Vaccination against FIP and FIV: is it possible?

Vaccination against FIP and FIV: is it possible? By Pr. Oswald Jarrett, University of Glasgow,…

Tube Feeding Kittens

Tube Feeding Kittens By Lies Klösters, 2006. With 'tube feeding', we mean feeding animals (or…

The revival of the German Rex

The revival of the German Rex By Tony Batchelor, Snugglebugs, Denmark.(Reprinted with permission) First I will…

The Pigment Parade (updated 2018)

The Pigment Parade (updated 2018) by Lorraine Shelton, TICA Provisional Allbreed Judge and Genetics Instructor…

The Origin of the Maine Coon

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

The Book of the Cat

By Francis Simpson, printed in 1903. Here we present a few chapters from Francis Simpson's…

Test Breeding new Maine Coon Foundation Lines?

Test Breeding new Maine Coon Foundation Lines? By: Judith Schulz, Masterweaver (previously Prairiebaby/Masterweaver) Maine Coon…

Test Breeding new Maine Coon Foundation Lines?

Test Breeding new Maine Coon Foundation Lines? By Judith Schulz, MasterWeaver, previously Prairiebaby/MasterWeaver Cattery, Canada. (Please…

Tati-Tan Cattery

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Roselu Cattery

"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Polyps - Frequently asked questions

Polyps - Frequently asked questions By Cat Moody, Stormwatch Maine Coons(Reprinted with permission) Disclaimer: I am…

PKD in Persians and other breeds

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in Persians and other breeds By Dr. Ingrid Putcuyps, veterinarian. 2005.(Reprinted with…


 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Our Cats

Our Cats By Harrison Weir, printed in 1889. Here we present a few chapters from…

OMERTA: The Breeders' Code of Silence

OMERTA: The Breeders' Code of Silence By Sierra Milton, Stormsong GSPs Mafia and Breeders What do…

Old articles about Maine Coons

Articles about Maine Coons             Created 2003 by Fog City Cat…

Observations of Feline Polydactyly

Observations of Feline Polydactyly By Sheila L Curtis, Indys, & Lucinda King BA (Hons), Handaros. 17th January…

Natural Protection of Genetic Variation

Natural Protection of Genetic Variation By Per-Erik Sundgren, Dr Agric., Genetica, Sweden.(Reprinted with permission) Introduction Programs to…

Myosin Binding Protein C 3 (MyBPC 3) gene

Myosin Binding Protein C 3 (MyBPC3) gene A report on Drs Meurs & Kittleson works…

MyBPC3 DNA test

MyBPC3 DNA test A report on Drs Meurs & Kittleson works on MyBPC3 mutation gene…

MtKittery Cattery

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Mouth and Teeth Problems in Cats

Mouth- and teethproblems in Cats By Lies Klösters, 2006 Humans and animals can develop all…

Manual 1934

Manual on how to treat a cat Below you'll find the text of "Handleiding voor…

Maine Coon Cats Maine Origin Authenticated

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Kennebec Cattery

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

JoStad Cattery

"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Indications for vaccination against feline leukaemia virus

Indications for vaccination against feline leukaemia virus By Pr. Oswald Jarrett, University of Glasgow, 2007.…

Inbreeding and its Effect on the Immune System

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Illustriertes Katzenbuch

Illustriertes Katzenbuch   By Jean Bungartz, printed in Berlin 1896. Here we present a chapter…

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is a genetic disease that affects cats, dogs, pigs, and…

Heidi Ho Cattery

"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Health Programmes: what is it all about?

By Ulrika Olsson Health Programmes: what is it all about? Most breeders work, more or…

HCM, The Silent Killer

HCM, The Silent Killer By Francesca Doria, 2006.(Reprinted with permission.) This is the story of Francesca…

Guldfakse Cattery

   "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site…

Glossary of Terms

"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…


Genetics By Ulrika Olsson Introduction Basic genetics Different types of inheritence The color genetics of…

Forebears of our present day Maine Coons

Leo, Maine Cat, 1884-1901King Max, 1895Martha, daughter of King MaxCosey, BIS-winner in 1895Swampscott, 1900 Tobey,…

For veterinaries

For Veterinaries Some useful links: HD - General information on testing for HD in the…

Flat Chest Kitten Syndrome

Flat Chest Kitten Syndrome Unfortunately this article has been outdated over the years. For now…


An Overview of Feline Enteric Coronavirus and Infectious Peritonitis Virus Infections By Niels C. Pedersen,…


Felinotherapy Felinotherapy is an activity in the field of Animal Assisted Interventions, sometimes called zoo…

Feline vaccination

Feline Vaccination By Marie-Bernadette Pautet, Chacolaterie's Somalis, 2006.Report on 2006/03 SFF seminar entitled "Update on Feline Vaccination".(Reprinted…

Explanation of the HCM Form

HCM Screening Form, what it says and what it means By Misha Peersmans What is…

Embryology of the Domestic Cat

Embryology of the domestic cat By A.L. LeipoldtReprinted with permission. (Note by PawPeds: The author talks…

DNA Sampling and Storage

PawPeds DNA registration   This is how you get DNA-results for your cat into the…

Dirigo Cattery

"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Diagram for inheritance of PRA

Diagram for inheritance of PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) reproduced with kind permission from Swedish Siamese…

Charmalot cattery

"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Cats in Thailand

Cats In Thailand in the 1960s' The following article about a journey to Thailand was…


Catruns Fresh air and daylight is important for the health and wellbeing of both humans…


"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

Breeding a Litter

Breeding a litter maybe fun, never simple By Lies Klösters, 2004 You have a dream;…

Breed to Avoid Genetic Diseases

Breed to Avoid Genetic Diseases By Ulrika Olsson The risk of genetic diseases is something…


Bordetella bronchiseotica infection in cats By Lies Klösters. 2007.(Reprinted with permission.) The widespread vaccination of cats…

Blood Groups in the Cat

Blood Groups in the Cat By Tony Batchelor, Snugglebugs, Denmark.(Reprinted with permission) I started this investigation…

Birman History

Birman History Origins The Birman is said to have originated in western Burma; and certainly…

BAER Test Cristalline

BAER Test Cristalline By Daniëlle Rozeboom, Traditional Persian Cattery Yeri Shaes.(Reprinted with permission) In The Netherlands…

Anatolien Cattery

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…

A schedule for vaccination of cats

A schedule for vaccination of cats By Pr. Oswald Jarrett, University of Glasgow, 2007.(Reprinted with…

A Cat Tale

 "This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that…
