Health Programmes | HD | HCM |
SMA | PK-def | PRA |
GSD IV | GM2 | CMS |
The databases | Courses | The Board |
Health Programmes | |
HD | |
HD and Health web | |
All questions about how to use Healthweb, login, or HD questions | |
HCM | |
Health Programme Coordinator | |
All questions in regard to the HCM health programme | |
Ultrasound and Necropsy results (MCO) | |
DNA Registrar HCM1 (MCO) | |
DNA Registrar HCM (RAG): Yvonne Karlsson | |
SMA | |
SMA (MCO) - Registrar and Contact: Anne M Berge | |
PK def | |
Registrar and Contact (MCO): Anne M Berge | |
Registrar (NFO): Carli Hækkerup | |
Registrar (ABY-SOM): Monica Einarsson | monica_ |
Contact (ABY-SOM): Monica Einarsson | monica_ |
PRA | |
Registrar (ABY-SOM): Susanne Jönsson | |
Contact (ABY-SOM): Monica Einarsson | monica_ |
Registrar (SIA and related breeds): Brigita Guobe | |
Contact (SIA and related breeds): Hilde Nesvik (NO) | |
Contact (SIA and related breeds): Malin Almqvist (SE) | |
Contact (SIA and related breeds): Nina Maria Tigerstedt (FI) | |
Registrar (OCI): Hans Boskär | |
Contact (OCI): Agneta Glennsten | |
PRA (Ophtamologic examination): Katinka Pålsson | katinka_ |
GSD IV | |
Registrar: Carli Hækkerup | |
Contact: Li Sellgren | |
Contact: Malin Holgersson | |
Contact: Sylvia Erikérs (SE) | |
Contact: Dr Marc Peterschmitt Veterinarian | |
GM2 (BUR) | |
Registrar: Tiina Räsänen | |
Contact: Robin Bryan | |
Contact: Sarah Sandell (SE) | |
CMS | |
DNA registrar and contact: | |
The databases |
Database Coordinator |
All questions in regard to the databases |
To add pedigrees, please click on the link below and Open a new ticket! | |
Here is a YouTube video showing how to enter a new ticket and what it looks like in your mail when you successfully add a new ticket. | |
Courses | |
Course Coordinator | Course Admin |
Planning the courses, supporting course leaders | Course queues and invitations |
Course material | |
Writing, editing, and translating course texts | |
The Board | |
President | Vice President |
Ulrika Olsson | Åsa Olsson |
Treasurer | |
Peter Olsson | |