reporting). Discount for breeders presenting more than one cat at the same time.
- Vetmeduni Vienna, College of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinärplatz 1
A-1210 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-250775137
Make an appointment: Phone clinic from Monday to Friday, 8.00-16.00.
Price: 120 € (includes clinical exam and echo)
Peter Modler
Tierklinik Sattledt
Veterinärstraße 2
A-4642 Sattledt
Phone: +43-7244/8924
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Depending on whether blood pressure measurement and/or separate ECG are needed, 120-140 € incl. Tax.
Christine Deprest
dap Deprest - Ruiselede
BE-8755 Ruiselede
Phone: +32(0)51 68 98 93
Make an appointment: Appointment preferably after filling in the contact form on the website or phone clinic.
Price: 135 € (excl. VAT) for a complete and animal-friendly echocardiographic examination in accordance with Pawpeds
Natacha De Visscher
Centre vétérinaire Flor’Vets
52 rue de la Florbecq
7866 Ollignies
Phone: +3268553739
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send mail to
Price: 188.40€ (VAT included) for consultation (full clinical examination and auscultation) and complete echocardiography with ECG monitoring. For more than one cat of the same breeder: 100€ per additional cat with a maximum of 4 cats at a time.
Veronique Liekens
- DVM, GP.Cert. card. Liekens Veronique
Boeimeerstraat 68A
2820 Bonheiden
Phone: +32(0)483 57 71 71This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: Price: 60 € VAT incl. for consultation (full physical examination and auscultation) per breeder and 105 € VAT incl., full echocardiography (right- and left-sided approach, full Doppler examination, ECG monitoring) per cat.
Cardiology service Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133
9820 Merelbeke
Phone: +32 9264 7700This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Call clinic or send email
Price: 70,2 € VAT incl. for consultation (full physical examination and auscultation)
per breeder and 96 € VAT incl., full echocardiography (right- and left-sided
approach, full Doppler examination, ECG monitoring) per cat.
Anne-Christine Merveille
Quartier Vallée 2
Avenue de Cureghem 3
Sart-Tilman, 4000 Liège
Phone: +32 43664200
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: 137 € VAT incl., for additional cat of the same owner 77 € VAT incl.
Ingrid Putcuyps
Dierenartsencentrum Hond en Kat
Emiel Clauslaan 134
9800 Astene (Deinze)
Phone: 09/277 89 90
Fax: 09/277 89 80
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by phone (reception hours 8.30-12.30 and 13.30-18.00).
Price: 79 € for auscultation and full echoDoppler (right and left-sided approach). HCM + PKD checked at the same time: 105 €. Prices are 21% VAT inclusive.
Pascale Smets, Gitte Mampaey, Veronique Liekens, Iris Van Cappellen
Companion Animal Cardioteam
Small Animal Department
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133
9820 Merelbeke
Phone: +32 9264 7700This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Call clinic secretariat or send email
Price: € 70.2 VAT incl. for consultation (full physical examination and auscultation) per breeder (only 1 consultation fee if a breeder brings multiple cats) and € 96 VAT incl. for a full echocardiography (right- and left-sided approach, full Doppler examination, TDI, ECG monitoring) per cat.
Barbara Vandevelde
Referral Veterinary Practice HEELIX
Grouwesteenstraat 50
9170 Sint-Pauwels
Phone: +32 3 777 51 79
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made online, by email or by phone
Price: HCM 69€ / HCM + PKD 106€ VAT excl.
Nicole Van Israël
Animal CardioPulmonary Consultancy
Masta 11
BE-4970 Stavelot
Phone: +32-(0)80-517451
Fax: +32-(0)80-511751
Make an appointment: Phone, send fax or email clinic.
Price: Consultation (incl full clinical examination and auscultation): 117 € (per breeder), full echoDoppler (right and left-sided approach) including ECG monitoring and Doppler Tissue imaging per cat 125 € (excl VAT 21 %). So 1 breeder with 3 cats = 1 consultation fee + 3 echo fees.
Gregory Van den Noortgate
Dierenartsenpraktijk Akuut
Leuvensesteenweg 469
3070 Kortenberg
Phone: +322/751.62.60
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by phone and email via the above mentioned details on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We ask to come with two people to hold the cat during echocardiography.
Price: 294,24 euro (VAT included) for one cat, including a complete, thorough clinical examination, echocardiography in both right and left lateral recumbency and colour / spectral / tissue doppler examination with ECG monitoring. The cat's fur will always be clipped in order to optimize visualization of the heart. Only full echocardiographs will be performed. Any additional examination will be 230,05 euro (VAT included) per cat if performed during the same appointment.
Aline Verschueren
Dierenartsen Aplus
Gelmelstraat 68
2320 Hoogstraten
Phone: +32 3759727
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: 148,10 € (VAT included) for consultation (full clinical examination and auscultation) and complete echocardiography (HCM screening) with ECG monitoring.
Arine Pellegrino
Gattos-Clínica Especializada em Medicina Felina
Av. Vereador José Diniz
3165-Campo Belo-Sao Paulo-SP
Phone: +55 11 2597-1047 and +55 11 2597-1041
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: R$280 for cardiological consultation (or 280 reais) and R$220 for echocardiographic examination (or 220 reais). Prices includes special cardiologic examination, complete conventional echocardiography and blood pressure measurement. If indicated, ECG recordings is available. There are discounts for breeders, if several cats are presented.ement. If indicated, ECG recordings is available. There are discounts for breeders, if several cats are presented.
Eric de Madron
Alta Vista Animal Hospital
Internal Medicine/Cardiology/Oncology Dept.
2616 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1T 1M9
Phone: 613-731-6851
Make an appointment: Phone clinic.
Price: Regular fees are 165 CAD for the consult and 509 CAD for the echocardiogram.
Bruno Boutet
Hôpital Vétérinaire de Shediac Veterinary Hospital
495 Main St, Shediac
NB E4P 2C4
Phone: +1 506-532-8081
Make an appointment: The clinic phone number is the best way to make an appointment
Price: The price of an echocardiogram and consult is 500+tax CAD
Czech Republic
Michal Fiedler
Veterinární klinika Slaný
Alesova 1371/2
274 01 Slaný
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 606 641 875
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: 2000Kč (70€) incl. VAT, discount when more than two cats are screened by the same breeder at the same time. Price for PKD is 500Kč (18€)/cat. Owner with more than two cats get discount for PKD test.
Torkel Falk
Smådjurskliniken Din Veterinär
Ekvändan 2
252 32 Helsingborg
Phone: +46 42 20 20 00
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Torkel is working in Denmark half time. Danish breeders who want to have their cats tested can email Torkel for an appointment.
Price: 790 SEK for the first cat, 640 SEK/cat for further cats with the same owner tested at the same time. Plus one basic fee per cat owner (160 SEK).
Mette Kallesen
Dyrlægehuset Kolding,
Galgebjergvej 44,
6000 Kolding
Phone: (+45) 75 54 17 12,
Make an appointment: Appointment is made by phone (opening hours 8.00-17.00 Monday to Friday)
Price: The price is 277 euros incl tax (2078 dkr)
Peter Knold
Årslev Dyreklinik I/S
Brovej 11
5792 Årslev
Phone: +45 65991211
Make an appointment: phone clinic, 7-17 Monday to Friday, or send an email
Price: 950 Dkr per cat + 75 Dkr for sedation, if needed.
Jørgen Koch, Maiken Bach
Copenhagen University hospital for Companion Animal
Dyrlægevej 16
1870 Frederiksberg C.
Phone: +45 35332930
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, app.time 10.00-15.00
Price: Single cats 755 DKK.
Regitze Møller-Nissen
Silkeborg Dyrehospital
Brokbjergvej 6
8600 Silkeborg
Phone: +45 86827000
Make an appointment: By phone, opening hours 8.00-17.00 Monday to Friday
Price: 1328 DKr. per cat. A price reduction is made, on special days arranged by JYRAK
Per Larsen
Frederiksberg Dyreklinik
4180 Sorø
Phone: +45 57830252
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, Monday to Friday between 8.00 and 17.00.
Price: 950 dkr. each cat, 75 dkr if sedation is needed.
Stig Majlandt
Dyrehospitalet Gråsten
Sundnæs 8
6300 Graasten
Phone: +4574437000
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, phone is open from 8.00-16.30.
Price: 1190 dkr. each cat, 80 dkr if sedation is needed.
Christian Mogensen
Varde Dyrehospital
Ribevej 37
6800 Varde
Phone: +45 88444222
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, Mon-Fri 8.00-17.00, make an appointment with the nurse.
Price: 1290 dkr for first cat, 1110 dkr for second or more cats, +75 dkr if sedation needed.
Mette Rønn-Landbo
Aalborg Dyrehospital
Fredrikstadvej 10
9200 Aalborg SV
Phone: +45 98181911
Make an appointment: Phone clinic. The phone is open from 8.00-17.00 (monday: 8.00-18.00).
Price: HCM-exam pr. cat: 1360 dkr. If sedation is needed, pr. cat: 95 dkr.
Gustaf Valentiner-Branth
Bygholm Dyrehospital
Islandsvej 18
8700 Horsens
Phone: 75611444
Fax: 75616555
Make an appointment: Contact the hospital between 8-17 and make an appointment through the nurse!
Price: 1402 dkr incl moms. There is a price reduction with scanning of cats in groups.
Ulrik Westrup
Mobile Ultrasound Unit
Marienlyst Allé 26
3000 Helsingør
Make an appointment: I can be ordered to any vet clinic or animal hospital in Denmark. Appointment are made by your own vet.
Price: Depending on which clinic I'm working for. If many cat owners are coming at the same time, and one person is keeping track of the bookings, there can be a lower price pr. cat.
Nathalie Kiessling
VetGruppen Birkerød dyreklinik
Hovedgaden 25
3460 Birkerød
Make an appointment: Call to the clinic
Price: 1 cat: 700 kr, 2 cats 1200 kr, 3 cats 1800 kr
Anders Eriksson
- Evidenta Felina
Phone: +358 (0)201 750 060 - Evidensia Kamppi (former HauMau)
Phone: +358 (0)201 750 050 - Evidensia Malmi (former Apex)
Phone: +358 (0)201 750 070 - Porvoon eläinääkärisasema
Phone: +358 (0)19 5245 966/ 045 357 1223
Make an appointment: Please call clinic for an appointment.
Price: 150-185€, discounts possible for breeders with several cats.
Andrea Gladuli
Dr. Gladuli is able to perform HCM screenings at these locations:
Elainklinikka Hertta
Paasivaarankatu 5, 00810 Helsinki, Finland
029 0090988
Omaeläinklinikka Helsinki Eira
Telakkakatu 3, 00150 Helsinki, Finland
09 8567 6643 - RIIHIMÄKI
Itavet Pieneläinklinikka
Hiihtomajantie 5, 11120 Riihimäki, Finland
040 6782229
Elainklinikka Avec
Asentajantie 10, Porvoo, Finland
040 560 1150
Päijät-Hämeen Eläinlääkäriasema
Saimaankatu 18, 15140 Lahti, Finland
03 7510980
Omaeläinklinikka Turku Keskusta
Läntinen Pitkäkatu 17, 20100 Turku, Finland
02 6514 1210 - SAVONLINNA
Eläinklinikka Norppa
Kalervonkatu 1, 57200 Savonlinna, Finland
041 3191976 - OULU
Oulun Elainklinikka
Metsokankaantie 3, 90420 Oulu, Finland
08 5545850 - KIRKKONUMMI
Omaeläinklinikka Vetset
Luostarinportti 2, 02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland
09 295 9000
Make an appointment: Phone to one of the listed clinics!
Price: contact the clinic for the most recent prices
Agnieszka Patrycja Grobelna
UltraVet Eläinlääkäripalvelut: www.
- Loviisan Eläinklinikka Lovet
Seppäläntie 19
019-543115 - Ahma Eläinklinikka
Leskirouva Freytagin kuja 15 B
020-7418535 - Eläinlääkäri MinVet
Korkeavuorenkatu 2 lh.6
Kirsi Hartikainen
Keski-Suomen eläinklinikka
Kirrinrinne 3
40270 Palokka
Phone: +358 (0)29 1700 900
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, online reservations (Nettiajanvaraus, in Finnish), or for group appointments also via email.
Price: 237 € for the first cat, 227 € (202 €) for additional cats (depending on number of cats) from the same owner during the same appointment. Members of Kes-Kis, enquire your special price from Kes-Kis or the clinic.
Anu Kaistinen
Siepontie 30
40950 Muurame
Phone: +358 (0)40 5589 343
Make an appointment: through the website (there is an appointment page)
Price: 200 € for the first cat, discount for subsequent cats of same owner tested at the same time.
Taru Kangasniemi
Eläinklinikka Livet Oy
Sinomäentie 6
02630 Espoo
Phone: +35 (0)9 3489100
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 183 € for first cat, 169 € for subsequent cats of same owner.
Inka Laaksonen
CatVet catclinic
Huopalahdentie 24 A
00350 Helsinki
Phone: +358 (0)10 423 6888
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 223 € (incl blood pressure measurement)
Kirsi Mäkimattila
Eläintohtori Kivuton
Reijolantie 1
80330 Reijola
Phone: + 358 13 223 262
Make an appointment: phone or e-mail the clinic or make an online booking from the website
Price: 308 euro
Outi Niemelä
Vet Clinic Kamu
Kansankatu 48
90100 Oulu
Phone: +358 (0)20 1213900
Make an appointment: Phone clinic.
Price: 190.84 € for first cat, 177.84 € for the following cats of the same owner/breeder
Anne Siljamäki/Eeva-Liisa Lindqvist
Veterinary Clinic Hakametsän Eläinlääkäripalvelu
Sammon Valtatie 7
33530 Tampere
Phone: +358 (0)331 436 600
Make an appointment: Phone the clinic or do online-booking
Price: 182.30 € for the first cat, 167.80 € for the following cats of the same owner/breeder
Elisa Välimäi
- Evidensia Vettori
Purokatu 3
21200 Raisio
Phone: +358 (0)20-1800770
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 181.34 € first cat, 167.34 € following cats of the same owner
- Evidensia Tammisto
Tammiston Kauppatie 29
01510 Vantaa
Phone: +358 (0)20-1800730
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 183.34 €
Satu Rajala
Vasa area
Phone: +328 (0)400 420 292
Make an appointment: Phone or send an email
Price: 183 €, discounts possible for breeders with several cats
Lotta Väyrynen
Aitomäentie 998
45100 Kouvola
Phone: +358 40 595 7823
Make an appointment: phone clinic or make an online booking from the website
Price: 289 euro
Eric Bomassi
Clinique Vétérinaire Olliolis
40 Chemin du Clos du Haut,
F-83190 Ollioules
Phone: +33 (0) 4 94 22 03 23
Make an appointment: Phone, fax or email clinic
Price: 120 € including taxes
Sabine Bozon
Clinique Vétérinaire HOPIA
14 & 15 boulevard des Chênes
Phone: 00 33 139531717
Make an appointment: Phone or send email addressed to Dr Sabine Bozon
Price: The total cost is around 380 € (full assessment) - discount of 15% for breeders
Isabelle Bublot, Marine Roche Catholy
Only Vet
7 rue Jean Zay
69800 Saint-Priest
Phone: +33 4 81 09 18 40
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 134 euros per echo (full echo), 114 euros for two additional cats (maximum of 3 cats per visit), VTA included. No charge for consultation. Sedation if needed not included.
Valérie Chetboul, Emilie Trehiou-Sechi, Camille Poissonnier
Unité de Cardiologie d'Alfort
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire d'Alfort
7, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94704 Maisons-Alfort cedex
Phone: +33 143967373 or +33 143967100
Make an appointment: Call one of the phone numbers above.
Price: Prices are based on the official Alfort University price list. Includes general clinical examination, auscultation, complete conventional echocardiography and Doppler examination (on Vivid 7, Vivid E9, and Vivid E95 systems, General Electrics) with concomitant ECG, if possible), Tissue Doppler examinations (TDI) and Speckle Tracking Imaging if needed, and detailed report of the results.
Price: 180 € (conventional echocardiography and Doppler) and 230 € (conventional echocardiography and Doppler + TDI + Speckle Tracking Imaging).
Pierre Foulex
- Clinique Vétérinaire VETOPTION
190 rue Claude Nicolas Ledoux
13 090 Aix-en-Provence
Phone : +33 484846090This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 109 € for the first cat, then 66 € for each additional cat (including consultation and
complete echo-Doppler examination: 2D, M-Mode, conventional and tissue Doppler). - Clinique Vétérinaire du Dr Bismuth
24 Avenue Jean Baptiste Clément
92 100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Phone : +33 146894949This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic and ask to speak with Maëlle
Price: 240 € including consultation and complete echo-Doppler examination (2D, M-
Mode, conventional and tissue Doppler).
Yvan Gamet
Clinique Vétérinaire ProvenceVet
275 rue Jean Dausset
84140 Avignon-Montfavet
Phone:+33 (0)490885667
Make an appointment: Phone or email clinic
Price: 100 € for the consultation (on/breeder) and 80 € for cardiac ultrasound (one/cat).
Vassiliki Gouni
ADVETIA Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire
9 av Louis Breguet
78140 Vélizy Villacoublay
+33 (0) 1 75 45 91 09
Make an appointment: Call the clinic, phone number above.
Price: 260€, a 15% discount is applied for breeders who come with 3 or more cats. If tissue Doppler is performed 63 euros should be added to the echocardiography price. Screening includes complete echocardiography (2-dimensional, M-mode, and conventional Doppler). No additional charge for the consultation.
Gérard Le Bobinnec
- 24 Avenue du Bourgailh
33600 Pessac
Aussi, une fois par mois chez :
c/o Dr Kupfer
17 Bd des Filles du Calvaire
75003 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)5 56 36 29 15 or +33 (0)1 48 04 99 40 (Paris)
Make an appointment: Phone clinics
Price: 90 €. (HCM + PKD : 120 €) - Mobile service
In west, near Nantes, but also southwest, near Bordeaux
Make an appointment:
Pierre Menaut
Clinique Vétérinaire AQUIVET
19, Avenue de la Forêt
33320 Eysines
Phone +33 (0)5 56950101
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: HCM screening (2D and MMode echo, right parasternal approach): 77 €. Full echo exam including 2D, M Mode, Advanced Doppler (diastolic function) and Tissue Doppler: 159 €. HCM and PKD screening: 120 €. No consultation charge.
Audrey Nicolle
Clinique vétérinaire Occitanie
185, Avenue des Etats-Unis
Make an appointment: sécrétariat (Catherine Signarbieux) : prise de RV en itinérant et à la clinique Occitanie Phone: +33685080557
1er examen
echocardiographie : 95
echo + mesure tension artérielle : 115
2e examen
echocardiographie : 71
echo + mesure tension artérielle : 90
A partir de 3e
echocardiographie : 48
echo + mesure tension artérielle : 60
Camille Poissonnier (also working at Unité de Cardiologie d'Alfort, see above)
- Clinique Vétérinaire Touraine Vet
12 rue des Internautes
37210 Rochecorbon
Phone: +33246990890This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Includes a physical examination with cardiac auscultation, echocardiography (bidimensional, M-mode and Doppler) with concomitant ECG if needed. One cat: 120 €, 2 cats: 110 €/cat, 3 cats or more: 100 €. - VPlus Saint Germain en Laye
80 rue Pereire
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Phone: +33134513133This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Includes a physical examination with cardiac auscultation, echocardiography (bidimensional, M-mode and Doppler) with concomitant ECG if needed. One cat: 130 €, 2 cats: 115 €/cat, 3 cats or more: 100 €.
Thibault Ribas
Clinique vétérinaire Azurvet
2 boulevard Kennedy
06800 Cagnes-Sur-Mer
Phone : +33497100710
Fax: +33497100711
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 100€ for the first cat, 60€ for following cats. Complete echocardiogram (2D, MMode, Color Doppler, Spectral Doppler, Tissue Doppler), no additional charges for the consultation (physical examination)
François Serres
Oncovet center
Avenue Paul Langevin
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: 03 20 34 41 34
Fax: 03 20 34 41 33
167€ for first examination of cats for screening
106€ for consecutive examinations of cats for screening from the same breeder.
Emilie Trehiou-Sechi
- Unité de Cardiologie d'Alfort
See contacts info and price above
- Bordeaux and Gironde
Phone: +33 678723203< br />This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Call or send email
Price: 120 €
Peggy Passavin
Peggy works at different locations:
Clinique Vétérinaire Boulogne Roland Garros
24 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
92100 Boulogne
Phone: +33 1 46 89 49 49This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Includes a physical examination with cardiac auscultation, echocardiography
(bidimensional, M-mode and Doppler) with concomitant ECG if needed. 270€/cat -
VPlus Saint Germain en Laye
80 rue Pereire
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Phone: +33 134513133This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Includes a physical examination with cardiac auscultation, echocardiography
(bidimensional, M-mode and Doppler) with concomitant ECG if needed. Decreasing
price if 2 cats or more -
VPlus Saint André de Cubzac
25 Chem. de la Bellegrappe,
33240 Saint-André-de-Cubzac
Phone: +33 5 57 43 10 06This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Includes a physical examination with cardiac auscultation, echocardiography
(bidimensional, M-mode and Doppler) with concomitant ECG if needed : 200€/cat. -
Clinique Vétérinaire Véto-Sud
Immeuble bio espace François
Phone: +596 596544509This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: send email
Price: Includes a physical examination with cardiac auscultation, echocardiography
(bidimensional, M-mode and Doppler) with concomitant ECG if needed : 172€/cat.
Ricardo Abrantes
RA Kardiologie, mobile Kardiologie für Kleintiere
Untersuchungen im Rhein-Main-Gebiet
Make an appointment: Email clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official german veterinary list (GOT).
Katrin Birka
Kleintierklinik der Universität Leipzig
An den Tierkliniken 23
D-04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)341 97 38 711
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 38 799
Make an appointment: Phone, fax, or email clinic
Price: 120-130 € including taxes. Prices based on official GOT and include physical examination, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG and a detailed report of the findings. If indicated, arterial blood pressure measurement, x-rays and separate ECG recordings are available.
Dr. Michael Deinert
AniCura Fachtierarztpraxis Am Sandpfad Wiesloch
Ludwig-Wagner-Str. 31
69168 Wiesloch
Phone: 06222 3892-0
Fax: 06222 3892-22
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or email
Price: The price is based on the German GOT
Ulrike Depken
mobile Kleintierpraxis für Kardiologie und Ultraschalldiagnostik
Kleintierpraxis am Sandkamp
Artillerieweg 4
26129 Oldenburg
Phone: +49(0)176-61657057
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic
Price: The price is based on the new German GOT (Nov 2022) and is negotiable, if several cats are presented.
Jenny Eberhard
Tierklinik Elversberg
Hüttenstraße 20
66583 Elversberg
Phone: +49 6821/17 94 94
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic. Online booking using "petleo" might be another option in the future.
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include special cardiologic examination, echocardiography and Doppler examination and certifying the results. (270-290 € incl. Tax). If indicated arterial blood pressure measurement, x-ray and separate ECG recordings are available (not included in the price).
Götz Eichhorn/Martin Wehner
Katzenklinik Frankfurt
Juliusstr. 12
60487 Frankfurt
Phone: 069 97098765
Fax: 069 97074955
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG, certifying the results and if indicated, there is the possibility for blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings. (120 € incl. Tax). There are discounts for breeders, if several cats are presented.
Isabelle Finkenstädt
FlexSono – mobile ultrasound service in the region of Düsseldorf
Kleintier Sonographie Finkenstädt
Phone: +49-162-2386576
Make an appointment: Send an email to clinic or phone the clinic. Clinics she visits are listed on
Price: The price is based on the German GOT (Nov 2022) and is negotiable, if several cats are presented. The screening includes a special cardiologic examination, echo with high resolution probe up to 12 MHz and Doppler examination including tissue doppler with simultaneous ECG recording and written report. If indicated x-ray, arterial blood pressure measurement, and six-lead ECG recordings are available.
Esther Grußendorf
Tiergesundheitszentrum Grußendorf
Wiechmanns Eck 1
D-49565 Bramsche
Phone: 05461/94100
Fax: 05461/941011
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG, certifying the results and if indicated, there is the possibility for arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings. (100 to 130 € incl. Tax).
Alexander Hüttig
Hüttig & Kollegen
Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 9
72793 Pfullingen
Tel. +49 7121 1451350
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Phone clinic
Robert Höpfner
Wittestraße 30 Haus P
D-13509 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 43 66 22 00
Fax: +49 (0)30 43 66 22 02
Make an appointment: Contact clinic through phone, fax, website, email.
Price: 120-130 € including taxes. Prices based on official GOT and include special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation), echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG, certifying the results and if indicated, arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings.
Angelika Hörauf
Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Internal medicine)
Dr. Hörauf & Dr. Münster
Hatzfeldstr. 6
D-51069 Köln
Phone: 0221/634429
Fax: 0221/6320426
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, Mon - Fri 9.00 - 13.00 and 15.00 - 18.00 (except Wed. afternoon).
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include general clinical examination, auscultation, complete conventional echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG. If indicated x-ray, arterial blood pressure measurement, and separate ECG recordings are available.
Dr. Martin Janthur
Tierärztliche Fachklinik für Kleintiere Dr. Heider & Dr. Janthur
Hasenäcker 8
D-88142 Wasserburg (Bodensee)
Phone: 08382-98 99 0
Fax: 08382-98 99 60
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG, certifying the results and if indicated, there is the possibility for blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings. (100 to 130 € incl. Tax). There are discounts for breeders, if several cats are presented.
Petra Kattinger
Kleintierpraxis am Uhlenhorst
Uhlenhorst 8
14532 Kleinmachnow
Phone: +49 (0)33203/70884
Fax: +49 (0)33203/70885
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination, echocardiography and doppler examination ans certifying the results. If indicated aterial blood pressure measurement, x-ray and separate ECG recordings are available. (120-130 € incl. Tax).
Lisa Keller/Markus Killich
Tierklinik Haar
Keferloher Straße 25
D-85540 Haar
Phone: +49-89-46148510
Make an appointment: Phone clinic.
Price: 146 € before taxes (19%).
Andreas Kirsch
Tiergesundheitszentrum Obere Hard
Fachtierarzt für Innere Medizin - Kardiologie
Fachtierarzt für Klein- und Heimtiere
Oberer Hardweg 16
75181 Pforzheim/Huchenfeld
Phone: +49-07231-21096
Fax: +49-07231-22520
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: The price in our center is about 120 - 140EUR per echo. This price is based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT). Heart screening examinations are based on auscultation, echo with high resolution probe and echo-Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG recorded. If indicated, arterial blood pressure measurements and separate ECG recordings are performed in individual patients. Owners receive a detailed written report immediately after the examination. Bloodsamples for DNA-testing can be sent to a special lab. There are discounts for breeders, if they have more then one cat.
Lena Klüser
Kleintierklinik Ettlingen
Hertzstr. 25
76275 Ettlingen
Phone: +49 (0)7243 77977
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT)
Jan-Gerd Kresken
Tierklinik Kaiserberg. Small animal hospital
Wintgensstrasse 81-83
D-47058 Duisburg
Phone +49 (0)203-305370
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: The price is based on the new German GOT (2022) and is negotiable, if several cats are presented.
Ulf Krohn
Die Hamburger Tierärzte
Erlenkamp 1
22087 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 220 23 31
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: Price are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include special cardiology examination (general clinic examination, auscultation, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG), certifying the results and echocardiography, video documentation, digital recording and storage of the digital images. If indicated, there is the possibility for blood pressure measurement, x ray and separate ECG recordings. 140-150 €.
André Mischke
Tierärztliche Gemeinschaftspraxis Harsefeld
Weizenfelder Strasse 8
21698 Harsefeld
Phone: (04164)-88 88 00
Fax: (04164)-88 88 0 10
Make an appointment: Phone, fax or, email clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG, certifying the results and if indicated, there is the possibility for arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings. (100 to 130 € incl. Tax). There are discounts for breeders, if they have more then one cat.
Imke März
Tierklinik Hofheim
Im Langgewann 9
65719 Hofheim
Phone: 06192-290290
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: ?
Tanja Niederhagen
Mobile Kardiologische Tierarztpraxis
Hindenburgstr. 152
42117 Wuppertal
Phone: +49(0)173-3076 777
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic
Price: The Price includes special cardiologic examination, complete echo (incl. doppler and monitor ECG) and the form. It is based on GOT.
Tanja Niggemeyer
Mobile Kleintiersonografie für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Am Anger 22
18198 Kritzmow
Phone: +49 (0)176 48630474
Make an appointment: Phone or email clinic
Price: 115 € based on the official GOT The screening includes a special cardiologic examination, echo with high resolution probe up to 12 MHz and Doppler examination including tissue doppler with simultaneous ECG recording and written report.
Johanna Pauls
Kleintierpraxis für Kardiologie und Ultraschalldiagnostik
Rykestrasse 35
10405 Berlin
Tel: 0049 3023900061
e mail: kontakt@kleintier-sonographie.
Make an appointment: Phone or email clinic
Price: based on the official GOT
Anna-Lena Pfäffle
Praxis für Kleintierkardiologie & Ultraschalldiagnostik
Untersuchungen in Heilbronn und Umgebung
Phone: +49(0)170-1011300
Make an appointment: Phone clinic (answering machine) or send email
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include general clinical examination, auscultation, complete conventional echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG. If indicated x-ray, arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings are available.
Anja Reczko
Fachtierarztpraxis Reczko
Im Gewerbepark 36, 15711 Königs Wusterhausen
Phone: +49(0)3375-9177655
Make an appointment: Phone or email
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG), certifying the results and echocardiography, video documentation, digital recording and storage of the digital images. If indicated, there is the possibility for arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings. 120-130€
Nicole Sameluck
Praxis für Kleintier-Kardiologie
Krähenweg 5
22459 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40 - 552 60 814
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: The Price includes special cardiologic examination, complete echo (incl. doppler and monitor ECG) and the form. It is based on GOT.
Sonja Schiller-Gaab
Mobile Kleintier-Kardiologie
Schulweg 16
82392 Habach
Phone: +49 178 787 21 68
Make an appointment: Phone or email
Price: The price is based on the new German GOT (2022) and is negotiable, if several cats are presented.
Christel Schinner-Peters
Mobile Konsultationspraxis für Kleintierkardiologie
Mobile referral service for small animal cardiology
Regional service in different clinics near Bayreuth and Weiden
Make an appointment: Phone clinic. For viewing contact data of my partner clinics use the following link:
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) of 2022 including clinical and cardiovascular examination, complete conventional echocardiography, Doppler examination and detailed reporting.
Susanne Schlieter
Praxis für Kardiologie und Ultraschalldiagnostik
Schochenwinkel 27
D-79353 Bahlingen am Kaiserstuhl
Phone: +49-175 52 888 98
Fax: +49-76639-148 551
Make an appointment: Phone, fax or send email.
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and doppler examination with simoultaneous ECG), certifying the results and echocardiography, video documentation, digital recording and storage of the digital images. If indicated, there is the possibility for arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings.
Ingo Schneider
Bahnhofstr. 19
D-61130 Nidderau-Heldenbergen
Phone: +49(0)6187-292 112
Make an appointment: Phone clinic, appointments can be made by calling this number in the times: Mon - Fri 9.00 - 12.00 and 15.30 - 18.30 (except Wed. afternoon), Sat 8.30 - 10.30
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT).
Jessica Schöbel
Kleintierzentrum am Schmelzbach
Am Schmelzbach 41A
08112 Wilkau-Haßlau
Phone: +49 375/671260
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email. Online booking using "petleo" is another option.
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include special cardiologic examination, echocardiography and Doppler examination and certifying the results. If indicated arterial blood pressure measurement (HDO), x-ray and separate ECG recordings are available.
Reinhard Schramm
Untersuchernummer Collegium Cardiologicum: 26
Tierärztliche Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. Schramm und Dr. Eisele GmbH
Kastanienweg 19
D-91058 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131-65041
Fax: +49 9131-63616
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send E-Mail. After confirmation of the appointment: Online registration with „Petleo“.
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) from 2022 and include reading transponder, special cardiologic examination, echocardiography and Doppler examination and certifying the results. If indicated arterial blood pressure measurement (Doppler), x-ray and separate ECG recordings are available.
Sonja Sinzinger
Anicura Stuttgart GmbH
Herrmann Fein Str. 15
D - 70599 - Stuttgart
Phone: 0049 711 637380
Make appointment: phone or e-mail the clinic
Prices: Prices are based on the German Veterinary price list (GOT) an include special cardiologic examination ( general examination, auscultation, echocardiography and doppler examination with simultanious ECG), certifying the results and storage of digital images and loops. If indicated, there is the possibility for blood pressure measurement, x-ray and seperate 6-lead ECG recording and Holter ECG.
Marianne Skrodzki
Manfred-von-Richthofen-Str. 40
D-12101 Berlin-Tempelhof
Phone: +49 (0)30-80908604
Fax: +49 (0)30-80909618
Make an appointment: Phone or fax clinic
Price: around 140 € incl. taxes, based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT). Including special cardiologic examination, echocardiography and doppler examination. If indicated arterial blood pressure measurement, separate ECG and/or x-ray.
Guy Tater
Tierklinik Stommel
Nettegasse 122
50259 Pulheim
Phone: +49 (0)2238 34 35
Fax: +49 (0)2238 13 66 4
Make an appointment: Phone, fax or email to make an appointment.
Price: 182,42 € for owner/breeder.
Ralf Tobias
Mainzer Strasse 5
30173 Hannover
Phone: +49 (0)511-830608
Make an appointment: Phone the clinic.
Price: 154 € incl tax, including examination, Echo incl. Doppler echo and the form.
Antje Trogisch-Hause
Fachtierarztpraxis für Kardiologie und Ultraschalldiagnostik
Hauptstraße 21
99734 Nordhausen/Thüringen
Phone: +49(0)152/28833775
Make an appointment: Phone or email
Price: 120-145€ incl. Tax (based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT)). Heart screening examinations are based on auscultation, echo with high resolution probe up to 12 Mhz and echo-Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG recorded. If indicated, arterial blood pressure measurements and separate ECG recordings are performed in individual patients.
Andrea Vollmar/Claudia Vollmar
Tierärztliche Klinik für Kleintiere
Heisterstraße 5
57537 Wissen
Phone: 02742 2472
Sankt Augustiner Str. 74
53225 Bonn
Phone: 0228 422 44 03
Make an appointment: Phone clinics
Price: The price in our centers is based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT). Heart screening examinations are based on auscultation, echo and echo-Doppler examination with simultaneous ECG recorded. If indicated, arterial blood pressure measurements and separate ECG recordings are performed in individual patients. Owners receive a detailed written report immediately after the examination. Bloodsamples for DNA-testing can be send to a special lab.
Ralph T. Wendt
Kleintierärztliche Überweisungspraxis am Kirschenwäldchen
Kardiologie, Ultraschalldiagnostik
Kirschenwäldchen 12
D-35578 Wetzlar
Phone: +49(0)6441 211830
Make an appointment: Phone: +49-89-21802650 ask for a cardiology appointment.
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT)
Gerhard Wess
Leiter Abteilung für Kardiologie
Medizinische Kleintierklinik der Universität München
Veterinärstr. 13
D-80539 München
Phone: (089)-2180-2650 (Anmeldung)
Fax: (089)-2180-6240
Make an appointment: Phone clinic and ask for a cardiology appointment.
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and include general clinical examination, auscultation, complete conventional echocardiography and Doppler examination (with ECG), arterial blood pressure measurement, Tissue Doppler examination and detailed report of the results There are discounts for breeders, if they have more then one cat. Additionally we have studies too, where we can offer special rates in case we need additional cats for those studies.
Nicola Wiedemann
Kleintierspezialisten Augsburg Überweisungszentrum
Max-Josef-Metzger Str. 9
86157 Augsburg
Phone: +49-821-455900-0
Fax: +49-821-455900-17
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Prices are based on the official German Veterinary price list (GOT) and includes special cardiologic examination (general clinical examination, auscultation, echocardiography and doppler examination with simoultaneous ECG), certifying the results and echocardiography, video documentation, digital recording and storage of the digital images. If indicated, there is the possibility for arterial blood pressure measurement and separate ECG recordings.
Hong Kong
Peter Holler/Julia Simak-Böhm
Animal Medical Academy Hospital (AMAH)
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center
100 Granville Road
Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: +852 3899 8999
Make an appointment: Call clinic and ask for a cardiology appointment.
Price: Clients should call the clinic to determine the most current prices.
Claudio Bussadori
Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso
Via Donatello 26
20131 Milano
Phone: +39 02 2663095 or +39 02 2665928
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: 60 €.
Cristina Carnabuci
Centro Veterinario Gianicolense
Via Lorenzo Valla 25
00152 Roma
Phone: +39 3332995337
Make an appointment: Cristina work in various clinics, phone to make an appointment
Price: 60 €
David Chiavegato
Clinica Veterinaria Arcella
Via N. Pizzolo, 16
35100 Padova
Phone: +39 049 600002
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 80 € (including TAX).
Marta Claretti
Policlinico Veterinario Roma Sud- Anicura
Via Pilade Mazza, 24
00173 Roma
Phone: +39-067236171
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send an email
Price: 134€
Serena Crosara
Department of Animal Pathology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Via L. da Vinci 44
10095 Grugliaco (Torino)
Phone: +39-011-6709157 or -58
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 93 €.
Oriol Domenech
Istituto Veterinario di Novara
Strada Provinciale 9
28060 Granozzo con Monticello (NO)
Phone: +39 0321 46 001
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 80 €.
Roberto A. Santilli
Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa
Viale Marconi, 27
21017 - Samarate - Varese
Phone: +39-0331-228155 ext 3
Fax: +39-0331-220255
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 80 € + IVA 20 %.
Giovanni Romito
Department of Veterinary Medical Science - University of Bologna
Via Tolara di Sopra, 50
40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia (Bologna)
Phone: (+39) + 39 051 2097546
Make an appointment: Call the clinic or send an email
Price: 120 € for first examination, then 60 € for subsequent controls/screenings of the same cat - the cost includes cardiovascular examination (general clinical examination, auscultation and non-invasive assessment of blood pressure) and complete transthoracic echocardiography (including M-Mode, 2-D, Doppler and Tissue Doppler examination, with simultaneous ECG and detailed report of the results).
Discount for breeders presenting more than one cat at the same time is available - in such a case, the cost for the examination of each additional cat is 60 €
The Netherlands
Niek Beijerink
Mobile service, or operating from:
Veterinaire Specialisten
Reutsedijk 8a
5264 PC, Vught
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 6 3940 4171
Make an appointment: Phone or email
Price: Prices include general clinical examination, auscultation, complete conventional echocardiography, Doppler examination (with ECG), arterial blood pressure measurement (if indicated), Tissue Doppler examination and detailed report of the results.
Home visits: 110€ for HCM testing and 130€ for HCM/PKD testing. Additional charges for travel time might apply.
Examination at the clinic in Vught: 156€ for HCM testing and 196€ for HCM/PKD testing.
Rob Gerritsen
Dierenarts-specialisten De Kompaan
Van Reeuwijkstraat 34
7731 EH Ommen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)529-452580
Make an appointment: Phone or email the clinic
Price: HCM 196 € first cat, 186 € second/third cat same owner, HCM + PKD 210 € first cat, 194 €
second cat same owner. Slight sedation is included in the price. Breeders may opt for simultaneous
testing for Felv/Fiv (103 €) and/or blood samples to be sent to an external lab of their choice for
DNA-testing. (price level 2024)
Natascha de Heer
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
Diergeneeskundig Centrum Noord Nederland
Espelerlaan 77
8302 DC Emmeloord
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-527-613500
Make an appointment: Phone to the clinic. Please, indicate when making the appointment that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.
Price: HCM 107.27 €, HCM + PKD (in one session) 147.78 €. (CIN-examination can be added in the PKD-screening)
Marjolein den Toom
Evidensia Dierenziekenhuis Nieuwegein
Nijverheidsweg 1b
3433 NP, Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)30-2027070
Make an appointment: Phone or send email to clinic. Please, indicate when making the appointment that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.
HCM screening including physical examination, echocardiography accompanied by ECG and VAT:
- HCM screening one/first cat: €170,72
- HCM screening following cat: €147,93
- HCM & PKD screening one/first cat: €193,51
- HCM & PKD screening following cat: €170,72
Remco Jonker
Performs HCM screening at two locations:
- Diergeneeskundig Centrum Hopmans - Anicura, Vlasveen 9, 9301PS Roden (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
Phone: +31 (0)50 501 55 00 - Dierenziekenhuis Groningen. Vechtstraat 74, 9725CW Groningen. (Tuesday)
Phone: +31 (0)50 526 32 55
Phone: +31 (0)6 55 74 08 55
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: HCM 173.15 €, HCM + PKD 189.05 €.
Monique Lecluijze
Het Dierenechocentrum
Baroniestraat 16
6247 EG Rijckholt (Gronsveld)
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-43-8523447
Make an appointment: Phone to the clinic
Price: HCM screening per cat = 140 euro. HCM+PKD screening per cat = 150 euro. Price includes taxes (VAT) and consultation.
Marion van den Bosch
Dierenkliniek Breda
Van de Reijtstraat 21
4814 NE Breda
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)765600666
Make an appointment: Phone to the clinic or use the booking form on the website
Price: HCM screening including physical examination & echocardiography: 149.95€ incl. VAT. HCM and PKD screening (in one session): 189.50€ incl. VAT
Hanneke van Meeuwen
Works from different locations:
- AniCura Dierenkliniek Eersel
Wolverstraat 21
5525 AR Duizel
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-497-5180000
www.anicura.nlThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone or mail to the clinic
Price: 165.92 € incl. VAT., HCM+PKD: 210.73 € incl. VAT. Discount when more cats come from the same owner. - AniCura Diergeneeskundig Verwijscentrum Dordrecht
Jan Valsterweg 26
3315 LG Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-85-483 13 00
www.anicura.nlThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone or mail to the clinic
Price: 211.58 € incl. VAT., HCM+PKD: 236.73 € incl. VAT. - AniCura De Tweede Lijn Zwolle
Meenteweg 24 a
8041 AV Zwolle
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-38-3035333
www.anicura.nlThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone or mail to the clinic
Price: 160.94 € incl. VAT., HCM+PKD: 195.00 € incl. VAT.
Viktor Szatmári / Giorgia Santarelli / Alma Hulsman
Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Universiteitskliniek voor Gezelschapsdieren
Diergeneeskundig Centrum Noord Nederland
Yalelaan 108 (De Uithof)
3584 CM Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)30-2539411
Make an appointment: Phone or send email to clinic. Please, indicate when making the appointment that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.
Price: HCM screening including physical examination and echocardiography (2D, M-mode, Color-flow Doppler, spectral Doppler and Tissue Doppler) with simultaneous ECG performed by an EBVS-certified cardiology specialist: 161,55 € incl. VAT.
Ines Schellhoff
Dierenecho Flex
Mobile ultrasound service in the region of Zandvoort-Haarlem-Kennemerland-Alkmaar-Amsterdam
The Netherlands
The list of clinics that she visits:
- Zandvoort (Dierenkliniek Zandvoort, Dierendokters Zandvoort)
- Haarlem (Dierenkliniek Marnixstraat)
- Kennemerland (AniCura Kennemerland)
- Beverwijk (AniCura Beverwijk)
- Castricum (Dierenkliniek Castricum)
- Alkmaar (Dierenkliniek Middenwaard, Dierenkliniek Oudorp)
- Zaandam + Assendelft (Plus Dierenklinieken)
- Amsterdam (Dierenkliniek Vondelpark)
Make an appointment: email to Dierenecho Flex or phone the clinics
Home visits: 110€ for HCM testing and 130€ for HCM/PKD testing. Additional charges for travel time might apply. Prices include general clinical examination, auscultation, complete echocardiography examination with doppler examination (with ECG) and detailed report of the results
Examination in the clinics: Prices in the clinics may depend on the clinic charges and will vary between 145-175€ for HCM and 175-220€ for HCM/PKD testing. Please, indicate when making the appointment that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.
Melinda Schmidt
Making HCM and PKD tests on several locations:
- Dierenkliniek Wilhelminalinde, Utrechtseweg 141, 6871 DS Renkum. (Thursday)
Phone: +31 (0)317 319032 - Veterinair Specialistisch Centrum De Wagenrenk, Keijenbergseweg 18, Wageningen. (Wednesday and Friday)
Phone: +31 (0)317 419120 - Veterinaire Specialisten Oisterwijk, Boxtelsebaan 6, Oisterwijk. (Tuesday)
Phone: +31 (0)13 5285900
Make an appointment: NOTE! People who want to use the form for the health programme, need to indicate that, when they make the appointment. Phone to one of the clinics listed above!
Price: Prices vary a little, depending on which clinic you visit. A guideline though is: 78.50 to 95.00 € for HCM test, 116 to 155 € for HCM and PKD test performed at the same time.
Mariëtte Vink-Nooteboom
Veterinair Specialistisch Centrum De Wagenrenk
Keijenbergseweg 18
6705 BN Wageningen
The Netherlands
phone +31 (0)317 419 120
Make an appointment: Phone clinic on every weekday between 09:00 and 17:00. Appointments are scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Price: guideline since 2020: HCM €111.40, HCM/PKD €156.60.
Anne van de Watering
She works from two locations:
- Dierenkliniek Bossenbuurt
Belvédèrebos 1C
2715 VA Zoetermeer
Phone: +31(0)79-3605470
Make an appointment: Phone the clinic or use the booking form on the website. Please, indicate when making the appointment that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.
Price: HCM screening: 138.25 € incl. VAT.
- Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Universiteitskliniek voor Gezelschapsdieren
Diergeneeskundig Centrum Noord Nederland
Yalelaan 108 (De Uithof)
3584 CM Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)30-2539411 email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone or send email to the clinic. Please, indicate when making the appointment that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.
Price: HCM screening: 138.25 € incl. VAT.
New Zealand
Richard Lucy
McMaster and Heap Veterinary Practice
12 Coppell Place
New Zealand
Phone: (03) 338 25 34
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: $225 NZD per cat
Inge Vogt Engeland
AniCura Dyreklinikken Telemark
Brennavn. 8
3810 Gvarv
Phone: +47 35 95 62 62
Make an appointment: Email or phone the clinic
Price: 2000 NOK for the first cat and 1500 NOK for additional cat tested by the same owner during the same day.
Per Jørgen Engum
Anicura Stjørdal dyreklinikk
Stokmovegen 14
7500 Stjørdal
Phone: +47 74 84 00 90
Make an appointment: Email or phone the clinic
Price: 1698 NOK for the first cat, 1331 NOK/cat for further cats with the same owner tested at the same time. Sedation not included in the price (if needed).
Vivi Hjelseth
Dyreklinikken Bergen Vest
Lyderhornsveien 295
5171 Loddefjord
Phone: +47 55515900
Make an appointment: Phone the clinic, or make an appointment on the website
Price: 1350 NOK for the first cat, 1100 NOK for further cats tested by the same owner the same day.
Ingunn Holm
Fredrikstad Dyrehospital
Wilbergjordet 2
1605 Fredrikstad
Phone: +47 69304830
Make an appointment: Call clinic
Price: 2250 NOK for the first cat, 1850 NOK for further cats tested by the same owner at the same time.
Ann Kristin Solvang
AniCura Jeløy Dyresykehus
Varnaveien 43d
1526 Moss
Phone: +47 69 91 10 90
Make an appointment: Email or phone the clinic
Price: 2078 NOK for the first cat, 1761 NOK for further cats tested by the same owner at the same time.
Katarina Storli
Evidensia Oslo Dyresykehus
Ensjøveien 14
0655 Oslo
Phone: +47 22683500
Evidensia Lørenskog Dyreklinikk
Solheimvn 56
1473 Lørenskog
Phone: +47 67916991
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: call the clinic or look at the website for up to date prices
Ine Sund
AniCura Byåsen Dyrehospital
Byåsveien 120
7020 Trondheim
Phone: +4773841480
Make an appointment: Clients can make appointments by phone or by email
Price: The price is 2284NOK
Liva Ihle Vatne
Empet Nydalen Dyresykehus
Rolf Wickstrøms vei 15
0484 Oslo
Phone: +47 40 00 81 99
Make an appointment: Phone or email.
Price: 2300 NOK for the first cat, 1900 NOK for each additional cat tested at the same day.
Liva is also at the Norwegian Veterinary School, NMBU, every Wednesday.
Thomas Øyo
Minde Dyreklinikk
Kanalveien/Svaneviksveien 54
5068 Bergen
Phone: 777 12 777
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 2150 NOK for the first cat, 1950 NOK for additional cat or for retesting cat.
Rafal Niziolek
VETCARDIA - Cardiorespiratory Refferal Clinic
Ul.Kijowska 11
03-743 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 415 55 60
Make an appointment: Phone clinic (clinic open every weekdays 10 am to 8 pm, weekends closed). Certificate examinations possible on Wednesdays and Fridays (10 am to 8 pm).
Price: 350 zl (ca 80 €) incl VAT. There is price reduction if more than three cats of one breeder. Sedation not included in the price (if needed).
- Animal Center Veterinary Clinic
ul. Zamiany 12
02-786 Warsaw
Phone: +48224141812This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by phone or online on their website. She works here every
Thursday 16.00-20.00.
Price: Price for breading examination it’s 300 zł (65€).
- Canfelis Veterinary Clinic
ul. Berensona 4E
03-287 Warsaw
Phone: +48 607453536This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by phone. She works here every Friday 10.00-14.00.
Price: Price for breading examination it’s 300 zł (65€).
- VETCARDIA - Cardiorespiratory Refferal Clinic
Ul.Kijowska 11
03-743 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 415 55 60This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by phone. She works here at these days and times:
Monday 10.00-20.00
Tuesday 10.00-15.00
Thursday 10.00-15.00
Price: Price for breading examination it’s 300 zł (65€).
Lisbon Vet. Specialists
Make an appointment: new clinic, will open from October 2022
Price: Discounted price of the examination for breeders will be 100 Euro. There is no discount for multiple cats.
Iuliu Scurtu
Cardiology Service
Small Animal Department
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
Calea Manastur 3-5, 400372
Phone: +40744.971.545
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made online, by email or by phone
Price: 450 ron (90 euro) VAT incl. (full clinical examination, full echoDoppler: right and left-sided approach) including ECG monitoring. The cat's fur will always be clipped for a better visualization of the heart. Discount is offered when more than two cats are examined from the same breeder at the same time.
Aleksandra Domanjko Petric
Small Animal Clinic
Veterinary faculty, University of Ljubljana
Cesta v Mestni log 47
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 (0)1 4779 277 or +386 (0)1 4779 315
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email; ask for a cardiology/ultrasound appointment.
Price: Prices include general clinical examination, auscultation, complete 2D, M-mode and Doppler echocardiography (with simultaneous ECG), arterial blood pressure measurement, Tissue Doppler examination and detailed report of the results: 82 to 100€ (22%VAT included). There are discounts for breeders, when they have more then one cat. Occasionally we have studies too, where we can offer special rates. PKD alone price is 27€ PKD + echocardiography 100€. Samples for genetic testing can be send to a special lab..
Domingo Casamian
Head of Cardiology, Respiratory and Interventional Cardiology
Hospital Veterinario UCV
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Av Perez Galdos 51
46018, Valencia
Phone Hospital UCV: (0034) 963217113
Make an appointment: Please call the clinic
Jorge Prieto
Centro Veterinario Uribe Kosta
Deuna Ander Loiola 36
48600 Sopelana (Bizkaia)
Phone: +34 946 762 802
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: 100€(VAT included) including examination, auscultation and echocardiography. Discounts are available for more than 1 cat on the same date. External examinations (at catteries for example) could be considered on request (prices would be discussed on that case)
Björn Åblad
Djursjukhuset Blå Stjärnan
Phone: +46 (0)31-653500
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or make an online appointment
Price: 1900 SEK. Contact the clinic for actual prices
Erika Adler
Erika works from two locations:
- Evidensia Södra Djursjukhuset
Månskärsvägen 13
141 75 Kungens Kurva
Phone +46 8 505 28800
- Evidensia Täby Djursjukhus
Mätslingan 18
187 66 Täby
Phone +46 8 630 0290 email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Price: 2545 SEK
Eva Adolfsson
Aros Veterinärcentrum
Olof Palmes Torg 10
723 34 Västerås
Phone +46 (0)21-4749070
Make an appointment: Phone or email clinic
Price: Look at the website for actual prices. 25% reduction for breeders.
Dániel Balogh
Evidensia Djursjukhuset Malmö
Cypressvägen 11
213 63 Malmö
Phone i+46 40 55 22 00
Make an appointment: call or email the clinic
Price: 2795 SEK
Valérie Bavegems
She works at various locations in Sweden:
- Alingsås Djursjukhus
Tullvägen 25
441 60 Alingsås
Phone: +46 (0)322-63 20 00
E-mail: -
Gävle Djurklinik
Bomhusvägen 56
804 29 Gävle
Phone: +46 (0)26-497 93 90
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Gnesta Veterinärpraktik
Kullagatan 4
646 31 Gnesta
Phone: +46 (0)158-300 00
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Skara Djursjukhus
Gråbrödrargatan 4
532 31 Skara
Phone: +46 (0)511-275 00
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Skövde Djurklinik
Bäckaskogsvägen 16
541 34 Skövde.
Phone: +46 (0)500-488 600
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: please call the clinic.
Price: HCM: 2087 SEK VAT incl.for consultation (complete physical examination and auscultation) and complete echocardiography (right- and left-sided approach with Doppler examination).
He works from two different locations:
- Husdjurshälsan i Högsbo
J A Wettergrens gata 6
421 30 Västra Frölunda
Phone: 031 89 40 90This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: phone or email to the clinic
Price: 2000kr - Evidensia Djurkliniken
Kållered Bangårdsvägen 39A
428 36 Kållered
Phone: 031 795 90 70This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: phone or email to the clinic
Price: Contact the clinic to get the current price of screenings.
Anna Djupsjöbacka
Hallands Djursjukhus
Björkgatan 19
31168 Slöinge
Make an appointment: +46 (0)346-48880
Price: 1950 SEK first cat, 1650 SEK för additional cats same owner. HCM + kidneys 2400 SEK
Torkel Falk
Smådjurskliniken Din Veterinär
Ekvändan 2
252 32 Helsingborg
Phone: +46(0)42-20 20 00
Make an appointment: Call clinic
Price: 1340 SEK for the first cat, 950 SEK/cat for further cats with the same owner tested at the same time.
- Evidensia Södra Djursjukhuset,
Månskärsvägen 13,
141 75 Kungens Kurva
08- 505 288 00 - Evidensia Djursjukhuset Västerort,
Bromstensvägen 174,
163 65 Spånga
08-36 26 70
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by phoning 08- 505 288 00 (Evidensia Södra Djursjukhuset) or by calling 08-36 26 70 (Evidensia Djursjukhuset Västerort)
Price: The price for the HCM screening is 2795 SEK
Sara Granström/Mark Dirven
Evidensia Södra Djursjukhuset
Månskärsvägen 13
141 75 Kungens Kurva
Phone: +46 (0)8-505 288 00
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by calling the clinic or emailing
Price: Contact the clinic to get the current price of screenings.
Magdalena Grzech-Wojciechowska
AniCura Djursjukhuset i Hässleholm
Stjärnfallsvägen 9
281 43 Hässleholm
Phone: +46 (0)451-846 00
Make an appointment: call the hospital, online appointments (will be activated as soon as we pick a date)
Price: 1500 SEK for the first cat, 1100 SEK for further cats of the same owner tested at the same time
Ulrika Nordwall/Martin Rapp
Evidensia Specialistdjursjukhuset Strömsholm Hund och Katt
Djursjukhusvägen 11
730 40 Kolbäck
Phone: +46 (0)220-458 00
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Contact the clinic to get the current price of screenings.
Jens Häggström/Ingrid Ljungvall
Ultunaallén 5A
750 07 Uppsala
Phone: +46 (0)18-67 26 80
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 1390 SEK/cat
Sofia Hanås/Mikael Svensson
Evidensia Valla djursjukhus
Westmansgatan 21
582 15 Linköping
Phone: +46 (0)13 - 31 54 40
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 2375 SEK (call the clinic for the most actual price)
Miriam Höllmer
Öresunds Veterinärklinik Lund
Gustavshemsvägen 1
227 64 Lund
Phone: +46 (0)46-142020
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 1550 SEK
Elisabeth Jakobsson
Anicura Falu Djursjukhus
Samuelsdalsvägen 2B
791 61 Falun
Phone: +46 (0)23-64610
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: An HCM examination costs SEK 2.110, PKD/kidney screening costs SEK 1.260. Each examination costs the same regardless of whether you bring one or more cats. Breeder discount available and is now 15%.
Einar Johard
Johard Consulting Group
Various locations in the Stockholm Area:
- Awake Djursjukhus Stockholm
- Sollentuna Djurklinik
- Djurakuten, Stockholm
- Väsby Djursjukhus
Make an appointment: please contact the clinic.
Price: Please contact the clinic for current pricing.
Marie Karlsson-Lindskog
Min Veterinär i Skaraborg AB
Kommunalhusplatsen 2A
541 57 Skövde
Phone: +46 (0)500-43 43 90
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 1950 SEK. Kidney check at the same time, add 600 SEK. (Only kidneys 1150 SEK.)
Karin Kriström
Evidensia Södra Djursjukhuset
Månskärsvägen 13
141 75 Kungens Kurva
Make an appointment: Appointments can be done by calling the reception at Call phone number 08-505 288 00
Price: The price for the examination is 2825 SEK
Lennart Nilsfors
Lennart Nilsfors Veterinär AB
Billsta, Frösunda
186 95 Vallentuna
Make an appointment: The easiest way is to book an appointment at one of the clinics where Lennart is working:
Veterinären i Vallentuna,
Vallentuna Djurklinik,
Sollentuna Djurklinik,
Djursholms Veterinärklinik,
Bålsta Smådjursveterinärer,
Järfälla Djurklinik,
Din Veterinär i Sala,
Djurkliniken Norrtälje,
Anicura Animalen Södertälje,
Anicura Strängnäs Djurklinik,
Hemlingby Djurklinik Gävle,
Hälsinge Djurklinik Söderhamn
Godby Djurklinik, Åland
Distriktsveterinärerna Roma Kloster, Gotland
Note! These clinics might vary over time.
Price: Clients should call the clinic to determine the most current prices.
Mia Nilsson
Evidensia Specialistdjursjukhuset Helsingborg
Bergavägen 3
254 66 Helsingborg
Phone: +46 (0)42-168000
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 2090 SEK per first cat, subsequent cats by same owner 1625 SEK.
Fredrik Ödahl
Månskensgatan 50
941 36 Piteå
Phone: +46 (0)911-400000
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: 1700 SEK per first cat, subsequent cats by same owner 1500 SEK.
Mikael Svensson/Sofia Hanås
Evidensia Valla djursjukhus
Westmansgatan 21
582 15 Linköping
Phone: +46 (0)13 - 31 54 40
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by calling the clinic.
Price: 2375 SEK (call the clinic for the most actual price)
Mikael Svensson
Evidensia Djurkliniken Norrköping
Linnégatan 38
602 23 Norrköping
Phone: +46 11-15 98 10
Make an appointment: Appointments can be made by calling the clinic.
Price: 2375 SEK (call the clinic for the most actual price)
Anna Tidholm/Anna Bodegård-Westling
Anicura Djursjukhuset Albano
Rinkebyvägen 23
182 36 Danderyd
Phone: +46 (0)8-505 304 00
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or make reservations at the website
Price: 1950SEK for the first cat, 1650SEK/cat for further cats tested at the same time. Simultanious screening for PKD: for one/first cat HCM+PKD = 2800SEK, for second and subsequent cats tested at same time for same owner: 2370SEK
Anna Rave Vestberg
Anicura Regiondjursjukhuset Bagarmossen
Ljusnevägen 17
128 48 Bagarmossen
Phone: +46 (0)8-505 303 00
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or make reservations at the website
Price: 1950SEK for the first cat, 1650SEK/cat for further cats tested at the same time. Simultanious screening for PKD: for one/first cat HCM+PKD = 2800SEK, for second and subsequent cats tested at same time for same owner: 2370SEK
Christophe Amberger
Cabinet Vétérinaire Amberger-Philip
96, rue de la Servette
CH-1202 Geneva
Phone: +41 22 734 42 48
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: CHF 150 or 100 €.
Paloma Cernetic / Christophe Bourguignon
Avenue de Montoie 47
1007 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 612 11 11
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: One echo 150 CHF, 120 CHF if there are 3 cats or more with the same owner.
Joséphine Dandrieux
Région: Vaud, Valais, Fribourg
Phone: +41 78 401 25 71
Make an appointment: Phone or send email
Price: CHF 150 (120 CHF if 3 cats or more)
Oriol Domenech
- Tierklinik Masans
Haldensteinstrasse 6
7000 Chur
Phone: +41 81 356 06 66
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: CHF 150 - Veterinario Volonte
Via Cantonale 27
6815 Melide
Phone: +41 91 6494 00 43
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: CHF 130
Frane Ivasovic
- Clinica Veterinaria Albanova
Via Battista Foletti 17
6900 Massagno
Phone: +41 (0)91 966 66 88This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: CHF 130 - Tierklinik Basel
Bottmingerstrasse 65
4142 Münchenstein
Phone: +41 (0)61 515 66 66This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: CHF 150 - Tierklinik Rhenus AG
Arova Hallen
8247 Flurlingen
Phone: +41 (0)52 659 49 40This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: CHF 128.50
Simone D. Jenni/Sabine Riesen
Überweisungspraxis für kardiologische Abklärungen/Referral center for cardiologic work-up
Make an appointment: Standorte und Kontaktadressen siehe Homepage/Locations and contact addresses please contact home page
Price: CHF 150 (includes clinical exam and echo).
Alan Kovaceivic
Vetsuisse-Fakultät Universität Bern
Department für klinische Veterinärmedizin
Abteilung Kardiologi
Längass-Strasse 128
CH-3012 Bern
Phone: +41 31 631 23 15
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email.
Price: CHF 115,69.
Nuno Pereira
Vet Zentrum
Riedäckerstrasse 7
8422 Pfungen
Make an appointment:
Price: 150 CHF
Nuala Summerfield
Currently unknown where she is working
Marco Baron Toaldo/Nora Schreiber
Klinik für Kleintiermedizin
Vetsuisse-Fakultät, Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 260
CH-8057 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 635 81 12 (8:00-17:00)
Make an appointment: Please call the reception of the Small Animal Hospital and ask for an appointment for a breeding scan (breeding scans take place every Tuesday and Wednesday between 15:00-16:00) -
Price: Echocardiography cost for breeders - 252.27 CHF (around 269 €)
Agnieszka Anna Czech
- AniCura AOI Center AG
Rothusstrasse 2a
CH-6331 Hünenberg
Phone: +41 41 783 07 77
Fax: +41 41 783 07 79
Make an appointment: Please contact the clinic directly by phone, during the opening hours (Mon-Fri 8:00-12:15 and 13:30-17:30).
Price: 140 CHF (approximately 135 EUR) including clinical exam and echo.
- ENNETSeeKLINIK für Kleintiere
Zweigniederlassung der IVC Evidensia Schweiz AG
Rothusstrasse 2b
CH-6331 Hünenberg/Zug
Telefon +41 41 780 80 80
Fax +41 41 784 00 10
ennetseeklinik.chThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Please contact the clinic directly by phone, during the opening hours (Mon-Fri 8-20).
Price: 140 CHF (approximately 135 EUR) including clinical exam and echo. -
Tierklinik Basel
Bottmingerstrasse 65
4142 Münchenstein
Phone: +41 (0)61 515 66 66
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make an appointment: Please contact the clinic directly
Price: 150 CHF (including clinical exam and echo).
Delphine Brizard
VetSpecialistes SA
194 b rte de ferney
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 708 11 33
Make an appointment: Call the clinic
Price: HCM screening: 150.- TTC, after the third check up: 130.- TTC
Kieran Borgeat
Highcroft Veterinary Referrals
615 Wells Road
Bristol, BS14 9BE
Phone: +44 (0) 1275838473
Fax: +44 (0) 1275836146
Make an appointment: Please call the clinic
Price: From £130
Serena E. Brownlie
Serena works from home or can visit the owner's veterinary practice, if not too far from her home.
Kileekie Farm
Crosshill, Maybole,
Ayrshire KA19 7PY
Phone: 01655 740510, mobile 07798622879
Make an appointment: call or send an email
Price: £250
Anne French
Division of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Hospital for Small Animals
Easter Bush Veterinary Centre
Midlothian, Scotland, UK. EH25 9RG
Phone: +441316507650
Fax: +441316507652
Make an appointment: Phone or fax clinic
Price: Changes often, call for up to date price!
Luca Ferasin
Highcroft Referrals
Cardiology Service
615 Wells Road, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 9BE
Phone: +44 (0)1275 838473
Fax: +44 (0)1275 836146
Make an appointment: Phone or fax clinic, or send a message through the website
Price: Full echo Doppler (with report on CD-rom) plus certification: £320 for the first cat and 160 per cat for further cats tested on the same day.
Virginia L. Fuentes
Queen Mother Hospital for Small Animals
The Royal Veterinary College
Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL9 7TA
Phone: +44 (0) 1707666366
Fax: +44 (0) 1707 649384
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic.
Price: Currently we have funding to cover the cost of screening for Norwegian Forest cats, so there is NO CHARGE for Norwegian Forest cats. For all other breeds £100 for the echo.
Catheryn Partington
The Queen's Veterinary School Hospital
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge
Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OES
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 337621
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic.
Price: Echocardiography cost for HCM screening £285
Xavier Navarro-Cubas
Blaise Veterinary Referrals
1601 Bristol Rd South,
Longbridge, Rednal, Birmingham
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 01212382000
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic
Price: £250
Jose Novo Matos
The Queen's Veterinary School Hospital
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge
Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OES
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 337621
Make an appointment: Send email or phone clinic.
Price: Echocardiography cost for HCM screening £285
Tobias Wagner
Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists
Unit 6 Forest Corner Farm
BH24 3JW
Phone: +44 1425 485 615
Make an appointment: Contact clinic via email
Price: on request.
Kathryn Atkinson
Heart of Oregon Veterinary Cardiology
1595 Holly St.
West Linn, OR
Phone: 971-727-3059
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: The prices are subject to change according to hospital policy. Clients should call to determine the most current prices.
Sarah Bell
CVCA, Cardiac Care for Pets
13160 Magisterial Drive
Louisville KY 40223
Phone: (502) 410-0034
Make an appointment: Clinics are typically organized by the breeders and done in the weekend. We have 11 locations in the MD-VA region. To schedule an appointment in the office please visit website or phone.
Price: Contact for current prices.
Michele Borgarelli
Dept Clinical Science, College veterinary medicine
111b Mosier Hall
1800 Denison Av
Manhattan 66506 KS
Phone: 785 532 5690
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email
Price: $140
William A. Brown
- Animal Emergency Center
24360 Novi Rd. Ste. A.
Novi, MI. 48375
Phone: 248-946-4322 - Animal Emergency Center
265 E. 2nd St.
Rochester, MI. 48307
Phone: 248-402-4322 - Ann Arbor Animal Hospital
2150 W. Liberty St.
Ann Arbor, Mi. 48103
Make an appointment: Phone Novi or Rochester locations for appointments
Price: $400 for exam and echocardiogram.
Dana A. Buoscio
Chicagoland Veterinary Cardiology
Mobile Cardiac Consultation and Echocardiography
Downers Grove, IL
Phone: (630) 515-8924
Fax: (630) 515-8925
Make an appointment: To make an appointment please contact your own veterinarian in Chicago or the suburbs of Chicago. Appointments are scheduled through them and performed in the referring veterinary hospital.
Price: determined by the referring veterinary hospital. Prices are provided to the referring veterinary hospital.
Deborah M. Fine
University of Missouri
Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
900 E. Campus Drive
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-7821
Fax: 573-884-0331
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: Office call - $80.00 for the first cat, $35.00 for each additional cat. Echocardiogram - $160.00. If sedation is necessary - $20.00. These prices are subject to change according to hospital policy. Clients should call to determine the most current prices.
Heidi Kellihan
She screens cats on various locations in the USA, during scheduled clinic days.
Make an appointment: People can reach out by sending an email to get upcoming clinic locations and they can sign up.
Price: Exam charges are typically $250 per cat. Sometimes a bit more to cover any travel costs.
Clinic | Location | Date | Signup Link |
HCM-Racine | Bartlett Youth Foundation 1120 N Stuart Rd. Mt. Pleasant, WI |
03/08/2025 | March 8th- HCM Racine |
HCM-Wadsworth | Animal Hospital of Gurnee 38028 N. Dilleys Rd Wadsworth, IL |
03/09/2025 | March 9th-HCM Wadswoth, IL |
John MacGregor
- Portland Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Care
739 Warren Ave,
Portland, ME 04103
Phone: 207-780-0271 - Capital Area Veterinary Emergency Service
1 Intervale Road
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-227-1199
Make an appointment: The clients can call the hospital directly to get set up with an appointment with with Dr. MacGregor
Price: The cost of the consult and echocardiogram varies per hospital, but average is $515-700
Elizabeth Malcolm
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
408 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, College Station
Texas, TX 77845
Make an appointment: Email to the clinic
Price: $275
Nancy Morris
110 N. Hillside Rd Suite 17
South Deerfield, MA 01373
Phone: 413-397-3271
Fax: 413-734-1294
Make an appointment: Phone clinic or send email.
Price: Call clinic for current pricing.
Renee Riepe
Oakland Veterinary Referral Services
1400 S Telegraph Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: 248-334-6877
Fax: 248-334-3693
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: ?
Kacie E. Schmitt
CVCA, Cardiac Care for Pets
1080 West Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21703
Phone: (240) 457-4387
Make an appointment: Clinics are typically organized by the breeders and done in the weekend. We have 11 locations in the MD-VA region. To schedule an appointment in the office please visit website or phone.
Price: Contact for current prices.
- Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital- Akron
1053 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road
Akron, OH 44321
Phone: 330-666-2976
Make an appointment: phone the clinic
Price: $772 for first pet, then each subsequent animal gets recheck fees for visit and echo.
- Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital- Cleveland East
734 Alpha Drive
Highland Heights, OH 44143
Phone: 440-673-3483
Make an appointment: phone the clinic
Price: $772 for first pet, then each subsequent animal gets recheck fees for visit and echo.
Sonya Wesselowski
Texas A&M University
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science
College Station, TX 77843-4474
Phone: 979-845-2351
Make an appointment: Only available on specific breed.screen dates. Call clinic or send email.
Price: Contact for current prices.
Andrew Waxman
Upstate Veterinary Specialties
152 Sparrowbush Rd.
Latham, NY 12110
Phone: (518) 793-3198
Make an appointment: Clients are welcome to call to schedule an appointment
Price: Clients should call for current pricing
Sarah Zimmerman
Advanced Veterinary Care Center
15926 Hawthorne Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90278
Phone: 310-542-8018
Make an appointment: Phone clinic
Price: $520, average cost for a 1 hour appointment with consult and echo/doppler. Occasionally specific breed clinics are held at significantly reduced prices.