"This page was originally a part of the Maine Coon Heritage Site, a site that was first created in 1998 by Cynthia Bowen (Coontopia), Ulrika Olsson (Ylletrollets), Astrid Straver (Tricks and Tails) and Janet Marr (Furkats). It was then taken over by PawPeds, and it is now split up to fit better with the structure of PawPeds' website."


Cats that have lived to the age of 15 years or greater

Notes are incomplete on some of these cats, and information is not guaranteed to be correct.
If you have additonal information to add, or spot errors, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information about the pedigree and offspring of these cats can be found in the Maine Coon Database.
And if you would like to see pictures of some Maine Coon cats who lived to be 15 years or older, go to the ancestors gallery!


Ailurophile Capt. Willie's Whizbang, RW GC GP
Registration number: 1744-689608
Sire: Cowtown Rowdy Yates of M'Coon, SGC
Dam: Ailurophile Mimsy Borogoves, GC PR
Date of birth: February 13th, 1991
Breeder: Edith and Amy Gerver
Owner: Edith and Amy Gerver
Nominated by: Edith and Amy Gerver, Ailurophile Cattery
Nominated (2nd) by: Marg Baird, Hibou Cattery
Anecdotes about the cat: He is everything a Maine Coon should be, still handsome and gentle. He still trains each new litter and of course he is my best sleeping companion. (Edith and Amy Gerver. October 14th, 2006.)
I just want to confirm Edith's information about Willie and to say that the old guy is alive and doing very well. Neil and I enjoyed our lap time with Bopper's daddy when we were visiting recently and hope that our old guy is as long lived as his daddy. (Marg Baird. October 14th, 2006.)

Amkat Darryl Strawberry, QGC
Registration number: TICA SBT 080391 004, CFA 1792-738611
Sire: Amkat Remington Steele, SGC
Dam: Kayenta Poppy of Amkat
Date of birth: August 3rd, 1991
Date of death: November 22nd, 2007
Breeder: Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore
Owner: Ruth, Howard and Allison Pohl
Nominated by: Gerri Bonsignore, Amkat Maine Coon Cats
Nominated (2nd) by: Bev Jennings, Alberlee Maine Coons
(Gerri Bonsignore, December 2007.)

Amkat Juliette
Registration number: SBT 122692 009, 1703-859363
Sire: Amkat Darryl StrawberryQGC
Dam: Amkat Sapphire, GRC
Date of birth: December 26th, 1992
Breeder: Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore
Owner: Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore
Nominated by: Gerri Bonsignore, Amkat Maine Coon Cats
(Gerri Bonsignore, December 2007.)

Amkat Remington Steele, TICA SGC, CFA GRC
Registration number: TICA SBT 042589 008, CFA 1736-554061
Sire: Maineline Spenser of Kittykoon, TGC
Dam: Yofranlin Snow Crystal of Amkat
Date of birth: April 25th, 1989
Date of death: August 11th, 2005
Breeder: Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore
Owner: Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore
Nominated by: Gerri Bonsignore, Amkat Maine Coons
I would like to second the nomination of TICA SGC, CFA GRC Amkat Remington Steele for the Methuselah List. (David Billingsley, Cloistercoon Cattery, April 2004.)

Arlene v. Cessely
Registration number: 01035491 RVDE
Sire: Lysander of Peppermountz
Dam: Ariell v. Chausseehaus
Date of birth: June 9th, 1996
Date of death: still alive, but with CNI
Breeder: Andreas Pietrek, Advokatenweg 12, 06114 Halle/ Germany
Owner: a very very happy and proud Antje Dressel, Lindenstr. 34, 06567 Bad Frankenhausen/ Germany
Nominated by: Antje Dressel
Nominated (2nd) by: Petra Riedel, Kaspersweg 126, 26131 Oldenburg
Anecdotes about the cat: Countless cozy nights in my arms and a love between a cat and a human, that is beyond words. Lenchen (as she is called) follows me, whereever I go. She doesn't feed, if I am not at home. Our visitors won't believe that a little cat can speak! She answers me wit gurrr gurrr, if I call her and talk to her. Lenchens most beloved game is shadow chasing. Favorite food: everything on my plate! She loves mushrooms, laserpointer, walks in the garden, naps in the sun and simply is what you can call a very very special "heart-cat" to me. Forever LOVE :-) (Antje Dressel, June 2011.)
Update - June 25th, 2011: Lenchen had to be put to sleep. (Antje Dressel.)

Athabaske Blue Beaver
Registration number: IMCCC/ 3MC190194-9707
Sire: Boris Ben Athena of Chascaro, CH
Dam: Athabaske Aisha, CH
Date of birth: January 19th, 1994
Breeder: Waltraud Novak
Owner: Reider Margot
Nominated by: Waltraud Novak
(Waltraud Novak, January 2009.)

Athabaske Fabyenne
Registration number: (1IMCCC) 3MC300396-12576
Sire: Kevin Ben Bastet of Bacorhan
Dam: Dajana Bint Bo of Bacorhan
Date of birth: March 30th, 1996
Breeder: Waltraud Novak
Owner: Waltraud Novak
Nominated by: Waltraud Novak
Nominated 2nd by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: She was always a very shy cat and still is. So no pet home was found for her. She lives with us from her birth and is happy to be with us. There exists a story about her birth and her early life with us, unfortunately only in German: www.maine-coon-katzen.at/literarisches.htm So, if you are familiar with the German language: welcome to Faby’s story! (April 2011, Waltraud Novak.)

Athabaske Oconee of Schindetal
Registration number: TCC MC-U-150199 01
Sire: Dirigo Kennebec of Athabaske
Dam: Dirigo Maine Princess of Athabaske
Date of birth: January 15th, 1999
Date of death: Still alive
Breeder: Waltraud Novak
Owner: Martin Fischer
Nominated by: Martin Fischer
Nominated 2nd by: Annette Wellens
Anecdotes about the cat: --

Avicats Nuvoletta of Stormwatch, GC
Registration number: 1735-1168374
Sire: Stormwatch Tatsumaki, GC
Dam: Avicats Sophrosina Marfisa, DM, GC
Date of birth: September 14th, 1997
Date of death: May 24th, 2015
Breeder: Julia Cozzarelli
Owner: Viki Smith & Cat Moody
Nominated by: Viki Smith
Nominated (2nd) by: Cat Moody
Anecdotes about the cat: Nuvo looks like a clone of her father, Maki. She has always been mistaken for a male. She can make really good Godzilla eyes when she wants to. She has a sweet, out-going personality. She is much loved.
(Viki Smith, December 2013.)

Baslatan Wish Upon A Star, IC
Registration number: FIN SRK LO 58733
Sire: Baslatan Garfield, GIC
Dam: Baslatan Black Cat Ballou, GIC
Date of birth: July 12th, 1994
Date of death: February 15th, 2010
Breeder: Nel Helders
Owner: Mari Jokiaho
Nominated by: Mari Jokiaho
Nominated (2nd) by: Nel Helders
Anecdotes about the cat: Speedy was a cat with golden heart, she never had a mean thought or act. She loved her first born daughter E.T. so much that she nursed her till her death at age of 13 (cancer) and very soon after that Speedy died herself.
And Speedy could smile :) So If you are lucky to have amazingly loving and smiling green eyed Maine Coon, maybe You have a drop Speedy in bloodlines :) (Mari Jokiaho, December 2013.)

Beau Dixie Jazz of Justajoy, CH
Registration number: --
Sire: Furrscats Jimbeau of Yanikat, RW/GC
Dam: Snickets Beau Regardless of Beau, CH, DM
Date of birth: March 11th, 1992
Date of death: Still living
Breeder: Sue Yanik
Owner: Chris Haeck and Adam Howell
Nominated by: Chris Haeck
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Dixie is the most beautiful Torti with white and of course she has tortitude! Every one of her kittens were show quality it was amazing!! Dixie looks awesome, you would never know her age, she could be in the show ring tomorrow. (Chris Haeck, April 2012.)

Belujondra Drusilla
Registration number: CSEXP 114286
Sire: Bealltainn Mic Mac
Dam: Bealltainn Amanda
Date of birth: August 31st, 1989
Breeder: Mrs. S. Smith
Owner: Mrs. N. Crook
Nominated by: Mrs. N. Crook, Beardwood Maine Coons
Nominated (2nd) by: Mrs. E.L.J. Cass, Casselmaine Maine Coons
Bealltainn Drusilla, AKA Perdie, is fit and well at the age of 16 years 6 months. (March 27th, 2006.)

Buctales First Edition, GC/GP
Registration number: 1792-298036
Sire: Tufpaws Smokin Joe Lazer, CH
Dam: Tufpaws Rosieola of Buctales, GC/GP/RW, DM
Date of birth: if available October 8th, 1985
Date of death: December 15th, 2003
Nominated by: Buctales, Chris Buck
(July, 2002.)

Buctales Paw Prints of Unicoon, GC
Sire: Unicoon's Pine Cone, GC
Dam: Tufpaws Booberry of Cha Haz, GC, DM
Date of birth: July 7th, 1987
Date of death: December 15th, 2003
Anecdotes about the cat: He is doing fine and acts like a much younger cat. I am very grateful to Chris Buck of Buctales for letting me have this reminder of Pine Cone. (Michelle Sykes, Unicoon.)
I can second the nomination of Paw Prints to the Methuselah list. I saw him at the vet's office in July 2002 (we use the same vet in Houston) when he was having his check up and getting his *summer do* - a lion cut. He has always had a wonderful personality. He is still siring wonderful kittens. (Karen Crooke, Terrificats Maine Coons, July 2002.)
Update: It is with a heavy heart I let you know that GC Buctales Paw Prints of Unicoon died today (12/15/2003) of kidney failure. Up until the last month he had been doing great for a 16 year old cat. He will be greatly missed. (Michelle Sykes.)

Burmaines Selket of Coonsworth, CH
Registration number: TICA #SBT 121595-006
Sire: Coonsworth Indiana Jones, GC (SBT 120193-007)
Dam: Glynnwold Victoria of Burmaines (03T 092194-014)
Date of birth: December 15th, 1995
Date of death: Alive & healthy on December 15th, 2010
Breeder: Kathy Burd
Owner: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Nominated by: Jack & Darlene Sweeney (Coonsworth Cattery)
2nd by: Gerry Walsh (Walmet Cattery)
Anecdotes about the cat: Our Golden Goddess and Goodwill Ambassador to anybody, animal or human that enters the home. She negotiates and eliminates all feline disturbances and grooms everyone on a regular basis. (Jack Sweeney, December 2010.)
Update - April 2011: Selket is still alive and healthy on April 1st, 2012. (Jack Sweeney.)

Calabash Mini, CH
Registration number: 1759-386257
Sire: Ailurophile Rusty Rascal of Calabash
Dam: Tolkat Dominique, CH
Date of birth: January 28th, 1987
Date of Death: September 17th, 2003
Breeder: Peter & Merry Braun
Owner: Peter & Merry Braun
Nominated by: Merry Braun, Calabash Cattery
Nominated (2nd) by: name Elva Fisher, Skimble Cattery
Anecdotes about the cat: Mini was out of my first litter. She has been a special cat for us and still sleeps on my pillow by my head every night. She is behind a number of our regional winners and DMs. (Merry Braun, June 2003.)
Update: I'm sad to give you this update. Mini passed away on September 17, 2003. I miss her very much. Please update the Methuselahs list. Thank you. (Merry MacBarb-Braun.)

Calabash Red Wing of Skimble, CH
Registration number: 1793-840270
Sire: Calabash Cooper, GC, PR
Dam: Calabash Marie Antoinette
Date of birth: October 26th, 1992
Breeder: Peter & Merry Braun
Owner: Elva P. Fisher
Nominated by: Elva P. Fisher
Nominated (2nd) by: Merry Braun & Brenda Flahault
Anecdotes about the cat: Red is a great-grandmother, has had many litters & now is retired and still lives at home with many of her progeny, at the Skimble residence. Red and her brother - Mr "B" - came together to live at Skimble Cattery at 12 weeks and Red now enjoys her role as the primary retired queen, loved by all her progeny. (Elva Fisher, February 2007.)

Calabash Sundance Kid of Skimble, CH, GP
Registration number: 1793-840271
Sire: Calabash Cooper, GC, PR
Dam: Calabash Marie Antoinette
Date of birth: October 26th, 1992
Breeder: Peter & Merry Braun
Owner: Elva P. Fisher
Nominated by: Elva P. Fisher
Nominated (2nd) by: Merry Braun & Brenda Flahault
Anecdotes about the cat: More familiarly known as Mr. "B." He & his sister Red Wing came to together to Skimble Cattery as 12 week old babies. Mr "B" is a gentle, loving patriarch and is very well loved by all the other cats. (Elva Fisher, February 2007.)

Calicoon Chris's Rachel
Registration number: TICA SB-040880-03
Sire: Spavinaw Blu-Macks of Calicoon
Dam: Calicoon's Sunshine
Date of birth: April 8th, 1980
Date of death: January 26th, 1999
Nominated by: her co-owners, Lynne Sherer and Margaret Rice.

Calicoon Joe Joe
Sire: Ailurophile's Hamlet
Dam: Calicoon's Chriss's Rachel
Date of birth: October 1st, 1981
Date of death: Still alive (will be 19 on October 1st, 2000)
Nominated by: Margaret Rice and Lynne Sherer.
(September 4th, 2000)

Calicoon Hooligan
Registration number: TICA SB 120582-002
Sire: Heidi Ho Canth of Tanstaafl
Dam: Calicoon's Chris's Rachel
Date of birth: December 5th, 1982
Date of death: June 1998
Nominated by: Lynne Sherer & Margaret Rice.

Calicoon Seahawk Helse, SGC/RW
Sire: Calicoon Prince Valiant, SGC/RW
Dam: Calicoon Mitzi
Date of birth: October 1st, 1990
Date of death: May 2006
Breeder: Lynne Sherer
Owner: Alice Pursell
Nominated by: Lynne Sherer, Calicoon Cattery
Nominated (2nd) by: Alice Pursell, Seahawk's owner
Anecdotes about the cat: Seahawk was a very special cat. From his early days as a show cat to had later years as a therapy cat, he was a great Maine Coon cat. He was approved by the Delta Society, an organization that certifies therapy animals. He visited a nursing home with his owner Alice Pursell on a regular basis. He brought smiles to the elderly residents faces. One woman who had not spoken in years smiled and said "cat" when she saw Seahawk. He was Alice's constant companion and will be greatly missed.

Call Me Boris of Danwill Blue, FIFé European Champion
Registration number: FIFé registry
Sire: Mt Kittery Androsgean
Dam: Angelina up Min Planhusen
Date of birth: September 27th, 1986
Date of death: 2003
Nominated by: Maria Kaldeweide, June 2003

Canalettos RoanokeBlueBelle
Registration number: DEKZV LO 293714
Sire: Belushies Never Say Never of Canalettos
Dam: AngelFires HappyEnd of Canalettos
Date of birth: May 3rd, 2003
Breeder: Henning Mueller-Rech
Owner: Henning Mueller-Rech
Nominated by: Henning Mueller-Rech
Nominated (2nd) by: Ulli Illia

Capecoon Chumani
Registration number: TICA registration: SBT 112692 006
Sire: Mr Mad Dash of Capecoon, SGC
Dam: Capecoon Dakotah
Date of birth: November 26th, 1990
Bred by: Cheryl Kearns
Owned by: Anneke Kuys
Nominated by: Anneke Kuys
Nominated (2nd) by: Willy Berkhout
Anecdotes about the cat: Chumani, born November 26th 1992, is a silver mackeral torbie with white female out of Mad Dash of Capecoon x Capecoon Dakotah. She was the first cat exported by her breeder Cheryl Kearns.
Most kittens of Chumani have found a new home as a pet. One daughter, Patchwork's Paulette moved to Engeland. She is the grandmother of Rockoon Tommy, one of three Maine Coons who play the part of 'Mrs Norris' in 'Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone'.
Chumani was diagnosed for having HCM at age 11. She tests positive both for the American and the Danish DNAtest. Inspite of that she is still enjoying a happy life and greeting visitors with heavy headbutts to demand attention. (Anneke Kuys, December 2007.)

Capecoon Glenlivet of SaraJen
Registration number: TICA registration: SBT 040490 006
Sire: Capecoon Cajun Spice
Dam: Willowplace Diamond of Capecoon
Date of birth: April 4th, 1990 and he is still alive with me.
Bred by: Cheryl/Bob Kearns
Owned by: Teri Matzkin
Anecdotes about the cat: You never had to actually see Lenny at a show to know that he was there - you just had to listen. He has a meow that is more like a billy goat's bleat than a Maine Coon trill. Nevertheless, he was a great showman and still has those lovely green eyes.
Nominated by: Sherry DeLony
In response to your request to Teri Matzkin, I'm writing to confirm that I saw Lenny at Teri's house September 2005 and he was well and happy.
Nominated (2nd) by: Tina Dodge
I have seen Lenny and yes, he should be added to the Methusela page.

Caprix Bashfull Bill, "Merlin"
Registration number: CSEXP 132237
Sire: Bealltainn Mustang, CSREF 045685
Dam: Adivelo Sweetcaroline, CSREF 048604
Date of birth: March 19th, 1990
Date of death: March 2007 (kidney failure)
Breeder: Mrs T M Cornwall
Owner: Mr and Mrs C Coakes
Nominated by: Louise Coakes
Anecdotes about the cat: We also owned his brother, who sadly had an enlarged heart and passed away in 1988.
Merlin was a bundle of fun and had a super personality. He was fairly small for a "Coon", we have owned 5!! Merlin had a pretty face and was very much a 'lap' cat, with a gentleness and was very affectionate. We now have 2 more Maine Coons, who do not like sitting on a lap for a stroke and cuddle! (Louise Coakes, December 2008.)

Caprix Blue Bogart, EC
Registration number: SVERAK LO 87031
Sire: Honeycoon Sting's Samson
Dam: Adixilo Monaliza
Date of birth: March 28th, 1991
Breeder: Toni Cornwall
Owner: Ulrika & Peter Olsson
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets
Nominated (2nd) by: Ann-Louise Lind, S*Mooncoon's
(March 2006.)

Caprix Bramble
Sire: Kaiulani Silver Wizard
Dam: Adixilo Holly
Date of birth: August 1st, 1988
Date of death: November 14th, 2008
Breeder: Mrs Toni Cornwall
Owner: Mrs Gill Harrington
Anecdotes about the cat: My beloved Bramble travelled all over the country with me. She stayed at B & Bs, in cottages and came with us in our motorhome, (always to remote locations well away from any roads.) She enjoyed exploring at the new destinations and after acclimatising her on her harness and checking the locality for any hazards, I could safely let her go to play and find new adventures. She would always return when called. She gave me over 20 years of joy and will be eternally missed. (November 2008, Gill Harrington.)

Caprix Creme Caramel, GIC
Registration number: SVERAK LO 87030
Sire: Honeycoon Voodoo Boy, GC
Dam: Kaleetay Dextoniatoo
Date of birth: March 8th, 1991
Breeder: Toni Cornwall
Owner: Ulrika & Peter Olsson
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets
Nominated (2nd) by: Ann-Louise Lind, S*Mooncoon's
(March 2006.)

Caprix Roxanne
Registration number: SVERAK 103719
Sire: Caprix Black Heathen
Dam: Pusiluv Wildrose
Date of birth: June 16th, 1990
Breeder: Mrs. Toni Cornwall
Owner: Åsa Lindkvist
Nominated by: Åsa Lindkvist, S*Guldklimpen's
Nominated (2nd) by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets
(June 2006.)

Captain Coon Crackerjack of Justajoy, CH PR
Registration number: --
Sire: Rumblepurr Oliver, GC
Dam: Minnie Pearl, XTC
Date of birth: May 28th, 1996
Date of death: Still living
Breeder: Sue Bostick
Owner: Chris Haeck and Adam Howell
Nominated by: Chris Haeck
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: From the time he was a kitten, when you pick him up he falls backwards into your arms, he wants to be held stomach up like a baby. He also is the easiest cat in the world to give a pill to, when he hears you open the pill bottle he comes running over and sits and waits for you to give him the pill.
Cracker is a miracle cat, he was diagnosed with HCM when he was 3 years old and has been on atenolol all these years. He is the longest living cat on atenolol that his cardiologist has ever had. Long term atenolol use effects the cats weight so Cracker is thin, but still very playful and very much enjoying life. (Chris Haeck, April 2012.)

Cari-Celcats Pete Pawsgoodknee, CFA GP, TICA GC
Registration number: CFA 1792-796914
Sire: Terrificats Gamblinthpark of Dejons, RW/GC, PR
Dam: Katoklix Pandora of Cari-Celcats, GC
Date of Birth: June 15th, 1992
Breeder: Laura J. Brandenburg
Owners: Mason and Ellen McCoy
Nominated By: Ellen McCoy
Nomination 2nd by: Mason McCoy
Anecdotes about the cat: Stoch is the only Maine Coon in CFA to have granded as two different colors. When we started showing him we called him a Blue Tabby with White, he was a "cold" blue. The next year they added the blue-silver as a color class and we decided that if we wanted to show him further we needed to change his color. Judges were always looking for the small patch of patina on the back of his neck to qualify him as a blue. Stoch loved to show and would get all excited in motel rooms. One evening my husband and I were getting ready to go out to dinner. My husband had just gotten out of the shower and was standing at the sink without any clothes on. Stoch loves to do the jump and rub, he will jump up and head butt you or rub you on your hip. Well, Stoch was so excited when he jumped up he didn't just rub but bit my husband on the butt. (July 2007.)

Charmalot Andrea of Coontique, CH
Registration number: 62284 008
Sire: Heidi Ho Richard III of Charmalot, TR GR CH
Dam: Charmalot Lena, CH
Date of birth: June 22nd, 1984
Date of death: June 18th, 2000
Nominated by: Cindy T. Riley - owner 2/1999
Anecdotes about the cat: Good day. This is regarding one of your "Methuselahs." I was the last caretaker of Ch. Charmalot Andrea of Coontique who quietly came to the end of her days on June 18, 2000. She was 4 days shy of her 16th birthday. A joy in the time we had her, and I wish it could have been longer, but it was not to be. We have her last son, Willowplace Melichus (by Tr GC Hillside Mr. Spock) who is going strong at 11 years and does not realize that most mainstream descriptions of Maine Coons deny that they are lap cats (it's not easy typing on the computer keyboard with 18# of cat draped across your arm!) Of course I'm not sure if it's my lap he's after or the fact that I'm apparently in *his* chair. After my experiences with these two, I don't think I'd ever have anything else. Regards. (Cindy T. Riley Birmingham, Alabama, 12/2002)

Charmalot Gideon
Update: Ginny - Just to let you know that Gideon, son of Richard and Sita, died early Tuesday morning in his sleep. He was 18-1/2 years old, born at your cattery on 3/20/83. He was a blue mackerel tabby with gooseberry green eyes. I guess he wasn't much of a looker as a kitten, but by age 2 he was impressive, if not especially large (he ate well but never exceeded 14 lbs). Throughout his life he was a bit timid and shy, but Gideon was incredibly loving and gentle. His behavior was always without flaw, and he was entirely free of temper. At around age 9 he suffered from hyperthyroidism and underwent major surgery, which gave allowed us to enjoy his company for 9 more years. His former vet, the late Barbara Stein (a well-known cat specialist), called him her "little gentleman." For the last two years of his life he suffered from kidney failure, and we cared for him and kept him as comfortable as we could. He lived happily and peacefully and seemed to feel relatively well until his last few hours. Always the gentleman, he said a personal goodbye to each of us, then laid down quietly and went to sleep. He was preceded in death by his good pals Kibby and Chrissi some years earlier, and will be buried with them in the rose garden. Thanks for sending us such a wonderful cat. It was a wonderful 18 years with him. Take care. (Sandra, October 2001)

Charmalot King Arthur Pendragon, SGC OS
Registration number: 1744-275041
Sire: Heidi Ho Richard III of Charmalot, TGC OS
Dam: Charmalot Bluesette, CH, OD
Date of birth: May 25th, 1985
Date of death: Euthanized due to kidney failure one week short of his 15th birthday.
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot, Chris Haeck, Justajoy

Charmalot Lady Melissandra
Registration number: SBT 042393-032, 1745-946544
Sire: Charmalot King Arthur Pendragon, SGC, OS
Dam: Whistat Dixie Belle of Charmalot
Date of birth: April 23th, 1993
Date of death: March 17th, 2009, we put her to sleep because of a non-responding erosive and ulcerative rhinitis and sinusitis - likely lymphoma or hemagiosarcoma.
Breeder: Virginia and James Molloy
Owner: Kenneth W. Kwochka and Theresa A. Brim
Nominated by: Ken Kwochka
Anecdotes about the cat: Back in 1997, my wife and I went to Charmalot to buy a pet Maine Coon (Gabriel who is now almost 12) after we lost our 21-year-old Blue Tabby (Andyspals Joshua). While there visiting with Ginny in her home, we met her housecat Melissa (Lady Melissandra), recently retired from breeding. You could tell immediately that Melissa was "Miss Personality." At that time, Ginny's asthma had gotten so bad that her doctor had told her to decrease her direct exposure to cats. Ginny was heartbroken to part with Melissa but because we are both veterinarians and would give her a good home, she asked us to take her for $1. We did and never regretted it.
Melissa (Missy, Missy Melissy, Melissa Sweety Pie, etc.) was the "Queen Bee" for our three other Maine Coons. They and we miss her very much. (Ken Kwochka. March, 2009.)

Charmalot Lady Rebecca, CH (Coontessa in CFA)
Registration number: 1745M-095827, SB 091681-009
Color: brown mctabby
Sire: The Maine Place Wellington, SGC
Dam: Friscoon Sita of Charmalot, CH
Date of birth: September 16th, 1981
Date of death: December 18th, 1995. Euthanized because of kidney disease and possible cancer.
Nominated by Ginny Molloy, Charmalot 2/99

Charmalot Lady Wendala of Justajoy
Registration number: 1745-972584
Sire: Charmalot King Arthur Pendragon, SGC, OS
Dam: Rheingold Tochter Aus Elysium, CH
Date of birth: April 1st, 1994
Date of death: still alive at the moment of nomination
Breeder: Audra Macmann & Virginia Molloy
Owner: Phil & Christina Haeck
Nominated by: Christina Haeck
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Wendala is such an unique cat, she talks loudly to her water before she drinks, she has tremendous curiosity and is very picky about her people, but once accepted to her inner circle she will dote on you. What I think is most fascinating about her is her health, she never has had any major health issue. Before much was understood about HCM, she had 2 litters sired by a cat who later was diagnosed as having HCM. Once the sire had been diagnosed we neutered both litters which had some outstanding kittens. We have monitored and tested the kittens, the youngest now is 11 years old and no HCM, knowing Wendala is a daughter of a clone, etc. the logical conclusion would have been some of the kittens would have HCM, it was if she put a stop on that gene, the researchers found it quite interesting. And of course she had OFA good hips. What I am trying to say is she is a once in a lifetime cat, born on April Fool's Day and treasured every day. (Chris Haeck. February, 2010.)

Charmalot Misha Alexandra II
Sire: Charmalot King Arthur Pendragon, SGC, OS
Dam: Whistat Dixie Belle of Charmalot
Date of birth: April 23th, 1993
Date of death: August 25th, 2008
Breeder: Virginia and James Molloy
Owner: Adrienne Shanler
Nominated by: Adrienne Shanler
Anecdotes about the cat: Alexandra was a blue mctabby with white Maine coon. She was the gentlest, sweetest cat ever. I never heard her hiss or growl. She was not the dominant cat but has always bossed Misha Monster around. She always thought her name was "Alexandra My Love" and her nickname was "Sweetheart". Alexandra was not a lap cat but she was always close to me and slept either on my pillow or next to me.
Her favorite toy was the Galkie Kitty Tease. She'd do anything for a play session. Thanks to Ranger's, Jeep's and Radar's predilections for chewing up string, I had to keep it in a locked closed. She knew where they were and would herd me to the closet while telling me MWAAAA OR MWE-E-E-E. I knew when she wanted a play session. She usually got them.
Unfortunately, she also carried the Charmalot jewelry thief genes. She loved jewelry, especially gold and precious gems. She stole a lot of jewelry--every chance she got and I have a picture of her with some of her loot. Some was never recovered. I assumed she hid them in the Charmalot black hole. She never revealed its location. Two items forever lost were a friend's good watch (yes, I warned her) and one of my rings.
Alexandra loved to be petted, scritched and combed. She would tell me where she wanted to be groomed by turning her head or body. She would let me pet and groom her for hours if I could. (Adrienne Shanler, 8/2008.)

Charmalot My Miss Ginny, CH
Registration number: 1793-053481, SB 090580-01
Color: red/white harlequin
Sire: Friscoon Panama Red, CH
Dam: Miss Liberty Bell of Charmalot, in CFA Magnificoon Miss Liberty Bell, Magnificats is the same as Magnificoon.
Date of birth: 9-5-80
Date of death: 12-18-95
Euthanized because of kidney disease
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot, February 1999

Charmalot Moonlight Sonata, CH
From: Waltraud Novak
Hi, list and Ginny M.,
Although a little bit late I would like to put another cat to the old-age-schedule:
Ch (CFA), Europa-Champion Charmalot Moonlight Sonata, blue torbie,
Registration number: CFA 1797-098227
Sire: The Maine Place Wellington (Winston) of Charmalot
Dam: Friscoon's Sita of Charmalot
Date of birth: September 16th, 1981
Passed away in 1998 at an age of 17 years at the home of my friend Elisabeth Jueptner in Germany where she lived for 14 years. She was one of the beautifulest typey cats of the old lines, a wonderful mother and a great lap cat! (Waltraud Novak, Athabaske's Maine Coon Cats, January 2000.)

Charmalot Morgaine
Just a little brag, Charmalot Morgaine will be 15 years old on the 25 of May, 1999, same birthdate as my Dragon. She is owned and loved by Peter & Ingrid Storm.
Becky & Bluesette had babies the same day that time. I love to see those guys live to a ripe old age. Coongratulations on your good care of Morgaine, Peter & Ingrid. (Ginny, February 1999)

Charmalot Tabitha of Walmet, DGC, PR.
Registration number: 1753-000055
Sire: Spavinaw Blu-Macks of Callicoon, SGC
Dam: The Maine Place Bastet of Charmalot, CH
Date of birth: 1-8-1980
Date of death: 1998
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot, February 1999

Cheeptrills Beau Jangles, GP
Registration number: CFA 1744-525257
Sire: Walmet Danny's Boy of Cheeptrills
Dam: Rhythm Sugar Magnolia of Rocquoone
Date of birth: November 25th, 1988
Date of death: March 23rd, 2006
Breeder: Patricia Simpson
Owner: Bill & Nancy Ritchie
Nominated by: Bill & Nancy Ritchie
Nominated (2nd) by: David Rushlander, DVM
Anecdotes about the cat: "Bogie" was an active, healthy cat up to within months of his death. He survived cancer of the mouth only to succomb to kidney failure. He brough us much enjoyment. He was a wonderful cat. (June 2006)

Cheeptrills Dusty
Sire: McInkats Blue Jacket of Cheeptrills
Dam: Cowtown Party Doll of Cheeptrills
Date of birth: 2/9/1987
Date of death: April 1st, 2002
Anecdotes about the cat: Gus, originally called Cheeptrills Dusty, died this week at the age of 15. He came to me at age 14 after considerable travails: his breeder had died and his owner was no longer able to take care of him. He was in sorry shape. However, thanks to Adrienne Shenler and MCARN, he was nursed back to his old healthy and handsome self, and I was lucky enough to adopt him. He settled in to the house with surprising promptness. Jeoffry The Rambunctious liked to play pouncetail and dropcat on him, which he did not relish. Despite this, I noticed that Jeoffry always gave Gus precedence at feeding time, and allowed him to eat however much he wanted from whichever dish he cared for. This was true respect from a cat who shoulders my German Shepherd away from her dish every night at dinner time and snarfs up as much of her food as he can until I intervene. Speaking of the Shephed, Gus did not like the dog and shrank from her, and would wrinkle his nose and wave his paw in disgust when she went by. She's an intuitive hound and a great lover of cats, and was sorely puzzled by his rejection, but stoic about it. She never went near him after the first few days and settled for staring soulfully at him from across the room. That changed only in his final days, when she went up to him and, with great gentleness, nudged him with her nose and sighed at him. This he finally tolerated, I think as a sort of goodbye. Gus and my relationship was unclouded and loving from the get go. (Well, to be truthful, it was unclouded and loving just as long as I didn't have to give him meds or groom him.) He established within a couple of days that his place at night was either by me or on me. Since I'm a restless sleeper, he adapted from his preference (lying on my hip) and instead slept snugged up against me. As a consolation prize he expected (and got) at least an hour of lying on my stomach and discussing the day's events each evening before lights out. Most nights he'd wake me up with what Adrienne aptly called his "rumble of a purr". It was much like sleeping with a large hairy diesel engine. He was a real gentleman, Gus, loving and solid and with very definite preferences. Sociable with me, retiring with others, he'd follow me round the house chirruping and trilling, offering positive reinforcement when I did things right (catnip! scritches! conversation!) and firm but gentle negative reinforcement when I got things wrong (grooming! pills! dislodging him during evening snuggle hour!). I miss him now and will continue to miss him, as do the two others here. Jeoffry won't eat and keeps sniffing Gus' crate, and Emily goes round the house every couple of hours and sniffs at the places he used to lie, and whines. It's a sad time getting used to his being gone. But he was a true pleasure to have around, and I was very glad to have had the year together that we did. (Madeleine Page, April 4th, 2002.)

Cinnamaine Tennessee of Cooncreole, SGC/CH
Registration number: SBT 111587 004 / 1792-469019
Sire: Tolkat Mithrandir, SGC/GC
Dam: Tails End Delabear of Nantiss
Date of birth: November 15th, 1987: Still alive and well
Breeder: Fran Lloyd (Cinnamaine)
Owner: Dan & Judy Chappetta (CoonCreole)
Nominated by: Judy Chappetta
Anecdotes about the cat: He was primarily shown in TICA and Cinnamaine was only reg cattery in CFA so in most pedigrees and databases it is just Tennessee of Cooncreole. (Joan Gaudet, Coquille)

Coonchai J.P. Sousa of Justajoy
Registration number: CFA 1740-1245431
Sire: GC Mainere Luc Skywalker of Coonchai
Dam: Kattarose Morning Glorie of Coonchai
Date of birth: September 23rd, 1998
Breeder: Diana Low
Owner: Christina Haeck
Nominated by: Christina Haeck
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Sousa is the goofiest, sweetest, exuberant , into everything cat. He was so much fun to show, I don’t think he ever left a number card on top of his show cage. He truly has been a continuous ray of sunshine in my life! (Christina Haeck, januari 2014.)

Condopurrs Blue Suede Shoes, SGC
Registration number: TICA #SBT092587 014
Sire: Apollo John Henry of Blazers
Dam: Cajuncoons Delta Lady of Condopurrs
Date of birth: September 25th, 1987
Breeder/owner: Anita Ballard
Nominated by: Anita Ballard and Karen Williams 10/07/2002
Anecdotes about the cat: He was out of a litter of 8, he was my first show cat that I GRC in CFA & DGC in ACFA, SGC in TICA. He was a little on the grumpy side being shown so much, but he is the king of the house, other than being alittle slow in walking, he is still healthy, has all his teeth, no major health problems, he is a big love bug a snuggler and has started snoring his in old age. But I do not mind, as he is always on the pillow next to my head.

Coonoquan’s Mike Nelson
Registration number: 1744-1242374
Sire: GC Stormwatch’s Gucci Cat of Coonoquan
Dam: CH Coonsboro’s Last Tango of Coonoquan
Date of birth: January 8th, 1999
Date of death: February 6th, 2015
Breeder: Stephanie H Boulter - Coonoquan
Owner: Viki Smith
Nominated by: Viki Smith
Nominated (2nd) by: Frances Hall
Anecdotes about the cat: Mike loved to go to cat shows because he loved all the attention. He looked like a lion and was very tall. He liked to play in paper bags and always wished he was the alpha cat and not his sister, Sophie.

Coonoquan My Summer Surprise
Registration number: 1793-1016132
Sire: Cooneyisle My Pintopur of Coonoquan
Dam: Cooneyisle Nutmeg of Coonoquan
Date of Birth: July 22nd, 1995
Date of Death: September 7th, 2012
Breeder: Stephanie E Boulter
Owner: Viki Smith
Nominated By: Viki Smith
Nominated (2nd) by: Frances Hall
Anecdotes About the cat: Summer is an outgoing, curious, demanding, bossy, princess, loveable, sweetheart cat. She’s always the first to greet you. Has always slept between our pillows since the first night we brought her home from Coonoquan. She has a huge vocabulary and is not afraid to use it. She is beautiful and knows it. She never holds a grudge. As soon as you stop brushing her she’s your best friend again. She knows how to give the evil eye, especially if the bed of her choice is occupied. She is cherished and pampered and much beloved. (Viki Smith, august 2012.)

Coonsboro Calvin Coonidge, NW-GC
Registration number: 1744-752464-V0893
Sire: Calicoon Prince Valiant, 1736-586852-V0491
Dam: Lushai Jacqui Coonasis of Coonsboro, GC, 1793-653983-V0192
Date of Birth: October 13th, 1991, Litter Number 728738-0
Date of Death: August 25th, 2008
Breeder: Jill and David Burrow
Owner: Jill and David Burrow
Nominated By: Anne Van Aman
Anecdotes About Calvin: Among all of the cats I have known, Calvin was truly the "King of Cats" with a regal personality - who didn't suffer fools lightly! Calvin came to love me after I wooed him with treats while babysitting for him. Thereafter, I was given the pleasure of his appearance when I would come to visit. Just watching him lying royally on the couch was enough to convince one of his regal carriage - he was a very handsome boy and he knew it! He will be truly missed by all who knew and loved him! (September 2008, Anne van Aman.)

Coonsboro Mario Indy Coondretti, GPRW
Registration number: 1792-660217
Sire: Kanab Luanne's LBJ of Coonsboro, GC
Dam: Emlu Annie Oakley of Coonsboro, CH
Date of birth: September 6th, 1990
Date of death: December 31st, 2007
Breeder: Jill & Dave Burrow
Owner: Donna Hinton
Nominated by: Karon Crook
Nominated (2nd) by: Stephanie Boulter
Anecdotes about the cat: Indy is alive and doing very well... Still the center of attention of our family. The gentle, attentive foster grandfather to all the youngsters in the house. He looks forward towards his once a year outing to the National Maine Coon Cat Club show, where he is honored with their "Hall of Fame" ring for past grands, DM's regional and national winners. Indy loves to be the center of attention and still struts his stuff, gives head butts and kisses while on the judging table. (Donna Hinton, 2006.)
Update - October 2007: The first time I visited Donna, I had the honour to meet Indy. He is the gentleman of the house, a gentle boy with an outgoing character and loving personality. When I visited Donna again, I arrived at Indy’s 17th birthday. It was so good to see him again! He still is a real charmer, loves to be cuddled and Indy expresses his affection to give kisses. Early in the evening, Indy loves to make a stroll along the swimming pool and sit on the bench in the garden next to Donna. Together they sit there until it is dark and enjoy each others company. At night Indy sleeps on Donna’s bed, and if there are newborns in the bedroom he is watching over them too. A lot of people who have met Indy in his younger days at shows and at home, never forgot about him and still remember him. Because he is so special! (Annemiek Weinsheimer.)

Coonsboro Typhoon of Stormwatch, GC GP
Registration number: 1737M-0750131
Sire: Calicoon Prince Valiant, SGC
Dam: Lushai Jacqui Coonasis of Coonsboro, GC
Date of birth: October 13th, 1991
Breeder: Dave and Jill Burrow, Coonsboro
Owner: Cat Moody, Stormwtatch
Nominated by: Cat Moody, Stormwatch Maine Coons
Nominated (2nd) by: Donna Hinton, Nascat
Donna Hinton: Ahh... the wonderful, intimidating, royal highness, Typhoon. One look at her and you know she is still in control over the cat kingdom of Stormwatch. The mother of the famous litter of 3, sired by McKittycreek Donald T. producing, GCRW Stormwatch DirTrack Demon, DM aka "Tracker", GC Stormwatch MacKenzie of Coonoquan and GC Stormwatch Rolling Thunder. She's still going strong about to live her new life in the wild state of Montana. (October, 2006.)

Coonsworth Aja
Registration number: SBT-021795-018 (TICA)
Sire: Pawsnickety Ramses of Coonsworth, CH
Dam: Coonsworth Nefertari, CH
Date of birth: February 17th, 1995
Date of death: April 16th, 2010
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Tim Nelson & Nelson McCrary
Nominated by: Coonsworth Cattery, Jack Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh
Anecdotes about the cat: Grand-Daughter of CH Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth OD, DM. (Jack Sweeney, August 2010.)

Coonsworth Baketaten, CH
Registration number: 1745-1156736
Sire: Pawsnickety Ramses of Coonsworth, CH
Dam: Weysha Bastet of Coonsworth, CH
Date of birth: March 5th, 1997
Date of death: Presently Alive & Kicking
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Larry & Joanne Huff
Nominated by: Jack & Darlene Sweeney (Coonsworth)
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh (Walmet)
(Jack Sweeney, June 2013.)

Coonsworth Charlemagne
Registration number: 1744M-992248 (CFA)
Sire: Pawsnickety Ramses of Coonsworth, CH
Dam: Coonsworth Nefertari, CH
Date of birth: February 17th, 1995
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Juliana & Bob Jones
Nominated by: Coonsworth Cattery, Jack Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh
Anecdotes about the cat (by Juliana & Bob Jones): "As Charlie ages he is reverting to being a kitten. He just can't get enough attention. Charlie wants an enormous amount of affection but is not selfish about it. He gives back love so freely.
Charlie likes to sleep on my pillow, even if my head is already on it. Should I get up or turn over, he sprawls out on it and gets really comfy. How can you deny a pillow to a 15 and ½ year old cat that thinks he is a kitten. Charlie is definitely worth having a sore neck the next day.
A couple of years ago at Christmas time we were in Texas at my sister's home. Billie, our dear 84-year-old English friend, was cat sitting. One morning when Billie's house cleaner was at her home with her 4-year-old daughter, Billie asked the little girl if she would like to see the most beautiful cat that she could ever see. She was all excited so Billie explained that she would have to remain calm and approach Charlie slowly so as not to startle him. When Billie opened the door Charlie was sitting in his usual place. The little girl could not believe her eyes. Billie told her she could pet Charlie if she did so very gently. Charlie loved being adored by this little girl. She is still talking about "that beautiful big cat". Recently we had a large party to watch the fireworks on Bastille Day, the French national holiday. A 3-year-old granddaughter of one of the guest still got the same warm reception from Charlie.
Miou-Miou and Maggie, two Coonsworth Cattery kittens born on February1, 2001, came to live with Charlie. Now Charlie was no longer the kitten (as a matter of fact he was 6-years-old then) so he had to get used to these active, pushy little girls trying to take over his territory. It was a challenge beyond Charlie's wildest imagination. Miou-Miou (name after a French actress) fell almost immediately in love with Charlie. She saw him as the lion that would protect her against any danger. She still adores him over 9 years later, by rubbing her whole body up the side of his, eating out of the same food bowl (even if there are others), sitting so close to him that they are touching, watching him sleep and the list goes on. As a younger "big brother" he would fuss and even slap her occasionally when she carried on like this. In the past few years Charlie will now allow her to worship him. Then he will tenderly start washing her head just like Patty, her mother, did. This goes on for several minutes with Miou-Miou purring and falling into a trance under his spell.
When Charlie was en route to moving to France he had to clear security just like people do. The customs' agent at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport took a one look inside his carrier and said to me, "Mame, you can't transport wild animals". Needless to say his paper work for international transport stated that he was a Maine Coon Cat, as did his pedigree.
As all Maine Coon Cat admirers know his breed is described as being "gentle giants". Charlemagne (Charlie) is the epitome of this image. Every time a repair person comes to our home Charlie is sitting on the back of the sofa looking like a lion with his magnificent mane. Most of them ask, "is that a lynx" (in French because Charlie lives in Antibes on the French Riviera). Maine Coons can be seen in cat shows but they are not seen so often in peoples' homes. The next thing Charlie knows he is being photographed on this guys phone.
The computer is on our desk just behind the settee. Charlie sits in the back of it watching us. All of a sudden he decides to come over to be petted and adored. He leaps and slides onto the table, moving and knocking over my papers just beside the keyboard. Then he walks over the keyboard to get to the other side. Invariably he changes the image on the screen. Sometimes it takes over 15 minutes to restore what was originally there.
There are more stories about Charlie, our first Maine Coon cat, but I'll stop here. We need Charlie just as much as he needs us. Thank you, Darlene and Jack, for this little boy who has given and continues to give us unconditional love. Their will always be just one Charlie and we are so happy that he still shares his life with us." (Jack Sweeney, August 2010.)

Coonsworth Cleopatra, CH, DM
Registration number: 1769-1240981
Sire: Honeycoon Johnny Angel of Big Meow, GC
Dam: Coonsworth Meritaten, CH
Date of birth: January 18th, 1999
Date of death: Alive (and very active)
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Nominated by: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh (Walmet Cattery)
Anecdotes about the cat: "Patti" as we know her was born January 18th, 1999. She is a Brown Patched Tabby with White.
Her father was GC Honeycoon Johnny Angel of Big Meow and her mother was CH, Coonsworth’s Meritaten. She produced 6 litters with a total of 29 kittens. She then retired as mom in May 2005. She had liked the show hall both as a kitten and as a Champion before her first litter so we returned her in January 2006 for her CFA Premier Winners Ribbons. She had already produced 4 Grand Premiers by that time.
Her Distinguished Merit award came at the CFA Simpsonville, SC Show September 2, 2006 with GP Coonsworth’s Vinny My Blue Heaven.
We were thankful that five original pet owners decided to show their Maine Coons and for them to become Grands.
We decided to have a DM party for Patti at the CFA Dalton, GA show in late September 2006, her first show since she became a Premier that past January, 2006. We had also entered her since she was going to be present anyway. What a major surprise! She took 5 out 6 finals. Well we next entered her in the Cotton States show in November 2006, this show turned out to be the largest entered 6-ring show in US to date. She received 3 finals including a Best Allbreed and a 2nd Best Allbreed. Wow, 66 additional points! She was a Grand Premier in 2 shows and one of the oldest cats entered!
We were totally excited, after many years here’s Patti coming back into the show hall and accomplishing this. She was 8 years old on January 18th, 2007 and was not only Coonsworth’s second DM at that time but our first cattery produced DM.
One of her unique traits is that she is a chronic beggar and has passed it on to some of her offspring. She sits up on her hind paws, moves her forepaws and begs. She has charmed show spectators, judges and many visitors to our home. She had developed a taste for pepperoni during her first pregnancy and still begs many times for it even to this day.
Patti has followed in her Grandmother’s footsteps very well. CH, PR, OD Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth DM was the world’s first Maine Coon receiving both a CFA DM and TICA OD. Rebecca's story was the cover story on the MCBFA's Winter 2000 Scratch Sheet and is also on the Methuselahs list. (Jack Sweeney, January 2014.)

Coonsworth Maxx Lui Kang, PR
Registration number: 17744M-1014761 (CFA)
Sire: Tymack Seti of Coonsworth, GC
Dam: Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth, CH, OD, DM
Date of birth: July 3rd, 1995
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Cheree & Richard Eldridge
Nominated by: Coonsworth Cattery, Jack Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh. (Jack Sweeney, August 2010.)

Coonsworth Nigel of Hissinghurst, GC
Registration number: 1744M-961673 (CFA)
Sire: Weysha Jiminy Cricket, SGC
Dam: Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth, CH, OD, DM
Date of birth: September 25th, 1994
Date of death: March 19th, 2012
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Brenda & Ronald McNutt
Nominated by: Coonsworth Cattery, Jack Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh. (Jack Sweeney, August, 2010.)
Update - March 2012: I was just informed by Brenda McNutt that Nigel went to the Rainbow Bridge in her arms on Monday morning, March 19th, 2012 after 17 1/2 years. He was retired to the McNutt Family by the presently inactive Hissinghurst owners Patty Reggio and the late Pam Loud. Nigel was their first GC stud, siring many pet and show offspring. (Jack Sweeney.)

Coonsworth Tabasco Cat, GP
Registration number: 1744M-960930 (CFA) & SBT-092594-010 (TICA)
Sire: Weysha Jiminy Cricket, SGC
Dam: Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth, CH, OD, DM
Date of birth: September 25th, 1994
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Priscilla Byars
Nominated by: Coonsworth Cattery, Jack Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh
(Jack Sweeney, August 2010.)

Coonsworth Sefari
Registration number: SBT-021795-019 (TICA)
Sire: Pawsnickety Ramses of Coonsworth, CH
Dam: Coonsworth Nefertari, CH
Date of birth: February 17th, 1995
Breeder: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Owner: Tim Nelson & Nelson McCrary
Nominated by: Coonsworth Cattery, Jack Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh
Anecdotes about the cat: Grand-Daughter of CH Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth OD, DM. (Jack Sweeney, August 2010.)

Coontosh All-Track of Forestsprite
Registration number: CFA 1741M-1036348
Sire: CH Coontosh Lamberkitti
Dam: Sweetcoons Catillac of Coontosh
Date of birth: November 10th ,1995
Date of death: She lives
Breeder: Tere L. Beckmann
Owner: Margrit Naujock
Nominated by: Stefanie Könemann + Dirk Kücker
Nominated (2nd) by: Elaine Mirecki
Anecdotes about the cat: Centre of our lives. A wonderful red haired lady. (Margrit) Long time ago - 19 years in the meantime - Dirk an I met a young californian girl in the north of germany: Coontosh All-Track, called Kitty. She was just 6 months but we felt: this is a special one. Time passed and Kitty should be mum - but unfortunately it never happens. (Maybe she was infertile - follow through her bad pyometras as very young cat). Instead, she developed heavy allergies and shows more and more that it was not HER dream to live in a cattery where she had to share her humans with many other cats. And then she got a second chance which changes her life: she moves to Margrit und Gerd - and feels richly gifted. Two humans only for her - Kitty - the lady in red! :-) (Dirk + Stefanie, June 2015)

Coonwyck Savannah
Registration number: CFA 1769-1426546
Sire: CH Irishcoons Reiley of Coonwyck
Dam: GC Rangerwoods Alexis of Coonwyck
Date of birth: 8/24/2002
Date of death: 12/1/2017
Breeder: Rebecca Lovall, Coonwyck Cattery
Owner: Suzannah Peer
Nominated by: Rebecca Tucker (formerly Lovall) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Coonwyck
Nominated (2nd) by: Dr Liz Hansen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Chemicoons
Anecdotes about the cat: Savannah was a very sweet girl. Even though she was very laid back, she ruled the roost. She loved to play in her water bowl and often made “snorting” noises when she wanted attention. She loved everyone, and will be missed by all. I have attached her photo as well.

Cowtown Marigold of Walmet, SGC OD, aka Maggie
Registration number: SBT 121185-003
Sire: Walmet Daniel Coone of Cowtown, IW-SGC, OS
Dam: Charmalot Bluebonnet of Cowtown, QGC, OD
Date of birth: 12-11-1985
Date of death: Still living March 2001
Nominated by: -owner- Gerry Walsh Walmet Cattery
Nominated (2nd) by: Tylene Mackay, Tymack Cattery

Cremocrop Emmylou Harris, GP
Registration number: 1793 714105
Sire: Nantiss MacIntosh of Cremocrop, CH
Dam: Hairbearei Beary Best of Cremocrop, CH
Date of birth: October 1st, 1990
Breeder: Susan D Lymbouris
Owner: Kathy Rutledge
Nominated by: Susan D Lymbouris / Cremocrop Maine Coons
Nominated (2nd) by: Kathy Rutledge/Tigerwings
Anecdotes about the cat: Emmylou is a beautiful brown tabby and white Maine Coon. She was sold to Kathy Rutledge as a pet. As Emmy matured Kathy asked me about showing her. Emmy is built like a male and became a CFA Grand Premier very easily. Showing Emmylou got Kathy interested in breeding and showing short hair cats, where Kathy has received many National and Regional awards. Emmylou, being the only long haired cat in residence, continues to run Kathy's household of Cornish Rex and Burmease. (March 2006.)

Crossed Arrows Sarsi
Registration number: FE.L95.MC.035.5
Sire: Guldfakse Perry Mason
Dam: The Bentley Pride Penny Lane
Date of birth: March 25th, 1995
Date of death: January 16th, 2011
Breeder: I.M. de Koning-Keijzer
Owner: I.M. de Koning-Keijzer
Nominated by: I.M. de Koning-Keijzer
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Sarsi does not like the dog, and she spends most of her time with Wovoka (a male cat). (I.M. de Koning-Keijzer. December 2010.)

Davie Boy vom Schindetal
Registration number: 204801
Sire: Larry vom Schindetal, EC
Dam: Black Beauty vom Schindetal
Date of birth: July 17th, 1994
Date of death: N/A
Breeder: Ursula Kretzer
Owner: Marion Falk, Miners Grove Maine Coon
Nominated by: --
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Our "Michael" like we call him, is actually 17 years old an his health is still well! Of course there have been some (bad) disease in his lifetime, but he and we always get trough it. He took over our house and home ;-)) when he was 3 Months old, at the 15th Oct. 1994. (Marion Falk, August 2011.)

Dirigo John Hancock, CH
Registration number: 1744M-1086630
Sire: Kriscaj Marty The Bear of PiR2, CH
Dam: Dirigo Beauty
Date of birth: January 20th, 1996
Date of death: N/A
Breeder: Beth Kus
Owner: Kellie & Bill Bagby
Nominated by: Nancy Hitzeman - Acadiacoons
Nominated (2nd) by: John Hitzeman - Acadiacoons
(Acadiacoons, April 2011.)

Forest Manor Mocha of Ambler Farm
Sire: MtKittery Tycoon of Forestmanor
Dam: Monatcong Mis-Chief of Forest Manor
Date of birth: August 5th, 1983
Date of death: August 4th, 2004
Breeder: Judy Ries
Owner: Jill Hamilton
Nominated by: Jill Hamilton
Brown tabby smoke female. Champion, TICA show in May, 1984. Spayed at three years old. (Jill Hamilton, 7/2006.)

Forestsprite Abby II of Little Forest Lion, GEC
Registration number: DRV 026952-LH
Sire: Forestsprite Jerry of Little Forest Lion, EC
Dam: Shaggycoat Ellis of Forestsprite, EC
Date of birth: November 9th, 1995
Date of death: she is still alive
Breeder: Schwermer, Carmen und Rudi
Owner: Rösner, Patricia
Nominated by: Rösner, Patricia
Nominated (2nd) by: Könemann, Stefanie
You may think: Hm, she is not nice any more. And I say to you: for me, she will ever be a beauty and she is old, my very old Lady in Red.
On the day of our first encounter, a long cherished childhood dream was to be fulfilled, a red cat girl. My heart said to her: "We make the covenant of our life , all your life, no matter what happens, and hopefully for many years". We lived together our lives , enjoyed every day. Abby grew into a stately cat’s lady: A Lady with Rubens figure AND tilts and edges ;-) Sometimes she was not quite easy, because she inherited the strength of her father's (Jerry of Forestsprite) character and willing.
This ensured that she took the top spot in the ranking soon: she was really the QUEEN in our cat group. And she enjoyed it: until the day as Lizzy of Forestsprite moved in, dethroned Abby and took the command (not without frictions in the beginning...). But as they arranged with each other, Lizzy and Abby built up together a special respect. In the course of time she has become quieter and more tolerant, she has survived her only daughter Alexis Marsupilami (Süppchen) about many years, her father Jerry, her friend Lizzy, her rival Ellis of Forestsprite, and our Allures Patchet Penny. Soon she will have to follow them, and leave behind her current friends. Until this point of no return, we live every day as if it is a whole year. My heart, it always becomes with her speech, even the approaching cannot break Deadly our alliance.
Abby, I thank you for the many, many years you have given me.
Yours Patricia. (Patricia Rösner, 12/2013.)

Forestsprite Icy
Registration number: DRV 028839-LH; CFA 1736-1155438
Sire: Guldfakse Mad Max
Dam: Catch-A-Penny Nellie of Forestsprite
Date of birth: January 9th, 1997
Date of death: December 12th, 2013
Breeder: Carmen + Rudi Schwermer
Owner: Elaine Mirecki
Nominated by: Margrit NaujocK
Nominated Stefanie Könemann + Dirk Kücker
Anecdotes about the cat: He was the biggest gentle sliver teddybear on four paws and he could wrap us tin openers round his frontpaws with his black eyeline eyes. We loved him very much, his passing left a huge hole in our lives.

Fullmoons Light My Fire
Registration number: FIN SRK LO 67135
Sire: TipTop Maine Inkpadota
Dam: Fullmoon Emotion Over Ocean
Date of birth: November 19th, 2001
Date of death: Still alive
Breeder: Carmen + Rudi Schwermer
Owner: Mari Jokiaho
Nominated by: Karoliina Pirkkanen
Nominated Mari Jokiaho
Anecdotes about the cat: A very tender, well-behaved and loving old lady with a respectable 16 years of age!

Gemutlichkatz Maxim
Registration number: 1790-000080
Sire: MaryB Bofur Bifur
Dam: Gemutlichkatz Sopronia
Date of birth: September 23rd, 1978
(Pat Robbins, Liz Flynn April 2000.)

Gemutlichkatz Maxim
Registration number: 1790-000080
Sire: MaryB Bofur Bifur
Dam: Gemutlichkatz Sopronia
Date of birth: September 23rd, 1978
(Pat Robbins, Liz Flynn April 2000.)

Gemutlichkatz Phineas Taylor
Sire: Heidi Ho Henry Sayward
Dam: BoChat Emily R of Gemultlichkatz

Gemutlichkatz Sophronia
Sire: Heidi Ho Henry Sayward
Dam: BoChat Emily R of Gemultlichkatz
Date of birth: May 23rd, 1975
Date of death: February 1993
Anecdotes about the cat: I'm not sure if I can nominate these cats since I didn't see them in person, but in a letter I have from Pat Robbins, she happened to mention that Gemutlichkatze's Maxim was 16 and still going strong (this was as of February 1995); that Gemutlichkatze's Sophronia (born in May 1975) died in February 1993, which would have made her 17; and that Sophie's brother, Phineas Taylor, was still alive and nearing age 20 (again, as of February 1995). Maybe someone knows Pat and could second these kitties? (--Jody.)
I certainly will second these kittens and I believe it was Max (a black/white) who had the dreaded penile surgery because of persistent bladder problems. This was in the mid 80s, so he live a good long life after that. (Jane R. Baldinger, Yankeecats Febraury 1999.)

Gimlet's Himalaya
Registration number: 
Sire: Gimlet's Goulds Belt
Dam: Gimlet's Aldebaran
Date of birth: 2024-09-17
Date of death: Autumn 2023 (September-November sometime)
Breeder: Susanne (Gimlet)
Owner: Malin Sundqvist (Lived with Linnea)
Nominated by: Malin Sundqvist
Anectodets: When Maya arrived at me at 3 years of age, she'd been domesticated, it took several months to gain her trust, and then she was a very loving and sweet girl. She turned out to be N/HCM so she had only 2 litters. Maya blended in well, but you could see that she would love to be alone so after she's been neutered in 2010, she moved to Linnea where she spent the rest of her days, which turned out to be a very long time. 

Gingercats Tobi Tyler, CH
Registration number: CFA 1789-207095
Sire: Orchard's Cream Puff
Dam: Arden's Ms. Mauser of Gingercats
Date of birth: 01/12/84
Date of death: Still acting like a kitten!!
Nominated by: Ginny Erts, Gingercats
Nominated (2nd) by: Judy Quimby, Countrylore February 1999

CH Hairbearei Beary Best of Cremocrop
Registration number: CFA 1793-347791 TICA SBT 71986005
Sire: Le Beau Minu Yankee Doodle Dandy
Dam: Purricoon Cooncatenation
Date of birth: July 19th, 1986
Date of death: October 11th, 2004
Breeder: Brooke Berger/ Elizabeth Haeberer
Owner: Susan D Lymbouris
Nominated by: Susan D Lymbouris Cremocrop Maine Coons
Nominated (2nd) by: Pat Taylor Makanacoon Maine Coons
Anecdotes about the cat: BB was unique. BB came to my home when she was 3 years old from Nancy Adkins,who was retiring from breeding.I felt it was such an honor to have BB. BB produced many beautiful kittens that became grand champions. She was loving and loyal. BB retired from breeding at the age of seven. She was the perfect mother. She remained the grand dam for the rest of her life. Every cat looked up to BB and respected her. BB died peacefully in her sleep on October 11, 2004. Her remains were cremated.

Hatheg-Kla Isabella Catalina
Registration number: CFA 1787-717886 VO392 and MU.L90.MC.008.3
Sire: Acid van de Punda, FE.L89.MC006.3
Dam: Alica of Night Shadow, MU.L89.MC.D.042
Date of birth: August 2nd, 1990
Breeder: Ingrid Jansen
Owners: Jane Lynn Merritt and Ralph Caruso
Nominated by: Jane Lynn Merritt of Nauticoons
Nominated (2nd) by: JoAnn Genovese of Taelcat
Anecdotes about the cat: Zabelle was born in Amsterdam, she moved to Paris, then moved to Washington, DC. There she had 3 litters, all great and wonderful cats. From Washington she moved to historic Harpers Ferry WV. After many years living the good life on land she set to sea. She moved onto a 43 foot sailboat and sailed the Intercoastal Waterway to the Bahamas. She really liked the warm weather. Enough of the sailing life, she is currently in retirement among the vines of Bordeaux, France. (Jane Lynn Merritt, February 2009.)

Heidi Ho Aurora of Mtkittery Registration number: SB010982-003
Sire: Heido Ho Sonky Bill
Dam: Tanstaafl Polly Adeline
Date of birth: 1/9/1982
I know for a fact that Heidi Ho's Aurora only died last year, I had lunch with the cat the summer before. (Cat Moody, February 1999.)

Heidi Ho Canth of Tanstaafl
Registration number: TICA SB 081180-005
Sire: Heidi Ho Sonkey Bill
Dam: Tanstaafl's Polly Adeline of Tanstaafl
Date of birth: 8-11-1980
Date of death: January 1996
Nominated by: Lynne Sherer & Beth Hicks. 9/4/2000

Honeycoon Frisque Tiger
Meowchi's Maine Coons is celebrating a birthday today. GR Honeycoon Frisque Tiger is celebrating his 16th birthday. Happpy Birthday Frisque! (Mariane Toth, April 27th, 2004.)

Indro Don de Alazan (called Benny)
Sire: Highgate Maharadjah of Alazan
Dam: Denise Bint Sonata of Bacorhan
Date of birth: April 24th, 1986
Date of death: April 4th, 2002 (so almost 16 years old)
Nominated by: Bettina Schmolla, Hamburg, Germany, I've had him since he was 13 weeks old
Nominated (2nd) by: Ilse Schmolla, also Hamburg, Germany, my mother. We've lived together in her flat for more than 7 years, and she's been together with us in my flat on that evening when our vet finalled helped Benny for his last way to the cat heaven. Benny was born in Leverkusen, Germany, when German cat shows were still dominated by Persians and Maine Coons were rare. He was the fulfilling of my dream to get a Maine Coon cat. I got him without any knowlodge about inbreeding co-efficients, Top 5, ..., I was just lucky that I found a breeder in Germany who wasn't living too far away and who had nice little kittens. Benny had to be put to sleep now because his kidneys weren't functioning any more. After a fight of about 6 months against his kidney disease, his body finally gave up (he had lost his appetite, his kidneys had affected his heart and he had begun to develop cancer) and I had to call the vet to help him on his last way. But before his kidney problems had become so visible and crucial (about 3 months before his death), nobody wanted to believe that Benny was already more than 15 years old! You can find a sister and a brother of Benny in the Maine Coon database, Donna Ivonne de Alazan and Idefix Don de Alazan, so you can also see Benny's pedigree there. (April 2002)

Jupiter v. Anatolien
Sire: Picasso of Clowder
Dam: Sundar Lynda
Date of birth: 12/06/1980
He celebrated his 21st birthday on December 6th 2001. He is old but completely healthy!! (Petra Hartmann, April 2002.)

Kanab Luannes Acoma, GC, DM
Sire: Topa Smedley of Kanab
Dam: Zookatz Luanne of Kanab
Date of birth: 10-05-1986
Acoma (aka Magoo) died just last year at age 16; I can't remember if Trish told me it was kidney failure or cancer, but I know it was not heart related. (Susan Blevins, Moosecoons, May 2002)

Katnkindle Pohocco Princess
Registration number: CFA 1745-962183; TICA SBT 100294 006
Sire: Angtini Lucky Strip of Swanycoon, GC
Dam: Kanab Luanne Anjuli of Katnkindle, CH
Date of birth: October 2nd, 1994
Date of death: October 13th, 2009. Pohocco passed away due to complications from oral cancer.
Breeder: Hortense Wilkinson
Owner: Hortense Wilkinson
Nominated by: Carol Johnson
Nominated (2nd) by: Kym Miller
Anecdotes about the cat: Pohocco was very social and curious. When other cats slept, she was awake. She walked across the tops of curtain rods as a kitten. She was constantly at the kitchen sink wanting running water. She was with Mom at the computer, usually between the keyboard and the monitor. She was on the ledge next to the toilet wanting attention EVERYTIME the bathroom was occupied. She was into everything, always insisting on being part of every activity. In spite of her nickname of "bad cat" she was the favorite because of her personality and the companionship she provided to Hortense for so many years. (Carol Johnson, October 2009.)

Kayenta Sedona of Kanab, DM
Sire: Tanstaafl Yankee Doodle of Purricoon
Dam: Purricoon Freedom of Kayenta
I can tell you that Sedona (Rusty's mom) is still alive and kicking at age 18. (Susan Blevins, Moosecoons, May 2002.)

Kiskata Angeline of Solkatz
Sire: Kiskata's Dana Kutan
Dam: Roselu Tinker Bell of Kiskata
Date of birth: 9/2/1983
Still Living as of February 1999
Gayla Pierce mentioned 3 of our cats and I would like to provide the information on them: All 3 are living with us and are in reasonably good health considering their years.
Anecdotes about the cat: Angie is still quite active and jumps 4 1/2 feet to the top of an antique wardrobe when she wants a nap. Small Brag: Angie was OFA certified as excellent at the age of 82 months. She was last shown at 9 1/2 and if she is healthy and wants to be shown we will show her at a local show in September at 16 years of age. (Rich & Nancy Koch.)

Kitti Kat Half Penny-Two Penny, IC.
Here's my nomination and I have send a copy of this to her owner Anneke Kuys, expecting Anneke to second the nomination and asking Anneke to confirm this to you :-)
IC. R-Halfpennytwopenny
Registration number: Felikat (FIFe) FE.L.84.MC.CFA.03
Sire: Ch. Kreidcats Beresford
Dam: Suzeran Abygail Anne
Date of birth: December 19th, 1983
Date of death: May 27, 2001 (Age 17.5 years)
Nominated by: Tricks and Tails Maine Coons, Astrid Straver (Penny is the great grandmother of our neuter Zappa).
From: Anneke Kuys:
19th of December last she reached the age of 15, still purring loud and clear, any visitor will tell! Another one of the oldest living Maine Coons in The Netherlands:
1. Half Penny-Two Penny
2. date of birth 19 december 1983
3. CFA 1759-222366
4. sire CH Kreidberg Beresford ( CFA 1792-091747)
5. dam CH. Suzeran Abygail Anne (CFA 1783-203680)
6. Breeder Kathrine Marshall
Grandparents: Friscoon's Panama Red x Friscoon's Blu Danube
Suzeran's Colorado Colin x Friscoon's Holly Hana
Nominated by Anneke Kuys (owner), cattery Patchwork
I second this nomination. (Rene Mooij & Kitty van Ewijk, cattery Dynamicats.)
Probably the cattery name of your cat "Half Penny-Two Penny" is Kitti-Kat, which was owned by Katherine (Kitti) Marshall. And I believe the cattery name of her sire is KREIDCATS. Kreidcats was Kaye and David Reid of Austin, Texas. Her grandparents, Friscoon's Panama Red and Friscoon's Blu Danube, were owned by Kaye and David Reid. Kitti Marshall, her breeder, lived in Texas at that time. And, I believe Kitti Marshall is now Kitti Ruttan, a TICA judge, who lives in Sacramento, CA. Someone correct me if I am wrong... February 1999.
Yesterday, the 19th of december my first Maine Coon female, (Kittikat's) Half Penny-Two Penny celebrated her 17th birthday. I still remember the day she arrived because it happened to be on my birthday. Penny has a.o. the company of her son Disney 14 yrs, her granddaughter Spiderwoman 7,5 yrs en her great-granddaughter Anouk 3 yrs. In spite of the fact that she has only a few teeth left Penny still has a very healthy appetite. She usually joins me when I am busy on the computer and is responsible for quite a few early hits of the delete button, due to headbutting to my hand on the mouse. We hope to have her around for several more years to come. (*** Anneke Kuys *** Patchwork Maine Coons, The Netherlands, December 20th, 2000)

Kitty-Up Hopi of Mannahatta, CH
Registration number: 1785-1097516 VO697
Sire: Kitty-Up Texas Ranger, GC
Dam: Kitty-Up Calamity Jane
Date of birth: September 19th, 1996
Date of death: Still alive
Breeder: Meryle & Richard Weiss
Owner: Carla Maria & Gregory Sullwold
Nominated by: Carla Maria Sullwold
Nominated (2nd) by: Peggy Vivinetto
(Carla Maria Sullwold, October 2011.)

Kitty-Up Starbuck-of-Paumanok, RW-SGCA (CFA), also known as Kitty-Up Starbuck of Mannahatta (CFF & AACE) & Kitty-Up Starbuck in TICA
Registration number: TICA SBT 011396 031, CFA 1796-1049350, CFF MC1200MA1-112125 AACE MCCO305SMP-0101
Sire: Kitty-Up Texas Ranger, GC
Dam: Kitty-Up Jessy James, CH
Date of birth: January 13th, 1996
Date of death: Alive; tomorrow will be his 15th birthday on January 13th, 2011
Breeder: Meryle & Richard Weiss
Owner: Carla Maria & Gregory Sullwold (Gregory deceased 2010)
Nominated by: Carla Maria Sullwold
Nominated (2nd) by: Peggy Vivinetto
Anecdotes about the cat: Starbuck was our first Maine Coon and introduced us to the love of the breed and to breeding. As an alter he is a Grand Premier in CFA, a Supreme & twice Regional Winner in TICA, a Supreme and 4 time National Winner in AACE, and a CFF Champion. He was a glorious, if sometimes temperamental show cat (he once removed a judge's eyeglasses after being roughly handled). At home he was the dean of our cat colony, a feline with disriminating taste in food, toys, hotel rooms, a devoted and loving companion. (Carla Maria Sullwold, January 2011.)

Kitwilo G. Louise
Registration number: 1793-1079870
Sire: Kanab Luanne Jesse James of Kitwilo
Dam: Caribcoons Annie Oakley of Kitwilo
Date of birth: January 26th, 1996
Breeder: Julie Moreland-John Palmer
Owner: Stella Gaylor- Julie Moreland
Nominated by: Stella Gaylor
Nominated (2nd) by: Rose Spillman
(Stella Gaylor, May 2011.)

Klipperkats Hidee O'Silver
Registration number: 1725-447883
Sire: Klipperkats Jacob
Dam: Ktaadns Kleo of Klipperkats
Date of birth: November 11th, 1987, still going strong.
There's a recent (taken yesterday) pix of her on my website on the Alters page - access is through the Firerose Cats link. Cheers! (Helen, Firerose Maine Coons - Kent, Washington - & 1 Papillon. January, 2000.)

Kokomo Bristol Cream
Registration number: Sverak 103674
Sire: Mantas Auburn, Sverak 85363
Dam: Caprix Galaxie, Sverak 87826
Date of birth: December 22nd, 1992.
Breeder: Marika Arkestål
Owner: Bengt Anderzon / Ylva Nyquist
Nominated by: Bengt Anderzon / Ylva Nyquist
Nominated (2nd) by: Malin Borell
(October 2011, Ylva Nyquist.)
Anecdotes about the cat: I got some more pics of Kokomo's Bristol Cream, who will be 19 years old in December. I was told today that he just got a lion cut due to his now severely matting coat. His heart sounded perfect, just like for a young cat, the vet said. Vet was very impressed! And the sedation went very well. So we very much hope that he has some more good years left! :-) (Anecdote by Ulrika Olsson, October 2011.)

Krutherskats KKR Jr.
Registration number: 1790-098885
Sire: Lovabacon KKR
Dam: Mymains Constance of Krutherskats
Lovabacon KKR & Krutherskats KKR Jr. both lived to nearly 20 years of age. (Gayla Pierce, January 2000.)

Lagunacoon Dos Equis, GC/GP
Registration number: 1758-284425
Sire: Tanstaafl Bacchus of Shihaya
Dam: Pyramaine Doverfoxcroft of Lagunacoon
Date of birth: June 30th, 1985
Anecdotes about the cat: Ace is 14 1/2 years old and like his mother Foxie has a sligth heart murmur. He was also screen at UCDavis at 9 years and 2 months and showed no signs of HCM. (Gayla Pierce 1/2000.)

GC/GP Lagunacoon Dos Equis
Sire: Tanstaafl Bacchus of Shihaya
Dam: Pyramaine Doverfoxcroft
Celebrated his 15th birthday last Friday, June 30th, 2000.
Other than being a bit on the rotund side, and loosing 1 fang tooth to an abcess several years ago, Ace is in great shape and sleeps on my head almost every night. He was also the very first kitten born in my very first litter and my very first Grand, so he's more than a little special to me. (Gayla Pierce, Lagunacoon Maine Coons, 7/4/2000.)
Update: I'd like to announce that today - June 30th 2001 - is the 16th birthday for GC/GP Lagunacoon Dos Equis, better known as Ace. He is in remarkable good health and not suffering from any of they typical senior cat diseases. In fact, he doesn't even look like an old cat, he looks to be about 10 or 12 years old. His mother CH/PR Pyramaine Doverfoxcroft is still alive and feisty as ever at 17 years and 2 months of age. Her health is not so good, but mentally she is still sharp as a tack and not giving any signs that it's time to go. (Gayla Pierce.)

Lee v. Opel-Dienst
Registration number: F.I.Fe.-Pedigree 1. DEKZV e.V. ZB-Nr. 213165
Sire: Løve Hulen Michigan, EC
Dam: Langstteich Domenica II, CH
Date of birth: April 4th, 1995
Date of death: April 19th, 2013
Breeder: Elli Lueck
Owner: Constanze Sommer
Nominated by: Constanze Sommer
Nominated (2nd) by: Dr. med. vet. Anja Dekeyser
Anecdotes about the cat: She is a very dynamic and muscular cat and also very healthy. She is 15 years and 6 months old and has lost only 2 teeth so far. She loves to play with noisy toys, e.g. table tennis balls are fine. (Constanze Sommer, October 2010.)
Update - April 21st, 2013: With sorrow I have to inform you, that Lee vom Opel-Dienst died on April 19th, 2013. Though she did manage her 18th Birthday. (Constanze Sommer.)

Lovabacon KKR of Krutherscats
Sire: Suzeran Lord Peter Wimsey
Dam: Jaidee Panda of Terrificats
Date of birth: August 21st, 1980
(Gayla Pierce, Karen Crooke.)

Lovabacon Miguel of Kreidcats, GP/RW
Registration number: CFA: 1790-050778
Sire: GC Suzeran Lord Peter Wimsey of Kinukun (Lived to 12-13)
Dam: RW-GC GP Jaidee Panda of Terrificats, DM (Died at 13/cancer)
Date of birth: August 21st, 1980
Date of death: July 1998 (I tried to forget the exact date, but will look it up and provide it to anyone who wants to know.)
Nominated by: Karen Crooke, Lovabacon & Terrificats
Nominated (2nd) by: Michelle Sykes, Unicoon, February 1999

Lovecat Kathleen, GIC
Registration number: 184759
Sire: Løve Hulen Quille
Dam: Eowyn The Squeaker
Date of birth: November 23th, 1992
Date of death: September 16th, 2009
Breeder: Tatjana Rappelt
Owner: Desiree Becher
Nominated by: Desiree Becher
Nominated (2nd) by: -
Anecdotes about the cat: she said "määäh" (German word for what sheep speeking) instead of "miau". (September, 2009.)

Løve Hulen Kiss
Sire: Marala Silver Fox
Dam: Hevengift Typhany
Date of birth: June 11th, 1987
Kiss, born november 6th 1987, silver classic tabby female, was imported from Denmark. She is from an outcross combination of very different lines: (EC Hevengift Typhany and GIC Marala Silver Fox) which showed clearly in her ofspring. Not related to other Maine Coons in the Netherlands she has contributed to widening the base of genetic material. Her silver kittens had as a rule a good quality silver coat with very little tarnishing. Her best known children are: Silver Barbarella, Trapper and Sascha (better known as Kyran), who all are European Champions and, except Barbarella, also European Premiors. (Anneke Kuys Patchwork Maine Coons, The Netherlands, April 2004.)
Cynthia, I can confirm having seen both Patchwork Disney as well as Lovehulen Kiss :-) Disney was the grandfather of our first MC male Zappa, who had the same striking color. Disney seemed to be the kind of relaxed cat that would live 'forever'. Anneke, I'm sorry he passed away - but at a very ripe age! (Astrid & Leo Straver Tricks & Tails, Nederland, April 2004.)

Lucky Buzz av Åsly
Registration number: NRR LO 134911
Sire: Gimlets Calypso
Dam: Lindevolls Lynx
Date of birth: December 19th, 2002
Date of death: Still Alive
Breeder: Vigdis Gundersen Kidd
Owner: Vigdis Gundersen Kidd
Nominated by: Monica Hestad
Nominated (2nd) by:
Anecdotes about the cat: The winter of 2012 Buzz went missing. He went out late in the evening. Living in Norway, we had lots of snow and it was -20 degrees outside. He doesn't like winter and snow, so I was really scared when he didn't show up after a few minutes. I went out looking for him, and did so every night. Still it was -20. I put up posters and knocked on doors, but no one had seen him. My other cats was looking for him too, calling him. After 18 days I assumed he was dead, hit by a car and dumped somewhere. My husband and I talked before we went to bed on the 18th day he was missing, and said we will never see him again. In the middle of the night my daughter woke me and said : "Buzz is home"!! He used his last strenght to jump up in the window so she saw him and let him in. He was so weak he could hardly walk. He must have been screaming to get out of where ever he had been locked in, his voice was worn out and weak. Vet's next day of course. He had pneumonia and was dehydrated, no food or water for 18 days and he had lost 2,5 kilos, but bloodwork was fine. Miracles do happen ?? Buzz has a problem with his arthrosis in his spine. For this he has had Cartrophen and accupuncture. This has worked magick for him and he is still going strong. Playing with the other cats and having a good cat life.

Luvpaws Maverick of Wyndabbey, QGC
Registration number: SBT011798-016
Sire: Ch Capecoon Space Cowboy of My-Luvpaws
Dam: Ch Pandomainea Willow of My-Luvpaws
Date of birth: January 17th, 1998
Date of death: Still Alive
Breeder: Richelle Godfrey/Rob Goodall
Owner: Abbey/Guy Jones
Nominated by: Abbey/Guy Jones
Nominated (2nd) by: Richelle Godfrey
Anecdotes about the cat: Maverick was a stud male for 7 years. Many of his offspring went into breeding programs and/or had successful show careers. He tested negative for the MyBCP3 mutation and was ultrasounded 4 times during his breeding career.

Magicoons Dream Chaser of Idlemaine, CH
Registration number: 1791-1025530
Sire: GC/BW/NW Terrificats P.C. Gambit, DM
Dam: GC Magicoons Song & Dance of Idelmaine
Date of birth: August 13th, 1995
Date of death: Still going strong!!
Breeder: Pat Idleman & Kathy Ruf
Owner: Kathy Ruf & Pat Idleman
Nominated by: Kathy (Ruf) Jahnke
Nominated (2nd) by: Donna Hinton
Anecdotes about the cat: Chessie is affectionately known as “The Empress” around here. Her favorite person is Bob and she is on his lap several times a day. She has her own chair next to Bob’s and if you are in it when she wants to be, watch out!. She loves a bit of canned milk every day and deli turkey at lunch. (September 2013. Kathy (Ruf) Jahnke.)
I had the honor to see this wonderful girl in person on August 22-24, 2013. "Chessie" is in marvelous condition for a girl of 18, who really didn't look 18 years age. Very sweet, affectionate and loving. I'm still amazed..wow. (September, 2013. Donna Hinton.)

Magicoons Shadow Dancer, CH.
Sire: GC/BW/RW Lovabacon's Tom Terrificat, DM
Dam: Ch. Purrocious Amber Sirene of Magicoons
Brown Mackerel Tabby
Date of birth: 8/12/1987
Breeder: Kathy Ruf'
Owners: Bob and Kathy Ruf Janke
Anecdotes about the cat: Happy as a clam today before her birthday. I am pleased and proud to say that tomorrow (August 12th) is Dancer's 15th birthday! She was the only girl in my first litter. As you know she is the mother of CFA's first one show grand champion Maine Coon Cat, GC/GP/RW Magicoons BatMaine of Idlemaine. She will NOT be happy that I have another trip scheduled to begin in the morning! (Kathy Ruf Janke, August 2002, Seconded by Karen Crooke.)

Magicoons Susie O'Coon, GP
Registration number: 1793-710611
Sire: GC Terrificats Tres Equis
Dam: GC Magicoons Sparkles
Date of birth: August 28th, 1990
Breeder: Katherine (Ruf) Janke
Owner: Rebecca W. Cantrell
Nominated by: Katherine Janke, Magicoons
Nominated (2nd) by: Pat Idleman, Idlemaine
Anecdotes about the cat: After a short show career, I decided I was through with all that business and retired to my real role as ruler of my three humans. I now spend most of my days (and nights) sleeping on my human furniture. Life is good. (March 2006.)

Maine Cooncern's Thor
Sire: Charmalot's Most Hapi Fela of Nankin
Dam: Maxwood's Merriment
Date of birth: November 20th, 1984 just celebrated 16 years. (Theresa Rutledge, January 2001.)

Mainstays Americana of Solkatz
Sire: Kiskata's Dana Kutan
Dam: Kiskata's Kutiga
Date of birth: September 14th, 1983
Date of death: Still living but a bit thin
Anecdotes about the cat: Americana sleeps by the fire a lot, but is still getting along. (February 1999.)
Mainstay's Americana of Solkatz is the mother of one of the first male studs in Great Britain. Her son is Solkatz Luciano P of Pusiluv and is affectionately known as "Charlie" to the Maine Coon breeders in England. Charlie just died earlier this year at 16 1/2 years of age. (Rich & Nancy Koch Solkatz Maine Coons, June 2000.)

Maralas Sampson
Registration number: 1734-407190
Sire: Maralas Silver Dust
Dam: Gemutlich Merrill of Marala
Date of birth: 5/27/84. (Liz Flynn, June 2000.)

Maynetree Knight in Shining Amor, PR
Registration number: 1792-957160
Sire: GC Lawhilcoon Oliverhpe of Coonalley
Dam: GC Maynetree Lady Guinevere
Date of birth: August 19th, 1994
Date of death: January 9th, 2011
Breeder: Janet Amidon
Owner: Sylvia Glasbergen
Nominated by: Sylvia Glasbergen
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: We got Army at the age of 1. His birthplace is Sparta, New Jersey and we took him home to Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Because Army sounded like Arnie, a very popular soapcharacter in Holland, we decided to call him Mike. Mike is 16 years and 4 months old now and still the pigheaded and sweet cat as always. He is getting old now, muscles are rigid and he hates cleaning his fur. But every night he lies beside my head, purring and his paw always on my shoulder. I hope he wants to hold on for a little time longer! (Sylvia Glasbergen, december 2010.)
Update - January 16th, 2011: Unfortunately I have to inform you that Mike passed away January 9th 2011, right after arrival in our new house. He seemed very relaxed, and was closely watching everybody carrying stuff around. He monitored the emptying of the waterbed with great interest. In the car, he was also very relaxed and curious, looking at the new environment. When we were almost there, he gave a weird miauw and he passed out. Once we were in the new house he came around, tried to get up and then it all went wrong.
Our vet told us that Mike would not make it to 2010, due to heart- and thyroidgland problems, but being the selfwilled cat he was... he made it to 2011! We miss him very much! (Sylvia Glasbergen, January 2011.)

Maximus Saturn of Coonsworth, CH
Registration number: CFA 1792-802410, TICA SBT 060992-019
Sire: CH Honeycoon Blue Who of Maximus
Dam: Dirigo Vesta Blanco of Maximus
Date of birth: June 9th, 1992
Breeder: Mr & Mrs Dan Laudicina
Owner: Cheree Eldridge
Nominated by: Jack & Darlene Sweeney
Nominated (2nd) by: Cheree Eldridge
Anecdotes about the cat: A Black and White boy, Saturn was one of Coonsworth's early studs. He has no medical problems at this time and enjoys a comfortable life with the Eldridges' who nicknamed him "Planet".

M'Coon's Sebastian Augustus, TICA SGC RW, CFA GC, CFF CH
Registration number: TICA SBT 012789-009, CFA 1744m-597583, CFF MCT 29mi-94034
Sire: M'Coon's Dusty Rhodes
Dam: M'Coon's Cat Fancy
Date of birth: April 27th, 1989
Breeders: Lauren Miller & Alfred de la Houssaye
Owner: Edith Dunford
Other: 1990 TICA 3rd best Maine Coon Kitten of the Year, 1990 TICA Northeast Region 8th Best Kitten, 1991 TICA Northeast Region 17th Best Cat
Submitted by: Edith Dunford, Coonstone This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submitted by: Patricia Stich, //www.pawpeds.com/MCO/mchs/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: black; font-weight: normal;">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This is not a cattery, she has visited me and knows he is alive and well and she is willing to attest to it). (April 2004)

Mooncoon Alabama, "Bamsis"
Sire: Caprix Blue Bogart, EC
Dam: Kokomo Moonshine, CH
Date of birth: November 27th, 1993
Breeder: Ann-Louise & Mikael Lind
Owner: Ann-Louise & Mikael Lind
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson
Nominated (2nd) by: Ann-Louise Lind
(Ulrika Olsson, November 2008.)

Mooncoon Alaska, "Laskan", IC
Sire: Caprix Blue Bogart, EC
Dam: Kokomo Moonshine, CH
Date of birth: November 27th, 1993
Breeder: Ann-Louise & Mikael Lind
Owner: Ann-Louise & Mikael Lind
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson
Nominated (2nd) by: Ann-Louise Lind
(Ulrika Olsson, November 2008.)

MtKittery Carbonaro of Emlu
The great Supreme/Grand Champion MtKittery Carbonaro of Emlu passed over the bridge earlier this year. He was born in 1987, I believe, so he was 16 yrs. old. Mary Lou is still not able to talk about him. Carbonaro was one of the most beautiful and typiest cats I've ever seen. He took my breath away everytime I saw him. He also had a distinctive meow that appears in some of my kitties today; I'm proud to say he is in all my pedigrees. Best to all. (Pam Loud, July 2003)

MtKittery Mercedes-Benz of Nascat, CH-PR
Registration number: 1745M-1116214 CFA
Sire: MtKittery Bemis, GIC, 1752-818648 CFA
Dam: Beauport Colby of MtKittery, SGC, 1745-683210 CFA
Date of birth: October 18th, 1996
Date of death: still living
Breeder: Barbara Washburn, MtKittery cattery
Owner: Sonya Coulson
Nominated by: Sonya Coulson
Nominated (2nd) by: Donna Hinton
Anecdotes about the cat: Meri has the loudest, rumbliest purr I've ever heard. When purring, she can be heard across a room. She is the inspiration for my cattery name: Meri-Purz Maine Coons. Eating is her favorite thing to do. She can hear a paper plate of canned food being put on the floor from two rooms away and comes running. Her second most favorite thing is to sit in ones lap and give kisses and purr. Meri is very vocal too. She 'talks' to us and has an opinion on everything. She is a special love, and a funny girl. (Sonya Coulson, October 2011)
Update - February 2012: Meri passed away 7th December 2011. (Sonya Coulson.)

Mymains Constance
Registration number: 1797-074294
Sire: Zig-Krn Twirp of Kibs
Dam: Summer Sarah
Date of birth: March 24th, 1980. (Gayla Pierce, January 2000)

Napa Valley Moonshine of St. Clouds
Anecdotes about the cat: I would like to nominate Napa Valley Moonshine of St. Clouds for the seniors list. His date of birth is 4/10/1986. I saw him last month and he looks great, he should be in a show. He loves kisses on the nose. (Hazel Brandenburg, August 2001)

GC,GP, RW Nascat Waving the Checkers, DM
Registration number: 1769-1191324
Sire: GC, RW Idlemaine Butler of Texas Belle, DM
Dam: CH Kiko's Firecracker 400
Date of birth: March 20th, 1998
Date of death: still living
Breeder: Donna Hinton
Owner: Sonya Coulson
Nominated by: Sonya Coulson
Nominated (2nd) by: Donna Hinton
Anecdotes about the cat: Checkers has been a very important part of our family, 'ruling' our house with grace for nine years. She remains the undisputed Queen of the House. At the age of six, Checkers traveled all over the US with me, competing in CFA cat shows. Her patience was unending, as she skillfully taught me the ins and outs. She truly loved our time on the road together and obtained her GP, and RW titles that year, finishing in the top ten in our region. She is happily retired, very spoiled, and sleeps with me each night. (Sonya Coulson, March 2013.)

Neami Luanne Gilbert
Registration number: 1792-590405
Sire: RW, GC Kanab Luanne Acoma, DM
Dam: CH Kanab Bright Angle Trail of Neami
Date of birth: March 12th, 1989
Date of death: December 26th, 2007
Breeder: Karen C-J R Thompson
Owner: Lynn Kramer Crenshaw
Nominated by: Lynn Kramer Crenshaw
Anecdotes about the cat: Gilbert was everyone’s buddy. He was very vocal and had everyone well trained to his every whim. He loved to eat and did so with much pleasure right up to the end, when he finished a can of Fancy Feast minutes before passing on. He was a 25 pound lap cat. He wasn’t fat, he was very big boned. If he could not be in your lap, he would have a paw on you somewhere – he liked to be in close proximately and liked to touch people – your hand, foot, or even toe. He came when called. He caught his last mouse at 18 and was very proud of it. He loved everyone – they all represented another lap or maybe a food source. (Lynn Kramer Crenshaw, February 2008.)

Neami Luanne Sullivan
Registration number: 1792-590404
Sire: RW, GC Kanab Luanne Acoma, DM
Dam: CH Kanab Bright Angle Trail of Neami
Date of birth: March 12th, 1989
Date of death: December 26th, 2007
Breeder: Karen C-J R Thompson
Owner: Lynn Kramer Crenshaw
Nominated by: Lynn Kramer Crenshaw
Anecdotes about the cat: Sullivan was not a lap cat, but he liked to be held, hugged, and carried around. He was more leery of strangers than his brother, Gilbert. He longed to be outside and had to be watched carefully to prevent an escape. He loved his cat tree and would sit for hours surveying the back garden and pasture. He could smell ice cream from upstairs. As soon as an ice cream container was opened, you could hear the thud from him jumping off his cat tree. He would be in the kitchen in seconds. He was the most athletic cat I’ve ever seen. He could jump six to seven feet in the air after a toy or a bird at the window. He also took to sitting on the top of our 7 ½ foot bookcases. He could jump up to the top in one leap from the floor. It was very impressive. I did show him once, at the 1990 CFA All Breed Show in Baltimore, at the request of his breeder. He didn’t really like it much, so we didn’t do it again. However, at his first show he receive 4 first, 2 seconds, 4 best of color, 2 second best in color, and 4 Winner ribbons. (Lynn Kramer Crenshaw, February 2008.)

Olde Chelsea Murphy Brown of Rumford, CH.
Registration number: 1787-817699
Sire: GC Olde Chelsea Whimsey
Dam: Olde Chelsea Hurricane Bebe
Date of birth: August 22th, 1992
Breeder: Elinor Koehlinger
Owner: William Oldenberg (over an 80 year old man)
Nominated by: Caron Gray (Previous owner)
Nominated (2nd) by: Roxann Rokicki
Anecdotes about the cat: Murphy waits on Bill's chest till he falls asleep, watches over him through the night, and is waiting by his side every morning. This has gone on since I re-homed her over 8 years ago. The two are inseparable. Murphy is also the dam of GC, RW Rumford's Boxcar Willy, DM, go figure. (Caron Gray, December 2007.)

Oro Ojos Calpurnia of Coonstone, CH.
Registration number: SBT 120490 002
Sire: Oro Ojos Malo Gato
Dam: Del-K-De Zorra of Oro Ojos
Date of birth: 12/4/1990
Breeder: Joe & Toni Edwards
Owner: Edith Dunford
Nominated by: Patricia Stich
Anecdotes about the cat: Known for her big purr, Cally still makes an appearance on the nightstand next to my pillow every morning and every evening.
I understand you would like my assurance that Oro Ojo Calpurnia of Coonestone is still with us. I have always been very fond of this dark darling and can assure you that Cally greeted me with her usual calm enthusiasm over the Holidays. It is hard to believe she is as old as she is, but then my Lucas will be thirteen next month. Coons do seem to age well.

Patchwork Disney, GIC
Sire: Victor ben Naila of Elyanara, GIC
Dam: Kitti-kats Halfpennytwopenny, IC
Date of birth: July 19th, 1986
Date of death: Died age 17-1/2
Anecdotes about the cat: He is the son of Kittikats Halfpennytwopenny who is also on your list. She died also 17,5 years old. She had something like a stroke and then refused eating and kept walking in circles. Before Disney was born I had seen a (cameo) red zilver in Germany (a very rare color then) and was completely in love with this color. Can you imagine my surprise that in my next litter ( who was supposed to give me a silver girl!) I had a red zilver boy! Of course I had to keep him, he became my first stud. Disney always had a soft character, all my other cats wanted to lay down next to him. Last Christmas I even got a letter of the owner of a littermate who was still alive as well. His granddaughter Patchwork Anouk became last year European Premior and Best RMC neuter 2003 at 5,5 years of age. His best known children are EC Patchwork Silver Barbarella, Yankee Pearl Mister Macho, EP Yankee Pearl Djino of Chamberlain and Ryanplace Spiderwoman. (Anneke Kuys, April 4th, 2002.)
I was indeed blessed :-) to see Patchwork's Disney - not the end of last year, but the beginning of this year! Unfortunately, he did indeed look like the Methusaleh he was, and I already feared that he might have had his last birthday. Disney was a 5th generation forefather of my first Maine Coon, and as such an illustruous -and healthy!- forefather he had my special attention. Being a guest at Anneke's home is like visiting a living Hall of Fame of the dutch Maine Coon world. I indeed also saw Kiss, but as she (unfortunately) cannot claim any of my Coonies as her offspring, however far removed, she was to me only yet one more of these wonderful and famous cats :-). Regards. (Riëtte van Beek, Maine Coon NIDOBA, April 2004.)
Cynthia, I can confirm having seen both Patchwork Disney as well as Lovehulen Kiss :-) Disney was the grandfather of our first MC male Zappa, who had the same striking color. Disney seemed to be the kind of relaxed cat that would live 'forever'. Anneke, I'm sorry he passed away - but at a very ripe age! (Astrid & Leo Straver, Tricks and Tails, Nederland, April 2004.)

Patchwork Silver Barbarella, EC
Registration number: NL FE.L89.MCO.005.2
Sire: Patchwork Disney, GIC
Dam: Løve Hulen Kiss
Date of birth: March 6th, 1989
Date of death: November 2004
Breeder: Anneke Kuys
Owner: Marga Harms Moeskops
Nominated by: Marga Harms, Cattery Shanna
Nominated (2nd) by: Kate Taylor, Cattery Harkleen
Anecdotes about the cat: Barbie was my first Maine Coon, I have been patient for three years before that girl was there in the colour I wanted. In that time there were in Holland 5 Maine Coon breeders. Barbie was my restart after I stopped breeding Somalies. (Marga Harms, May 2006.)

Patchwork Trapper, EC EP
Registration number: FE.L90.MCO.009.4
Sire: Yankee Pearl Mister Macho
Dam: Løve Hulen Kiss
Date of birth: April 19th,1990
Breeder: Anneke Kuys
Owner: Greet Janse v.d. Velde
Nominated by: Greet Janse v.d. Velde
Nominated (2nd) by: Kitty van Ewijk, Dynamicats
Anecdotes about the cat: Trapper is a sweet, quiet and tolerant cat. (Henk Janse, February 2008.)
Update: Unfortunatelly Trapper was put to sleep at July 14th, 2008.

Pawtalk Pretty Wo'maine' of Acadiacoons, CH
Registration number:
Sire: Pawtalk Patent Pending, GC
Dam: Groovycats Lava Lamp of Pawtalk, CH
Date of birth: July 24th, 1995
Date of death: Still living and in excellent health! (At the moment of nomination for this list.)
Breeder: Shana and Gavin Ellzey
Owner: John and Nancy Hitzeman
Nominated by: Nancy Hitzeman
Nominated (2nd) by: John Hitzeman
(John & Nancy Hitzeman, August 2010.)

Primeacat Honey B. of Coon-Fetti, CH
Registration number: 1795-795718, SBT 042392 015
Sire: Primeacat Batman, GC
Dam: Primeacat Minnie Mouse
Date of birth: April 23th, 1992
Date of death: November 26th, 2007
Breeder: Joanne & George Prima
Owner: Esther Goldhammer
Nominated by: Esther Goldhammer
Anecdotes about the cat: What can I say about my beautiful girl? Her name was just another word for "love". I never opened the door to my home but that I didn't have to pay a "toll"--she was already on her back, waiting for her tummy rub.
Would not move until she got it, either. Her natural habitat was my lap. She would sit on my lap while I was at the computer, giving kisses on my hands and sprawling half off my lap onto the keyboard. Made for some pretty weird things appearing on the monitor... oh, Bibi!
I always laughed to see these four enormous furry feet sticking out over the edge of the top shelf of the cat condo. She slept on my pillow every night for nearly 16 years, purring me to sleep with her Harley purr. She "helped" me grade papers and nearly everything else around the house. I don't think she was ever more than a few feet away from me, following me everywhere.
I miss her more than words can express. (Esther Goldhammer, December 2007.)

Primeacat Lucky Star, GC GP
Registration number: 1792-321536
Sire: Kanab Zuni, GC
Dam: Sacandaga Shilo of Primeacat, CH
Date of birth: March 4th, 1986
Date of death: August 21st, 2006
Breeder: Joanne & George Prima
Owner: Joanne & George Prima
Nominated by: Marg Baird, Hibou
Nominated (2nd) by: Joanne Prima, Primeacat

Primeacat Mocha Yogurt of Valdalyn, CH
Registration number: 1745-552562
Sire: Primeacat Lucky Star, GC GP
Dam: Highkirk Kiti Konigin of Primeacat
Date of birth: January 1st, 1989
Date of death: August 17th, 2006
Breeder: Joanne & George Prima
Owner: Allan & Elizabeth Turner
Nominated by: Marg Baird, Hibou
Nominated (2nd) by: Joanne Prima, Primeacat

Perocious Mad Max
Registration number: 1744-327699
Sire: Tanstaafl Druid Of Seelieshire
Dam: Heidi Ho Sirronde of Furocious
Date of birth: September 15th, 1985
Owner: John M. Williams/LeAnne Williams Singleton
Anecdotes about the cat: Max is still living and going strong. A wonderful and loving member of our family! (Betty Williams. January 2001.)

Purrmayne Vista of Hissinghurst
Sire: Angtini Sebastian of Purrmayne, CH
Dam: McKittycreek Lizbeth of Purrmayne, CH
Date of birth: May 15th, 1993
Breeder: Molly Maynard
Owner: Pamela Loud & Patti Reggio
Nominated by: Stevie Stacy
Nominated (2nd) by: Pamela Loud
Anecdotes about the cat: Veda is her call name. She has the most beautiful emerald green eyes I have ever seen. She is doing very well and is happy living in Greensboro, NC with Pam and Patti. (Stevie Stacy, May 2008.)

Purrtigers Johhny Walker Red, CH, PR
Registration number: CFA 1792-882482
Sire: Terrificats Johhny Walker Black, GC
Dam: Terrificats Covergirl of Purrtigers, CH
Date of birth: September 18th, 1993
Breeder: Becky Carazzone
Owner: Becky Carazzone
Nominated by: Becky Carazzone
Nominated (2nd) by: Donna Hinton
Anecdotes about the cat: When Covergirl's first litter with Johnny was born I had beautiful red tabby and whites. I immediately called Karen Crooke to find out if Johnny had any red babies because I wanted to name mine Johnny Walker Red. Joy of joys, this was the first!
The funniest stories about him revolve around his ability to escape from the house, from the hotel room, where ever. Karen and I went to a show in Richmond, Virginia, sometime around 1994 or 1995. We had a nice dinner, came back to my room, no Walker. We searched the room, took the bed apart, and finally searched the hallway (fortunately it was a regular hotel with inside halls). No Walker. We searched the room again, no Walker. We searched the hallway again and finally found him in the elevator lobby. I assume he was trying to catch the elevator and go visiting, he's very sociable.
My husband and I have found him on the sidewalk outside our house twice and we assume he jumped from the balcony (this was in his misspent youth). Needless to say his balcony privileges were curtailed permanently. That didn't prevent Walker from further escape attempts out the front door. My husband, Jim, is very tall and doesn't see well without his contact lenses so it was but the work of a moment for Walker to sneak up behind him and then rush out the front door when Jim went to get the newspaper in the morning. Walker would not walk on the grass - he trotted down the front sidewalk and made the turn to go down the block with my long suffering husband going after him.
I took Walker to shows off and on his entire life, most recently in 2007. Walker also attended the infamous Alamo City Cat Club show where we had a bomb scare. Everyone evacuated the show hall but Karen and me. We looked at each other - no way were we going to evacuate without our cats! So we popped everyone in their carriers and evacuated to the parking lot. Walker thought it was great fun. He spends most days now dreaming of his many adventures and purring at us when we walk past him. He is one happy fellow! (Becky Carazzone, February 2009.)
I'm honored and proud to second the nomination for Purrtigers Johnny "Walker" Red. I saw this lovely senior, gentleman last week while at Becky's home. Walker was happy as can be and living up to Becky's cattery name, "Purr"tigers. (Donna Hinton, Nascat, February 23th, 2009.)

Purrocious Lady Lucinda
Registration number: TICA SBT 051686 014
Sire: Heidi Ho Just Plain Bill Katt
Dam: Heidi Ho Sirronde
Date of birth: May 16th, 1986
Date of death: April 2003
Breeder: Sherry Lynn Jones
Owner: Simone Mühlfeit
Nominated by: Marie Luise Hassbach, Tobermory Maine Coons
Nominated (2nd) by: Maria Brook Blaut, Doublebee Maine Coons
Anecdotes about the cat: Lucy came to Germany, when she was 7 years old. The years before she lived in the Charmalot Cattery, the Pinecoon Cattery and then she went back to her breeder Sherry Lynn Jones. Lucy had some well known offspring in the US, for example Pinecoon Long Tall Sally and Purrocious Shadowdancer. When Sherry Lynn stopped breeding she asked Simone Mühlfeit (Tara's Maine Coons), if she would like to own Lucy. Simone wanted and she was very proud to live with a pure Heidi Ho cat. In Germany Lucy had 4 litters, the first soon after her arrival, the second 2 years later, and then, at the age of 11 years, she had 2 litters in one year. Now her last daughter Tara's Heidi of Tobermory is already 9 years old and I hope that she will live as long as her mother. (Marie Luise Hassbach, November 2006.)

Pyramaine Doverfoxcroft of Lagunacoon
Registration number: 1793-245531
Sire: Pyramaine Puddin-Taine de Blu
Dam: Zookatz Amanda of Pyramaine
Date of birth: April 28th, 1984
Anecdotes about the cat: Foxie is 15 years and 8 months. She is alive and reasonably well. She has a "garden variety" heart murmur that was detected when she was about 5 months old. She was also HCM screen by Dr. Kittleson at UCDavis at the age of 10+ years and no traces of HCM were found. (Gayla Pierce, January 2000.)
CH/PR Pyramaine Doverfoxcroft is still alive and feisty as ever at 17 years and 2 months of age. Her health is not so good, but mentally she is still sharp as a tack and not giving any signs that it's time to go. (Gayla Pierce, June 30th, 2001)

ReMaine's Bianca
Registration number: SVERAK LO 191776
Sire: CH DK*Fuglsang's Thor
Dam: S*ReMaine's Ellinor
Date of birth: 2003-07-11
Breeder: Ann Engdahl
Owner: Malin Murbäck
Nominated by: Ann Engdahl

Rio v.d. Punda
Registration number: FE.L90.MC.023.3
Sire: Acid v.d. Punda
Dam: Cosy Coon Colourful Jewel
Date of birth: July 7th, 1990
Date of death: July 31st, 2005
Breeder: Frans v. Berkum
Owner: Misha Peersmans
Nominated by: Misha Peersmans
(Misha Peersmans, January 2008.)

Roselu Hi Ho
(Ruffles) was 16 on September 17th. He now lives with the son and daughter-in-law of Ann Johnson of Doranjo Maine Coons. (Helen Louise(AZ) September 21th, 2000.)

Roselu Passport
Sire: Roselu Pharaoh
Dam: Kayenta La Paloma of Roselu
Date of birth: September 17th, 1984
Anecdotes about the cat: Roselu Passport with be 15 on Sept 17th, 1999. Coongrats to all of your oldies. Just their names bring back memories! Remember, this life is a trip, not a destination. Be happy! Purrs. (Helen Louise, February 1999.)

Roselu Pharoah of Pussyfoot, CH
Registration number: CFA 1792-142859
Sire: Heidi Ho Sonkey Bill
Dam: Charmalot Strawberry of Roselu
Date of Birth: August 4th, 1982
Date of Death: October 1997
Nominated by: Roseann A. Davis, Wozkatz Cattery, Pharoah's home from 1992-1997.
Nominated (2nd) by: Hortense Wilkinson, Katnkindle Cattery, whose first Maine Coon was Obi, son of Pharoah.

Roselu Rendez-Vous of Pusiluv, IC
Registration number: SVERAK 82019 K, GCCF CS 006711 REF, CFA 1792-237505
Sire: CH Roselu Pharoah of Pussytoes
Dam: CH Kayenta's La Paloma of Roselu
Date of Birth: September 17th, 1984
Still alive last summer (summer 1999).
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets, January 2000

Ruathahold Brekke of Primeacat, CH
Registration number: 1793-740776
Sire: Charmalot Tucker Boone of Highkirk
Dam: Charmalot Lady Adara of Ruathahold
Date of birth: August 2nd, 1991
Date of death: August 18th, 2006
Breeder: Ruthann & Bill Smith
Owner: Joanne & George Prima
Nominated by: Marg Baird, Hibou
Nominated (2nd) by: Joanne Prima, Primeacat

Rumford Rocky, RW-GP
Sire: Beauport Jackson Browne, GC PR
Dam: McKittycreek Abbey Road of Rumford, CH
Date of birth: April 30th, 1995
Date of death: Still living
Breeder: Caron & Steven Gray
Owner: Jodi Heichert
Nominated by: Caron Gray
Nominated (2nd) by: Steven Gray
Anecdotes about the cat: Rocky weighs 30 pounds!!!

Ryanplace Shacado of Wyndhaven, SGC
Registration number: 1792-731183
Sire: McInkats Headed For The Future, SGC
Dam: Ryanplace Rorschach, SGC
Date of birth: October 5th, 1990
Date of death: January 29th, 2006
Breeder: Elizabeth Anne Cole
Owner: Stephanie Barnes
Nominated by: Regis Sylvestre
Nominated (2nd) by: Tavian Barnes
Anecdotes about the cat: Shacado, or 'Rufus', enjoyed a lovely retirement with our family for seven wonderful years. From the moment we brought him home, he ruled the entire household with love and calm determination. Even at fifteen years of age, he remained unchallenged for the position of 'Top Pet', often silencing his barking bulldog with a quick glance.
Rufus owned everything in our house, and everyone who entered it. He claimed ownership of all he saw when we went on our frequent holiday trips, yet he was always the consummate 'Benevolent Dictator'.
My constant companion, Rufus never failed to meet me at the door whenever I came home from an errand, and since I run my business from home, he maintained prime real estate on my desk. He slept with me, his great head resting on my shoulder. We had long, meaningful conversations every day.
It was the highest honour being owned by him. Rufus was my best friend, plain and simple. (Stephanie Barnes, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA.)

Schick's Gunny Sarge of Gingercats
Registration number: CFA 1744m-346093
Sire: Kaizoko Aka Kun of Schick
Dam: Ch Schick's Shendora Valentine
Date of birth: 06/11/1986
Date of death: still lap kitty!!
Nominated by: Ginny Erts, Gingercats, June 2001.
Nominated (2nd) by: Judy Quimby, Countrylore

Seelieshires Hada Reina of Oro Ojos, CH
Registration number: Packed in basement
Sire: GC Heidi Ho Sonkey Bill
Dam: Purricoon Ariel of Seelieshire
Date of birth: August 17th, 1981
Date of death: She will be 19 yrs old in August. She has arthritis in her back and most of her teeth have been removed, but she can still strike out with that big paw like a cobra if any other cats dare to get in her way or bother her. She has never lost the "I am the greatest cat alive" attitude after all these years. Every kitten she produced was a Regional Winner or National Winner but most important of all, she and I have traveled through life together all the years and understand each other like twins.
Owner: Toni C. Edwards, Kansas City MO, July 16th, 2000

Shaggytown Matinicus
Registration number: CFA 1740M-524027, TICA SBT 062388
Sire: MtKittery L.L. Bean of Shaggytown
Dam: Kayenta Goldie of Shaggytown
Date of birth: June 23th, 1988
Date of death: July 15th, 2005
Breeder: Jean C. Blouin
Owner: Julian & Mary Jane Thomas
Nominated by: Julian Thomas, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., August 2005
Nominated (2nd) by: Judy Atwood, August 2005

Skimble Miramichi Aurora, CH DM
Registration number: 1741-1045135 V0397
Sire: Ailurophile Zulu of Avicats
Dam: Calabash Red Wing of Skimble
Date of birth: September 18th, 1995
Breeder: Elva P. Fisher
Owner: Elva P. Fisher
Nominated by: Elva P. Fisher
Nominated (2nd) by: Brenda Flahault
(Elva Fisher, November 2011.)

Snobbrännans Zussi Lou, "Zussi", IC
Sire: Caprix Blue Bogart, EC
Dam: Kokomo Silfer Zalina, IC
Date of birth: April 28th, 1993
Breeder: Maud Lagergren
Owner: Ann-Louise & Mikael Lind
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson
Nominated (2nd) by: Ann-Louise Lind

Solkatz Chief Tyee
Sire: Meunerie Artful Dodger
Dam: Kiskata Kutiga
Date of birth: September 16th, 1984
Date of death: Still Living his life as a couch potato
Anecdotes about the cat: Chief was our first CFA Grand and he was a quad grand in TICA as well as a quad grand in ACFA. He is doing well in retirement and is more than happy to stay home and not be shown. (Rich & Nancy Koch Solkatz Maine Coons, February 1999.)
Hi Rich & Nancy, I didn't realize that Chief's birthdate is one day before Passport. Roselu Passport with be 15 on Sept 17,1999. Coongrats to all of your oldies. Just their names bring back memories! Remember, this life is a trip, not a destination. Be happy! (Purrs, Helen Louise.)

Solkatz Luciano P of Pusiluv
Registration number: 1744-238170
Sire: Kiskatas Robert Redfordof Rascoon
Dam: Mainstays Americana of Solkatz
Date of birth: November 8th, 1984
Anecdotes about the cat: 0ne of the first male studs in Great Britain. Affectionately known as "Charlie" to the Maine Coon breeders in England. Charlie just died earlier this year at 16 1/2 years of age. (Rich & Nancy Koch Solkatz Maine Coons, June 2000.)

Spavinaw Blu-Macks of Calicoon, SGC
Registration number: 1752-000028
Sire: DGC Cacomistle Rocky Raccoon of Calicoon
Dam: Velvet Hollow Lianna
Date of birth: August 30th, 1978
Date of death: Aug. 1996
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot
Lynne Sherer: He was MCBFA's Best Kitten for the 1978-1979 show season. He went on the become the first blue tabby Maine Coon to achieve the title of Grand Champion in any association. His type was very similar to the cats today but with somewhat smaller ears and size common to most Maines of that era.

St. Clouds Diamond Lil
I would like to nominate St. Clouds Diamond Lil for the over 15 club. Her date of birth is August 19th, 1986. I saw her last month and she is the talkingist Main Coon on earth. Thank you for such a wonderful listing and thank you to Nancy Davenport for letting me play with her "gem". (Hazel Brandenburg, August 2001.)

St.John Miami, CH
Registration number: CFA 9753-1404292
Sire: Coonyham Buster Brown, CH
Dam: Colocoons Silver Sprite
Date of birth: December 7th, 1997
Date of death: alive
Breeder: Martina Golfer
Owner: Bettina Sachse
Nominated by: Bettina Sachse
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Miami is our first breeding cat and the boss in our cattery since today. (October 2013.)

Staroyale Arthur Pendragon
Sire: Staroyale Desperate Dan
Dam: Wyndhaven Serenity of Staroyale
Date of birth: December 12th, 1994
Date of death: still alive
Breeder: Eileen Charlton
Owner: Mr & Mrs Whitmarsh
Nominated by: Laura Whitmarsh
Laura Whitmarsh: Not the biggest cat in the box but a huge heart more than makes up for it :)))). (December 2009.)

Stonedance Hannah
Registration number: 1745M-678810
Sire: Thehmc Pewter Dragon
Dam: Thehmc Orchidacea Maine
Date of birth: February 19th, 1990
Date of death: August 29th, 2006
Breeder: Patricia L. Gard
Owner: Emily J Bishop
Nominated by: Emily J Bishop
Nominated (2nd) by: Bob Goswick & Ron Chandler
Emily Bishop: The house belonged to Hannah and she was kind enough to allow me to live in it, too. (October 2006.)

Stormaine Tennessee Tonya
Registration number: --
Sire: Stormaine Django Rhettagain, GIC
Dam: Stormaine Maggie May
Date of birth: December 21st, 1994
Date of death: January 7th, 2013
Breeder: Ingrid Storm, In der Hoern 50 A, 21035 Hamburg, Germany
Owner: Bettina Schmolla, Muenterweg 10, 22115 Hamburg, Germany
Nominated by: Bettina Schmolla
Nominated (2nd) by: Ilse Schmolla, Plettenbergstrasse 9 A, 21031 Hamburg, Germany - my mother, she has known Tonya from the moment I chose her at about 3 weeks of age
Anecdotes about the cat: For me Tonya has always been "the perfect Maine Coon". Nothing in her was extreme. And she had a fur that only needed some combing in her last 2 - 3 years, before that she did not get any knots, though she had a beautifully long and dense fur.
As a young girl (so until she was about 5 years, I think) she had loads of temperament, a typical torbie cat.
She got the nick name "sewing machine" as a small kitten and kept it till the end, for she would start purring after just a loving look or some gentle words at her, and she would sometimes keep on purring for more than half an hour afterwards.
Tonya has never been severely ill until her last year. Her kidneys had been a little "weak" for more than 10 years, but she never needed a diet, and the kidneys always worked well enough to keep her healthy.
Her heart was fine (as can be seen in the health results) and according to the cardiologist could have belonged to a much younger cat.
Some hours before her death she was still able to jump on her beloved board (more than 2 meters high, needed 4 jumps to get there).
During the last 4 months of her life Tonya had a severe infection in her jaw and a possibly returning cancer at the same place. Therefore I had her put to sleep when she showed me that she didn't have any more power to keep on fighting. I hope she had wonderful 18 years of life. (Bettina Schmolla, June 2013.)

Sundar Tabigail of The Maine Place, QGC
Registration number: 1745-0024
Sire: Tati-Tan Moses of Sundar, QC
Dam: Snowball Tiger of Sundar, DC
Date of birth: 4-8-1975
Date of death: 1995
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot, February 1999

Tabbytufts Baxter
Registration number: TICA SBT 022494 025
Sire: GC Tabbytufts Lyndon
Dam: GC Coontagious Lucy of Tabbytufts
Date of birth: February 24th, 1994
Date of death: Still alive
Breeder: Linda & Randolph Bartha (Tabbytufts)
Owner: Joan E Davies
Nominated by: Joan & Phil Davies
Nominated (2nd) by: Jane Lynn Merritt & Ralph Caruso (formerly Nauticoons)
Anecdotes about the cats: Last week (September 2011) our 17 year old Baxter chased a 2 year old black bear off our property... (Joan E Davies, September 2011.)

Talshipp's Sara Devine of Tanasi
Registration number: SB 031583, 1753M-160734
Sire: Mary B Tolma Thistlewool
Dam: Shaykat's Lady Fanuilos
Date of birth: March 15th, 1983
Date of death: March 4th, 1999
Nominated by: Elizabeth Flynn (Tanasi)

Tanasi Tombigbee
Registration number: SBT 042385 002, 1752M-256536
Sire: Tolkat's Bobby Blue
Dam: Talshipp's Sara Devine of Tanasi
Date of birth: April 23th, 1985
Date of death: March 28th, 2001
Breeder: Elizabeth Flynn, Tanasi
Nominated by: Vicki Shipp, Talshipp Cattery
I would like to second the nomination of Tanasi Tombigbee to the Methuselah List. Tommy is a grand kitten of mine out of Talshipp Sara Devine of Tanasi. Sara was from my second litter of Maine Coons. She passed in 1999.

Tanstaafl Isaiah of The Maine Place, QGC
Registration number: 1744-000067
Sire: CH Nantiss Ian McTabby of Tanstaafl
Dam: DC Melchizedek Susie Q of Tanstaafl
Date of birth: 1976
Date of death: 1995
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot

Tanstaafl Dora Jill
I'm having a more disorganized night than usual and can't find the registration or pedigree, but I have a "Methuselah". Tanstaafl Dora Jill had a birthday last month and she is now 19. I got her from Beth Hicks in Memphis in April 1980. (February 1999.)

Tanstaafl Polly Adeline
Registration number: SB110877-002
Sire: Nantiss Ian McTabby of Tanstaafl
Dam: Melchizedek SusieQ of Tanstaafl
Date of birth: 11/8/1977
Tanstaafl Polly Adeline lived to about 16 years of age (Beth H. correct me if I'm wrong). (Gayla Pierce, January 2000.)

Tanstaafl Ramoth of Calicoon
Registration number: TICA SB 101281-009
Sire: Heidi-Ho Canth of Tanstaafl
Dam: Tanstaafl Merris Lee
Date of birth: 10-12-1981
Date of death: September 1998
Nominated by: Lynne Sherer & Beth Hicks. (9/4/2000.)

Taelcat Humphrey Bogart, GRC
Registration Number: ACFA MCC9061320-S92-19480-1; CFA 1792-817354
Sire: Saintclouds Donatello of Cooneyisle
Dam: Hairbearei Emily of Taelcat, CH
Date of birth: July 19th, 1992
Breeder: JoAnn Genovese & Peggy McCardle
Owner: JoAnn Genovese
Nominated by: Claire Shotts
Nominated (2nd) by: JoAnn Genovese
Anecdotes about the cat: Bogie is a wonderful sweet cat and looks great for his senior years. His mom takes great care of him and he's one of the official greeters at the house.
Bogie is doing great. He does have Chronic Renal Failure and is being treated with pepcid a/c once a day and fluids twice a week. He is an excellent patient and usually purrs while receiving his fluids. He is the top cat in the house and the other cats know this and always give up cat beds/toys/spot next to me when Bogie demands it. (July 2007.)

Tennessee of Cooncreole, SGC/CH
Date of birth: November 15th, 1987
Brown Classic Tabby w/White Male
Breeder: Fran Lloyd "Cinnamaine"
Owner: Dan Chappetta "Cooncreole"
Nominated by: Joan Gaudet, Coquille Maine Coons
Anecdotes about the cat: Tennessee is still alive and well, weighing in at a little over 20 pounds of solid muscle and still chasing the ladies. He is loved and spoiled and still lives happily with Dan & Judy Chappetta - having never lived a day as a caged cat. (Joan Gaudet, May 2004.)

Terrificats Apatchy Princess
Registration number: 1759-284658
Sire: Pr. Terrificats Chester
Dam: GC Lovabacon's Harleycoon, DM
Date of birth: March 26th, 1985
Date of death: August 2000
Nominated by: Becky Carazzone, Purrtigers
Nominated (2nd) by: Karen Crook, Lovabacon, Terrificats
Anecdotes about the cat: "Sweet Pea" belonged to my friend Sharon Payne and passed away last August from kidney failure. She was bred once to Tom Terrificat and appears in many pedigrees. (March 2001)

Terrificats Bit 'O Honey
Registration number: 1759-228401
Sire: Ch Krutherskats KKR Jr
Dam: GC, Lovabacon's Harleycoon, DM
Birth: 6/4/1984
Death: Not Yet!
Nominated by: Becky Carazzone, Purrtigers
Nominated (2nd) by: Karen Crook, Lovabacon, Terrificats
Anecdotes about the cat: Honey is living with my mother, Mrs. H.R. Galloway, after a semi traumatic rescue in 1988 from the breeder to whom I originally sold her. She is doing great and looks years younger than her actual age. We were so glad to have her back! (Regards, Becky Carazzone March 2001.)

Terrificats Black Magic of Magicoons
Registration number: 1709-366634 (CFA)
Sire: GC/RW Lovbacon's Tom Terrificat, D.M.
Dam: GC/RW Jaidee's Panda of Terrificats, D.M.
Date of Birth: January 31th, 1986
Date of death: August 27th, 2002 (age 16-1/2)
Nominated by: Karen Crooke. Alive, happy and healthy as of February 20th, 2002. I see her every time I visit her owners, Kathy and Bob Janke. Magic was never shown because she is a solid black with a white locket, but she is the dam and grand dam of some wonderful cats.
Nominated by: Kathy Ruf Janke, Magicoons - Magic's caregiver.
Anecdotes about the cat: Magic is my first Maine Coon and the inspiration for the cattery name, Magicoons. She is a sweet, non-aggressive loving lady who has blossomed in the past 4 years since Bob (now my husband) came into our lives! About 2 years ago when I began traveling a lot for my job, Magic developed a very deep bond with Bob. She sleeps on him and greets him with enthusiasm, almost flirting, every time he sits down in his chair (even if he has only been gone 5 minutes, she goes through her routine again). People who visit us are amazed that she is 15--she enthusiastically greets all our friends. Also, she is in PERFECT health! (Kathy Ruf Janke, February 2001.)
Update - August 27th, 2002: Kathy Ruf Janke (Magicoons) called me this morning to say that Terrificats Black Magic of Magicoons had been gently euthanized at 9:30 a.m. in her arms. Magic was a beautiful black Maine Coon female with a small white spot on her chest that prevented her from being shown. She hated her bath so much she probably wouldn't have made many shows anyway. It's a long standing joke between Kathy and me that I told her, when she picked up Magic, "Oh, she really doesn't like her bath much..." That was the understatement of all time. I thought she would just be her pet and not need many baths.... but we became best friends and Kathy, a breeder, down the line. Magic was an adorable imp in real life... she maintained her kitten-like demeanor until the final few days. She had big, beautiful, expressive eyes. Kathy and her husband Bob returned from a very short vacation to find that Magic suddenly was showing her age (16 1/2 years).... an immediate run to the vet and blood work showed markedly decreased kidney function. Magic had a wonderful, dignified life, and Kathy did not want her to suffer. Her decline was rapid and dramatic over a few days. When she hid for the first time ever this morning, Kathy knew it was time. Magic ruled the house at the Janke's, and Bob became her special person when he and Kathy married 3 1/2 years ago. She greated him enthusiastically every night when he returned from work, with the trademark *Terri bump* passed down from her sire. He is as heartbroken as Kathy at her loss. She was the light of their lives, and will be missed greatly. Magic was Kathy's first Maine Coon, a gift who was supposed to be a pet because of the locket, but we decided to breed her a time or two because of her pedigree and Kathy's increasing interest in showing and breeding. Magic had 3 litters from 1988 to 1991, producing 8 kittens who were placed as pets. She was then spayed and became the queen of the house. Magic now joins her illustrious parents, GC/BW/RW and SGC/RW Lovabacon's Tom Terrificat, DM and GC/GP/RW Jaidee's Panda of Terrificats, DM, at the Rainbow Bridge. Sleep well, Magic, til we join you. Hrrrumph... as she always said, arching her back and giving the head butt we all know so well. (Karen Crooke.)

Terrificats Joint Venture, GC/RW
Registration number: --
Sire: SGC/Ch. McInkats Kid BJ of Krutherskats
Dam: Lovabacon's Tiffany Lane
Date of birth: July 6th, 1985
Nominated by: Karen Crooke, Terrifcats
Nominated (2nd) by: Kathy Ruf-Janke - Magicoons. I saw JV at the show in September 2000 and knew him instantly. Karen was showing JV in 1986 when I met her. (February 2001)

Terrificats Silver Cloud, GC/GP
(Krutherskats KKR Jr x Meunerie Silver Lining) is 15 and beautiful. His owners (Mary Rose Sanchez) of Codycats cattery sent me a Christmas picture of him this year. He is fat and sassy. (Karen Crooke, January 2000.) Died age 17 per M. Sanchez (May 2002.)
Gayla listed most of my oldies... Gambit and Johnny Walker Black and Tom Terrificat being the most well known. But Gambit and Miguel's mother, GC/GP/RW Jaidee's Panda of Terrificats, D.M. also lived to be 13 and died of mammary gland cancer. Ch. Leeder Midnight Special of Terriifcats, a daughter of Tom Terrificat, just turned 14 (spayed). She has had three mammary gland tumors removed over the years, several years apart, and is happy and healthy. She has a half-sister daughter of Tom Terrificat, Terrificats Black Magic of Magicoons, who turned 14 this month who is also happy and very healthy. GC/RW Terrificats Joint Venture is alive and having some kidney problems but is improving. He was National Second Best of Breed in '86-'87 in CFA and the previous year he was the highest scoring Maine Coon kitten in CFA (got regional wins both as a kitten and cat in succeeding years). He is a repeat breeding, more or less, of Tom Terrificat. They both have SGC McInkats Kid BJ of Krutherskats as a sire and their mothers were of the same breeding but different litters out of GC Suzeran Lord Peter Wimsey and GC/GP/RW Jaidee's Panda of Terrificats, D.M. GC Terrificats Thunderball is alive and well in Japan at over 12 years of age. A pet, Lovabacon's Max, just passed away at age 17. He was sired by Ch. Lovabacon's Cat Burglar (a repeat breeding of Miguel out of Peter and Panda... and littermate to Joint Venture's mother) and his dam was Lovabacon's Wu, a foundation kitty. Also, Miguel's littermates lived to be very, very old. Lovabacon's KKR of Krutherskats lived to be 17. Their other littermate Lovabacon's Oreo lived to be at least 15 when I finally lost touch with his owners. They were in my very first litter. I'm sure there are others that I just can't think of right now. (Karen Crooke, Terrificats (previously, many years ago, also Lovabacon) Maine Coon Cats since 1980, February 2000.)
I noticed the other day while checking out the Methuselah's list that my boy of almost 16 years was listed without any recognition of who he has resided with for the past 15 years! My MC's name is CFA, GRC, GP Terrificats Silver Cloud of Codycats owned by Maryrose & Gregory Sanchez. Cloud has been the King of our home and presides over his dynasty very proudly and lovingly, I might add!! xoxoxo Cloud is a very healthy 20 lb. MC, a Silver Mac Tabby with white neuter born 10-09-1984. His Sire: CH Krutherskats KKR JR x Dam: Meunerie Silver Lining. He is the LOVE if my Life. My very first MC and always so much apart of my days. He is a real sweet boy, he Loves the other cats especially the females. He plays lovingly with the kittens. He is my Prince Charming! Headbutts & Purrs. (Maryrose & Codycats MC's 7/4/2000.)
Update: GC/GP/RW Terrificats Silver Cloud of Codycats just turned 16 last week on 10/9/2000. His dam is Terrificats Miss Independence, littermate to GC/RW Terrificats Joint Venture (JV). JV is alive and fairly well but suffering from some kidney disease (he just turned 15 in July) but I have lost track of my first "Penny", Thunderball's mother. (Karen Crooke.)

The Bentley Pride Penny Lane
Registration number: FE.L93.MC.089.5
Sire: Excalibur of Fountain Farm's Heartbreak
Dam: Carmen Conchita v. Fundalik
Date of birth: Nov. 22nd, 1993
Date of death: May 25th, 2011
Breeder: M. van Veen-Bentley
Owner: I.M. de Koning-Keijzer
Nominated by: I.M. de Koning-Keijzer
Nominated (2nd) by: --
Anecdotes about the cat: Penny is very often in the company of the dog. (I.M. de Koning-Keijzer, December 2010.)

The Dorsai Grey Captain
Sire: The Dorsai Pendragon
Dam: La Laitic Star Sjifra of the Dorsai
Date of birth: December 23rd, 1992
Date of death: December 15th, 2009
Breeder: Misha Peersmans
Owner: Carine Christiaen
Nominated by: Carine Christiaen
Nominated (2nd) by: Rony Dhollander
(Carine Christiaen, December 2007.)

The Dorsai Tanista
Sire: Catharine's Cathouse Eros
Dam: Rio v.d. Punda
Date of birth: November 3rd, 1992
Breeder: Misha Peersmans
Owner: Ingrid Rethmeier
Nominated by: Misha Peersmans
(Misha Peersmans, January 2008.)

The Maine Place Bastet of Charmalot, CH Maineplace in CFA
Registration number: 1753-000047
Sire: QGC Tanstaafl Isaiah of The Maine Place
Dam: QGC Sundar Tabigail of The Maine Place
Date of birth: October 28th, 1978
Date of death: Alive during 97, don't know now, pet owners moved.
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy,Charmalot February 1999

The Maine Place Wellington of Charmalot, SGC (Winston in CFA)
Registration number: 1744-000118, SB 101379-00
brown classic tabby
Sire: QGC Tanstaafl Isaiah of the Maine Place, of Mainplace in CFA
Dam: QGC Sundar Tabigail of The Maine Place, of Mainplace in CFA
Date of birth: October 13th, 1979
Date of death: December 18th, 1995
Was euthanized because of kidney disease
Nominated by: Ginny Molloy, Charmalot
Anecdotes about the cat: This boy is just about the most loved cat I've ever had. He was my PR person, was on everyone's lap withing 30 seconds of the time they sat down. (February 1999.)

TICA TGC/CFA CH Tolkat Elanor Fairbairn
Brown classic tabby Maine Coon
sire: QGC Heido Ho Canth of Tanstaafl
dam: Ch Coonshine Lady Galadriel of Tolkat
Date of birth: July 24, 1982
Date of death: crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 23, 2000.
Breeder and owner: Fran Lloyd.
Ellie was a grand Maine Coon lady. (Posted at Fran's request by Liz Flynn.)

Topa Aesop, CH, GP
Registration number: 1744-219388
Sire: GC Chaimelle Archimedes of Topa
Dam: CH Ktaadn Elbereth of Topa
Date of birth: 5/12/1984
Breeder: Toni Kalish
Nominated by: Rhoda K. Herrold Marlton, NJ
Nominated (2nd) by: Karen Crooke, Terrificats May 2003
Anecdotes about the cat: His show name is Topa's Aesop -- we call him "Mac." He became a Grand Premier. I've been trying to find Toni to let her know that "her boy" is turning 19 tomorrow and that he is still, as she used to say, "a mush." Unfortunately, he has been losing weight lately, one pound over the past year, and now weighs just 7 1/2 lbs. I took him for his annual checkup last wk and the vet discovered that his kidneys are not doing well. This cat is a 4 year survivor of cancer. He had radiation and chemo at U of PA Vet Hospital in May of '99. He never really regained the weight he lost during his treatments, but he has been in pretty good health once he bounced back from them. have no doubt my vet, Dr. James Clinton in Medford, NJ, would be happy to verify that Mac is still with us -- he's been seeing him for quite a few years. Actually, I'm sure many cat fanciers and breeders will know of Dr. Clinton. He's been in Medford a very long time and is world-renowned as an animal ophthalmologist (eye specialist). I heard people at shows back in the '80s talking about bringing their cats to see him. He's quite a man. Rhoda.

Tufpaws Rosieola of Buctales, GC/GP/RW DM
Sire: CH Sundar Reuel of Tufpaws
Dam: Ragamoffyn of Tufpaws (out of unknown x unknown!)
Date of birth: April 1st, 1984
Nominated by her loving mom: Chris Buck, Buctales Maine Coons, February 1999

Tycoon KC Wingwalker
Registration number: CFA 1752-379809, TICA SBT 050286 015
Color: Blue Classic
Sire: Tycoon's Beau Brummel
Dam: McInkats Gwenhwyvar of Napcats
Date of Birth: May 2nd, 1986
Breeder: Maria Nekam
Owners: Sheila and Don Foster
Anecdotes about the cat: KC is a loving and gentle boy who has raised several kittens, three puppies and has done a very nice job with our children. Over the years he has made several major moves with us and traveled by car, ferry and plane without complaint. His step is a bit slower now and longer naps are preferred, but still enjoys the occasional game of race and chase around the house. In his younger days, he had a great love of high places and was often found walking across curtains, etc and earned himself the name of "Wingwalker" KC has always been a great talker and our children often call him "KC Wingwhiner". For me, these many years have been a joy and I treasure him and hope for many more with this sweet boy. (May 2001.)

Unicoon Creamsicle McPunkin, GP
Sire: SGC Acrith Pumpkin Surprise
Dam: CH PR Tycoon Spring Rain of Unicoon
Date of birth: April 30th, 1987
Date of death: August 2003
GP Unicoon Creamsicle McPunkin turned 15 years of age on April 30 2002. (Michelle Sykes, Unicoon.)
I can second the nomination of Creamsicle for Michelle. I saw him at her house in May of this year, running around happily. He is a big, very furry boy. (Karen Crooke, Terrificats, August 2002.)
Update - August 31st, 2003: It is with a very sad heart I announce the death of GP Unicoon's Creamsicle Mc Punkin. He developed a melanoma in his eye and last Thursday it was time to say good by to him. (Michelle Sykes, Unicoon.)

Walmet Caleb of Caralee, TGC
Registration number: SBT 050585 003
Sire: Heidi Ho Richard III of Charmalot, TGC, OS
Dam: Walmet Suzette, CH, OD
Date of birth: May 5th, 1985
Date of death: April 2002
Breeder: Gerry Walsh
Owner: Carol and Dave Burford
Nominated by: Gerry Walsh, Walmet Cattery
Nominated (2nd) by: Jack and Darlene Sweeney, Coonsworth Cattery
Anecdotes about the cat: TGC Walmet Caleb of Caralee was the fifth cat bred by Suzette and Richard to Grand in TICA. He granded in one show and it was a proud day to have a one show Grand and an Outstanding Dam on the same day.
He was a dear and loving pet to Carol and Dave for many years and will be missed by all who knew him.

Walmet Medievil Madam of Chaudvent, SGC, GC.
Registration number: SBT 100489-007; 1745M-638190.
Sire: MtKittery Carbonero of Emlu, SGC, GC.
Dam: Cowtown Marigold of Walmet, SGC, OD.
Date of birth: October 4th, 1989.
Date of death: November 2nd, 2005.
Breeder: Gerry Walsh, Mary Schweiger.
Owner: Gerry Walsh, Sue Vickerman.
Nominated by: Gerry Walsh, Walmet Cattery.
Nominated (2nd) by: Jack and Darlene Sweeney, Coonsworth Cattery.
Anecdotes about the cat: Evie, as she was known, was awarded the titles of SGC in TICA and GC in CFA in the same show season. I believe she was the first Maine Coon female to accomplish this. She was TICA's Second Best Cat and Best Maine Coon Cat for the Southeast Region in 1991. She was also the proud mother of CH,PR Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth, DM,OD. I was blessed with Evie for 16 years. Sue Vickerman picked her out of a litter of five at three weeks of age, and we had a wonderful time showing her. She was a wonderful example of her breed and a loving pet. She will be missed.

Walmet Rebecca of Coonsworth, CH/PR/OD, DM.
Registration number: CFA 1745-808028, TICA SBT 041292-025.
Sire: Walmet Caleb of Caralee, CH.
Dam: Walmet Medievil Madam of Chaudvent, GC.
Date of birth: April 12th, 1992.
Date of death: April 14th, 2007.
Breeder: Gerry Walsh-Sue Vickerman.
Owner: Jack & Darlene Sweeney.
Nominated by: Jack & Darlene Sweeney.
Nominated (2nd) by: Gerry Walsh.
Anecdotes about the cat: "Becky" was the first Maine Coon Cat in the world to received both a TICA OD (1997) and a CFA DM (1999) titles. She was the starting point of Coonsworth Cattery and is in the pedigrees of many breeders and pets across the world. She was also very proud of her grand-daughter CH, GP Coonsworth's Cleopatra DM who Granded and DM'd when she was 8 years old (2006).

GEC Wild Fellow Kojak
Sire: GIC Keiser-Coon Barbarossa
Dam: GIC Annabell of Mohawk
Date of birth: March 27th, 1994
Breeder: Fischer
Owner: Waltraud Vogel (died July 31st, 2008)
Nominated by: Christine Schöneis
Anecdotes about the cat: When our friend Waltraud Vogel (Owner of Helkenberg Maine Coon Cattery) died last year, we gave Waltraud´s male Wild Fellow Kojak vom Helkenberg (aka Sam) and his life companion Beaverscove Belana vom Helkenberg a new home. Sam is a great cat. We know and love him since our very first show in 1995 when we also met Waltraud the first time. Our first male Einstein of Mohawk is the uncle of Sam and the boys could be twins... they look so much alike. We would be very happy if you add Sam to the Methusalem List and we know Waltraud would be happy too. (Christine Schöneis, March 2009.)

Wrevenik Maralas Sampson, SGC, DM.
I wanted to share with you a celebration for this weekend. Supreme Grand Champion Wrevenik Maralas Sampson (Imp.) D.M. turns a handsome 16 years of age on Saturday 27th May. Sampson is still the only Maine Coon in South Africa to hold the prestigious title of Distinguished Merit and was the first Maine Coon to Supreme here. At a very young 16, Sam is in fantastic condition and I hope he will be blessed with many more happy years of retirement with us. Happy Birthday Sam, love you big boy. - Mom. (Vikki Spacey, Wrevenik Maine Coons, Cape Town, South Africa.)

GC Wynhaven Carolina Dreams of Rumford, DM
Registration number: CFA:1793-929024, TICA: SBT 063000 016
Sire: SGC Coonyham Laredo of Wyndhaven
Dam: Hillside Lexy of Wyndhaven
Date of birth: April 4th, 1994
Date of death: November 10th, 2010
Breeder: Laurel Grams
Owner: Caron & Steven Gray
Nominated by: Caron Gray, Rumford Maine Coons
Nominated (2nd) by: Steven Gray, Rumford Maine Coons
Anecdotes about the cat: Carolina was our first Grand Champion female as well as our first Distinguished Merit female. She was one of my best moms, her kittens shined as she kept them clean nearly to an obsession. Her kittens all had marvelous classic patterns and always a very warm caramel coloring. She had beautiful green eyes that she passed onto most of her kittens. (Caron Gray, November 2010.)

Ylletrollets Bonanzi, CH, "Nanzi".
Registration number: SVERAK 142700
Sire: Coonyham Bonanza, EC.
Dam: Caprix Creme Caramel, GIC & Pr.
Date of birth: November 29th, 1996.
Date of death: still alive and well 2012-05-04.
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson.
Owner: Lena Bölenius.
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets.
Nominated (2nd) by: Lena Bölenius
(Ulrika Olsson, May 2012.)

Ylletrollets Carananza, CH, "Grizzly".
Registration number: SVERAK 142702
Sire: Coonyham Bonanza, EC.
Dam: Caprix Creme Caramel, GIC & Pr.
Date of birth: November 29th, 1996.
Date of death: March 26th, 2012.
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson.
Owner: Svante & Marika Lundqvist.
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets.
Nominated (2nd) by: -
Anecdotes about the cat: Grizzly was always a very playful cat. Even at cat shows, as a stud male, he couldn't keep his paws under control when he saw a toy! He HAD to try to grab it! He died 26 March 2012 due to kidney failure. (Ulrika Olsson, April 2012.)

Ylletrollets Dexas Kid, GIC.
Registration number: SVERAK 89144.
Sire: Caprix Blue Bogart, EC (still alive at 16 years).
Dam: Caprix Creme Caramel, GIC (still alive at 16 years).
Date of birth: June 11th, 1992.
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson.
Owner: Marie & Bertil Johansson.
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets.

Ylletrollets Flora.
Registration number: SVERAK.
Sire: Ylletrollets Krakel Spektakel.
Dam: The Dorsai Banrion.
Date of birth: April 5th, 2002.
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson.
Owner: Susanne Johansson, Carpe Felines.
Nominated by: Susanne Johansson Carpe Felines.

Ylletrollets Jumbolina, CH
Sire: Maffialigan's Jumbo
Dam: Popcoons Blondie, GIC
Date of birth: November 18th, 1993
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson
Owner: Ulla & Sune Axelsson
Nominated by: Ulrika & Peter Olsson (We got the info from the owner.)
Anecdotes about the cat: We got a mail from the owners of Jumbolina 27 November 2008. They told us that Jumbolina is still in perfect health. She has never been to the vet except for her vaccinations! Since the owners moved to a farm, Jumbolina is allowed to be outdoors. Every day she walks to the stable and the chicken house to check that all is ok there. She also feels she has to drink the horses' water in the field, for some reason. :-) Her 14 year old cat friend, Charmani, is waiting indoors, hoping that maybe Jumbolina will have a mouse with her home, which could be entertaining for him to watch for a while. ;-) (Ulrika Olsson, November 2008.)

Ylletrollets McBrutuss, CH.
Registration number: SVERAK 89143.
Sire: Coonyham Bonanza, EC (still alive at 16 years).
Dam: Caprix Creme Caramel, GIC & Pr (still alive at 16 years).
Date of birth: June 11th, 1992.
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson.
Owner: Håkan Johansson & Catarina Larsson.
Nominated by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets.

Ylletrollets Lakris.
Registration number: SVERAK 142703
Sire: Coonyham Bonanza, EC.
Dam: Caprix Creme Caramel, GIC & Pr.
Date of birth: November 29th, 1996.
Date of death: -
Breeder: Ulrika & Peter Olsson.
Owner: Catarina & Håkan Johansson.
Nominated by: Catarina Johansson.
Nominated (2nd) by: Ulrika Olsson, S*Ylletrollets.
Anecdotes about the cat: Lakris is still alive and healthy at over 15 years of age. He is an indoor/outdoor cat, but these days he just walk around the house before he wants to come in again, the owner says. (Ulrika Olsson, April 2012.)


More information about the pedigree and offspring of these cats can be found at the Maine Coon Database.

