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Arturo vom Löhwäldle, M, NFO n 09 22, 3/14/05, DE/DE
Printer Friendly | Generations: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inbreeding = 0.878% | Test mate
Inbreeding calculated based on 678 ancestors (365 unique) of 1022 possible, 2 complete generations out of 9 , generation 5 is less than 75 % filled
CH Sandefjord Lasse, NFO e 23, 7/4/02, DE/DE
Sondre vom Sandefjord, NFO n, DE/DE
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Cayenne vom Sandefjord, NFO f 23, 7/4/02, DE/DE
Norodden Gyme, NFO b, 5/15/98, NO/-
IC Norodden Eirik Blodøks, NFO n 25, 7/11/96, NO/NO
PR EC Bondgården:s Pablo Picasso, NFO ns 09 23, 11/28/92, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
GIP & CH Gerdas Bolls, NFO n 22, 2/16/89, SE/-
IP Islandia Gorm, NFO n 09, 4/11/87, SE/-
EC Blåbærskogens Fabian, NFO n 09, 12/31/85, NO/SE
Virentoftas Gina, NFO n 09 23, 6/20/84, SE/-
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
Enebackens Isak, NFO n 09 22, 4/25/85, SE/-
Westerblad, NFO f 09, 8/15/85, SE/SE
Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, NFO n 09 22, 7/6/88, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
Stormor i Daloms Cochise, NFO n 09 23, 7/31/84, SE/-
IP Elains Jasmine, NFO n 23, 3/4/84, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Delila, NFO n 09, 9/10/86, SE/-
CH Egon av Huldrepus, NFO n 09, 6/3/85, NO/SE
IC Syrran, NFO n 23, 8/1/80, SE/SE
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
Sarosgards Eddie, NFO n, 3/17/86, SE/-
Finngärdet's Fiddler, NFO n, 1/27/85, SE/-
Fjordkattens Isobel, NFO n 09 23, 2/2/84, SE/SE
CH Wildwood's Aquarozza, NFO n, 12/17/85, SE/-
PR IC Myrvil, NFO n 23, 7/16/83, SE/SE
GIP EC Dea-Dia av Æsene, DM, NFO n, 11/11/84, NO/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
IC Lothloriens E.T. Esgaroth, NFO ds 09, 8/22/86, SE/-
CH Egon av Huldrepus, NFO n 09, 6/3/85, NO/SE
GIP EC Trippeline av Fristad, NFO gs 09, 4/25/85, NO/SE
IC Scherman's Diana Kiwin, NFO fs 09 23, 8/25/86, SE/-
IP CH Porfyrgårdens Abbadon, NFO ns 09, 10/30/84, SE/-
Kristina av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 1/20/83, NO/SE
CH Norodden Dina, NFO n 09 25, 10/11/93, NO/NO
IC Nilsstra Jesper, NFO ns 25, 6/2/91, NO/NO
Trollfjell's Blåmann, NFO ns, 4/21/89, NO/NO
IC Gaupeskogens Francesco R.G., NFO ns 25, 1/28/88, NO/NO
IC Raggen, NFO n 25, 7/1/85, NO/NO
IC Jakobellas Gaia, NFO ns 23, 7/28/84, NO/NO
CH Trollfjell's Belladonna, NFO n, 5/1/86, NO/NO
CH Lado Fantomet Sølve H.T., NFO a, 12/2/84, NO/NO
Trollfjell's Miranda, NFO f 09, NO/-
IC Gerdas Coco Chanel, NFO n 23, 3/10/90, SE/NO
EC Sambals Folke, NFO a 23, 12/2/88, SE/-
EC Blåbærskogens Fabian, NFO n 09, 12/31/85, NO/SE
Lado Stjerna Kongsdatter, NFO f 23, 4/14/87, NO/SE
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
Enebackens Isak, NFO n 09 22, 4/25/85, SE/-
Westerblad, NFO f 09, 8/15/85, SE/SE
CH Randvika's Anastasia, NFO n 24, 5/23/89, NO/NO
Rielte's Baltazar, NFO n 09, NO/NO
EC Napoleon von Terp, NFO n 22, 12/31/85, NO/NO
IP CH Blåmann av Skogåsen, NFO a 23, 11/23/84, NO/NO
Skaubo's Josefine, NFO n 09 22, 11/10/82, NO/NO
IC Jakobellas Amanda, NFO ns 09 23, 6/29/84, NO/NO
Jakobellas Amadeus, NFO a 09 23, 4/21/83
Jakobellas Malin, NFO n 09
Norodden Louise Laura, NFO n 23, 5/6/98, NO/NO
CH Norodden Sylve, NFO ns 09 23, 8/28/85, NO/NO
CH Lado Tristan, NFO ns, 5/20/82, NO/NO
Sodåsen Fie, NFO f 09 22, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Felicia, NFO f 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/NO
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
IC Maia av Moltemyr, NFO ns, 4/23/96, NO/NO
EC Bondgården:s Täppas, NFO ns 22, 5/10/93, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
GIP & CH Gerdas Bolls, NFO n 22, 2/16/89, SE/-
IP Islandia Gorm, NFO n 09, 4/11/87, SE/-
EC Blåbærskogens Fabian, NFO n 09, 12/31/85, NO/SE
Virentoftas Gina, NFO n 09 23, 6/20/84, SE/-
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
Enebackens Isak, NFO n 09 22, 4/25/85, SE/-
Westerblad, NFO f 09, 8/15/85, SE/SE
Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, NFO n 09 22, 7/6/88, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
Stormor i Daloms Cochise, NFO n 09 23, 7/31/84, SE/-
IP Elains Jasmine, NFO n 23, 3/4/84, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Delila, NFO n 09, 9/10/86, SE/-
CH Egon av Huldrepus, NFO n 09, 6/3/85, NO/SE
IC Syrran, NFO n 23, 8/1/80, SE/SE
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
Sarosgards Eddie, NFO n, 3/17/86, SE/-
Finngärdet's Fiddler, NFO n, 1/27/85, SE/-
Fjordkattens Isobel, NFO n 09 23, 2/2/84, SE/SE
CH Wildwood's Aquarozza, NFO n, 12/17/85, SE/-
PR IC Myrvil, NFO n 23, 7/16/83, SE/SE
GIP EC Dea-Dia av Æsene, DM, NFO n, 11/11/84, NO/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
IC Lothloriens E.T. Esgaroth, NFO ds 09, 8/22/86, SE/-
CH Egon av Huldrepus, NFO n 09, 6/3/85, NO/SE
GIP EC Trippeline av Fristad, NFO gs 09, 4/25/85, NO/SE
IC Scherman's Diana Kiwin, NFO fs 09 23, 8/25/86, SE/-
IP CH Porfyrgårdens Abbadon, NFO ns 09, 10/30/84, SE/-
Kristina av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 1/20/83, NO/SE
GIC Catline Evita, NFO w, 7/9/93, NO/NO
EC Åsvangen's Julian, NFO n 23, 5/3/92, NO/-
EC Gjervfjellet Even Brattbakken, DM, NFO n 22, 6/28/84, NO/NO
IP EC Høvedmannsgård Alfa, NFO n 23, 6/1/83, NO/NO
CH Lian Abjatar, NFO n 23, 4/30/82, NO/-
Celina av Pussipels, NFO n 23, 1/15/80, NO/NO
IC Gjervfjellet Kitty, DM, NFO n 22, 6/3/81, NO/NO
Sirikitt, NFO f 09, NO/NO
CH Åsvangen's Tnt, NFO n 09, NO/-
CH Åsvangen's Osiris, NFO n 09, 10/26/86, NO/-
IC Sebastian, NFO n, NO/NO
IC Gjervfjellet Afrodite, NFO f 09, 1/31/83, NO/NO
Pan's Trifida, NFO n 23, 11/24/86, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Pan's Tina Star, NFO f 23, 3/1/80, NO/-
EC Hilda af Gjernes, NFO w, 1/9/88, NO/NO
CH Blåbærskogens Faxe, NFO n, 12/31/85, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Ruska, NFO a, NO/-
CH Frida, NFO w 62, 5/1/83, NO/NO
Nøste, NFO n 09 23, NO/NO
Dortje av Fjellbekk, NFO f 23, 11/19/99, DE/-
EC Snofjell's Eric, NFO d 09 22, 5/12/98
IC Snofjell's Askian, NFO n 09 22, 6/13/95, DE/-
IC Domingo Torel av Fager, NFO n 09, 11/9/93, DE/-
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
Tora Parsberg Felis Jubatus, NFO a 09 21, 7/29/90, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
GIC Gwendolyn av Thann, NFO f 09 22, 9/11/93, DE/-
IC Gelriafelix's Vincens, NFO a 09 22, 2/10/91, NL/-
EC Blue Tiger av Skogheim, NFO a 09 23, 2/11/86, NO/NL
Adam av Skogåsen, NFO n 09 23, 2/7/85, NO/NO
Tinka, NFO a 09, 3/2/82, NO/NO
EC Sanddrop's Sabrina, NFO n 09 22, 7/17/84, NO/NL
Gangerolf av Skogheim, NFO n 09 22, 5/29/83, NO/NO
EC Solett av Baune, NFO n 09 22, 4/7/80, NO/FI
CH Bella-Bimba vom Fuchseck, NFO d 09 21, DE/-
EC Benjamin von Chi-Cama, NFO d 21, 3/28/87, DE/DE
Eric von Jotunheimen, NFO n 22, 6/18/85, DE/DE
GIC Byrko von Jotunheimen, NFO f 09 23, 6/7/84, DE/DE
Tamaris vom Fuchseck, NFO f 09 21
EC Benjamin von Chi-Cama, NFO d 21, 3/28/87, DE/DE
Nina vom Ahrtal, NFO n 09 21
Minerva a Beetlejuice, NFO g 23, 3/11/97, DE/-
Thassos av Fager, NFO d 09 23, DK/-
EC Karl Johan Felis Jubatus, NFO a 22, 8/28/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Moa's Rh. Bouquet De Flore, NFO fs 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
PR & EC Fjällforsens Dirigent, NFO ds 09 23, 12/3/91, SE/-
EP EC Mar'Michel's Mr Chagall, NFO ns 09, 11/2/88, SE/-
IC Amazonas Modesty, NFO fs 09 22, 11/5/89, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
Betje Wolff Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 8/1/95, DK/DE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIC Helga Den Fagre Felis Audax, DM, NFO n 23, 6/16/91, DK/NL
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
IC Murphy's Hannah, NFO a 23
GIC Snofjell's Chicari, NFO a 22, 9/28/96, DE/DE
IC Snofjell's Askian, NFO n 09 22, 6/13/95, DE/-
IC Domingo Torel av Fager, NFO n 09, 11/9/93, DE/-
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
Tora Parsberg Felis Jubatus, NFO a 09 21, 7/29/90, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Gwendolyn av Thann, NFO f 09 22, 9/11/93, DE/-
IC Gelriafelix's Vincens, NFO a 09 22, 2/10/91, NL/-
EC Blue Tiger av Skogheim, NFO a 09 23, 2/11/86, NO/NL
EC Sanddrop's Sabrina, NFO n 09 22, 7/17/84, NO/NL
CH Bella-Bimba vom Fuchseck, NFO d 09 21, DE/-
EC Benjamin von Chi-Cama, NFO d 21, 3/28/87, DE/DE
Tamaris vom Fuchseck, NFO f 09 21
CH Nenya Felis Audax, NFO a 09 23, 8/8/95, DK/-
Thorgrim Trolle Felis Audax, NFO a, 7/1/94, DK/-
GIC Tähtiyön Alfa, NFO n 09, 4/27/93, FI/DK
GIC Tristan Felis Audax, NFO n 09, 10/30/91, DK/FI
IC Ronja Røverdatter Felis Audax, NFO n, 4/23/92, DK/FI
GIC Titania Felis Audax, NFO w 62, 5/14/93, DK/DK
EC Harald Rein Felis Jubatus, NFO w, 8/24/91, DK/-
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
CH Wibke-Viola av Swalbod, NFO as 23, 9/17/96, DE/DE
Ovation av Saltkråkan, NFO as 09 23
Jerrik av Swalbod, NFO n 21, DE/-
EC Hauke v. Tim-Est, NFO n 09 23, 8/22/88, DE/-
EC Paulus av Trollsfjord, NFO n 09 22, 4/17/86, DE/-
Små-Troll's Goya, NFO n 09 23, 4/2/85, DE/-
Dyrhild av Skogfeholme, NFO f 21, 8/16/90
Viking-Røde, NFO d 09 21, 11/7/89, DE/-
Esther av Saltfjord, NFO n 23, 6/27/88
Debbie av Stadfjord, NFO ns 09 22
EC Ashley av Stadfjord, NFO n 09 22, 6/6/91, DE/DE
CH Baltimoor's Casanova, NFO n 09 23, DE/-
GIC Baltimoor's Farah, NFO f, DE/DE
IC Mimir's Daphne, NFO as 23
EC Små-Troll's Pumuckel, NFO n 23, 4/29/85
Små-Troll's Tyra, NFO ns 09, 4/16/86
Sweet-Selina av Swalbod, NFO a 22
Mauritzius av Swalbod, NFO a 09 23
Gorm v. Etosha Pan, NFO a 23
PR & IC Afjord's Gandalf, NFO a 23, DE/-
Gelriafelix's Solett, NFO n 09 21, 8/12/90, NL/-
Carla av Vegusdal, NFO f 09 23, 7/8/91
George av Saltfjord, NFO n 23, 8/2/89
Charlin vom Breidablick, NFO f 09 21, 5/11/89
Gunni v. Haemsdal, NFO n 22, 4/3/93, DE/DE
CH Huldrekatten's Harek, NFO n 23, 11/23/88
EC Pan's Tamar, NFO n 22, 5/29/87, NO/NO
Alexis, NFO n 23, 9/30/87, NO/NO
IC Pan's Titania, NFO n 22
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pan's Tina Star, NFO f 23, 3/1/80, NO/-
Sandefjord Hazel, NFO n 09 22
CH Polarbear's Ultimo, NFO a 09 22, 4/26/99, DE/DE
Sir-Henry av Ljusdal, NFO nt 09 22, 4/20/98, DE/DE
EC Danilo av Ljusdal, NFO a, DE/DE
IC Maurice vom Isar-Strand, NFO as 09 22
Jankothan av Takeskog, NFO as 09 22, 4/27/93, DE/-
Hopeless Tribes Goran, NFO w 62, 8/27/91, DK/DE
GIC Feles Ferox Charlie, NFO n 09 23, 9/20/88, DK/DK
Hugowolf Felis Jubatus, NFO d 09 23, 1/12/85, DK/DK
IC Isis av Æsene, NFO a 23, 11/11/84, NO/DK
Hilda Wangel Felis Jubatus, NFO w 63, 6/22/90, DK/-
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
IC Morky's Matilda, NFO ns 09, 7/16/91, SE/-
EC Morky's Sir John, NFO ns 09, 5/26/90, SE/SE
EC Janillas Champis, NFO as 23, 12/22/86, SE/-
Nollan, NFO ns 09, 12/13/84, SE/SE
IC Garderåsen's Catarina, NFO f 09 22, 1/8/90, NO/SE
Garderåsen's Augustus, NFO d 09 22, NO/NO
Marekatten's Miriam, NFO a, NO/NO
CH Empetrum Nigrum Felis Jubatus, NFO n, 2/20/93, DK/-
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
IC Dovregubbens Mischa, NFO ns 09 23, 3/18/84, DK/-
Kispus Bellona, NFO a 09, 7/22/84, DK/-
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
CH Dansbjergs Ondine, NFO n 25, 6/4/94, DK/-
Dansbjergs Kevin, NFO n 09 23, 8/22/93, DK/-
Ravnesåsen's Chesno, NFO n 09 24, 3/14/91, NO/DK
EC Ravnesåsen's Chess, NFO n 09, 6/1/87, NO/NO
IC King Alfred av Skogheim, NFO n 09, 7/27/85, NO/NO
IC Sanddrop's Guro, NFO n 09 22, 1/16/85, NO/-
CH Lara, NFO f 09 24, 6/5/85, NO/NO
Dansbjergs Amalie, NFO n 09 22, 6/18/91, DK/DK
Pan's Tacho, NFO n 09 22, 3/18/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Pan's Tameia, NFO n 09 22, 5/31/88, NO/NO
Bitten av Falchebo, NFO a 09 22, 3/27/90, NO/DK
Elro's Mr Blix, NFO a 09
Seidemann's Gyrid, NFO f 09 23
Dansbjergs Githa, NFO n 09 25, 7/27/93, DK/DK
Nilsstra Rasken, NFO n 25, 6/2/91, NO/DK
Trollfjell's Blåmann, NFO ns, 4/21/89, NO/NO
IC Gaupeskogens Francesco R.G., NFO ns 25, 1/28/88, NO/NO
CH Trollfjell's Belladonna, NFO n, 5/1/86, NO/NO
IC Gerdas Coco Chanel, NFO n 23, 3/10/90, SE/NO
EC Sambals Folke, NFO a 23, 12/2/88, SE/-
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
Dansbjergs Eva, NFO n 09 23, 11/7/91, DK/-
Pan's Tacho, NFO n 09 22, 3/18/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Pan's Tameia, NFO n 09 22, 5/31/88, NO/NO
Spicaway Jian, DM, NFO n, 10/8/88, DK/DK
CH Åsvangen's Per Spook, NFO n 09, 2/15/87, NO/DK
Skjoldunge's Gyrid, NFO n 09 23, 2/22/87, DK/DK
Bedellin av Takeskog, NFO nt 09 22, DE/DE
Hopeless Tribes Goran, NFO w 62, 8/27/91, DK/DE
GIC Feles Ferox Charlie, NFO n 09 23, 9/20/88, DK/DK
Hugowolf Felis Jubatus, NFO d 09 23, 1/12/85, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
IC Gullov Ae'Gaf, NFO f 09 23, 9/2/82, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
Matilda av Baune, NFO f 09 23, 5/17/81
IC Isis av Æsene, NFO a 23, 11/11/84, NO/DK
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Edvard Eroberen, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Mjavo Säure, NFO n 23, 6/6/78, NO/NO
Hilda Wangel Felis Jubatus, NFO w 63, 6/22/90, DK/-
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
IP Colosseum Casco, NFO n 09 23, 5/21/79, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Carlina, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
Pan's Sylvester, NFO n 09, 3/28/79, NO/SE
Pjewiks Forest M.A. Pjotrsdotter, NFO as 23, 4/11/78, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
Jinni av Takeskog, NFO n 09 22
Hopeless Tribes Goran, NFO w 62, 8/27/91, DK/DE
GIC Feles Ferox Charlie, NFO n 09 23, 9/20/88, DK/DK
Hugowolf Felis Jubatus, NFO d 09 23, 1/12/85, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
IC Gullov Ae'Gaf, NFO f 09 23, 9/2/82, DK/DK
IC Isis av Æsene, NFO a 23, 11/11/84, NO/DK
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
Hilda Wangel Felis Jubatus, NFO w 63, 6/22/90, DK/-
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
IC Morky's Matilda, NFO ns 09, 7/16/91, SE/-
EC Morky's Sir John, NFO ns 09, 5/26/90, SE/SE
EC Janillas Champis, NFO as 23, 12/22/86, SE/-
CH Forest Lov's Lilla Grå, NFO as, 11/14/84, SE/-
Frida av Elvatun, NFO as 09 23, 6/11/85, NO/SE
Nollan, NFO ns 09, 12/13/84, SE/SE
Mickel, NFO a 09
Minon, NFO ns 09
IC Garderåsen's Catarina, NFO f 09 22, 1/8/90, NO/SE
Garderåsen's Augustus, NFO d 09 22, NO/NO
IP GIC Christiania's Christian, NFO n 09 23, 7/13/87, NO/NO
Tigerstaden's Cassandra, NFO f 09 23, NO/-
Marekatten's Miriam, NFO a, NO/NO
CH Blåbærskogens Faxe, NFO n, 12/31/85, NO/NO
IC Fanny af Gjernes, NFO n, 2/14/85, NO/NO
CH Icecat's Violetta Vie, NFO ns 09 22, DE/-
GIC Icecat's Luke Skywalker, NFO ns 09, 4/28/95, DE/-
EC Klockargårdens Marius, NFO ds 09 22, 6/1/93, SE/-
Klockargårdens Rebell, NFO ns 09 23, 3/20/92, SE/SE
IP Klockargårdens Sigill, NFO d 09 23, 5/29/91, SE/-
Christiania's Armin, NFO n 09 22, 1/21/90, NO/SE
IP GIC Christiania's Christian, NFO n 09 23, 7/13/87, NO/NO
IC Fredrikke av Skogåsen, NFO n 23, 1/11/85, NO/NO
IP Skäve's Chellina, NFO f 09, 3/19/90, SE/-
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
Retstickans Nikitita, NFO f 09, 2/11/89, SE/-
Christiania's Kine, NFO ns 09 23, 1/10/91, NO/SE
EC Amor av Sultano, NFO n 09, 7/20/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
GIC Pan's Trianna, NFO n 09, 5/10/84, NO/-
EC Christiania's Mathilde, NFO fs 09 23, 8/21/82, NO/NO
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
CH Skäve's Chanelle, NFO f 09, 3/19/90, SE/-
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
CH Tassajara's Kolgrim, NFO a 09 23, 1/15/87, SE/-
IC Julie's Albert Åberg, NFO a 09 22, 7/29/85, NO/SE
GIC Frøy Sparetta av Æsene, DM, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/85, NO/SE
IC Christiania's Betsy, NFO f 09, 7/30/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EC Maren av Baune, NFO f 09, 1/20/83, NO/NO
Retstickans Nikitita, NFO f 09, 2/11/89, SE/-
EC Tassemarkens Hazard, NFO n 09, 2/2/88, SE/-
EC Skeppdalens Måns, NFO d 09 22, 5/18/85, SE/-
EC Niros Champagne, NFO n 09 23, 12/18/82, NO/SE
Lissekullans Eldvina Smoke, NFO fs 09, 11/9/87, SE/-
IC Lothloriens E.T. Esgaroth, NFO ds 09, 8/22/86, SE/-
GIC Porfyrgårdens Abbalone, NFO ns 09, 10/30/84, SE/-
CH Klockargårdens Viktoria, NFO f 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/-
IP Klockargårdens Sigill, NFO d 09 23, 5/29/91, SE/-
Christiania's Armin, NFO n 09 22, 1/21/90, NO/SE
IP GIC Christiania's Christian, NFO n 09 23, 7/13/87, NO/NO
GIC Christiania's Cæsar, NFO ns 09, 3/22/86, NO/NO
EC Christiania's Mathilde, NFO fs 09 23, 8/21/82, NO/NO
IC Fredrikke av Skogåsen, NFO n 23, 1/11/85, NO/NO
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Nefer Ti'Ti av Skogheim, NFO f 23, 5/29/83, NO/NO
IP Skäve's Chellina, NFO f 09, 3/19/90, SE/-
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
CH Tassajara's Kolgrim, NFO a 09 23, 1/15/87, SE/-
IC Christiania's Betsy, NFO f 09, 7/30/87, NO/SE
Retstickans Nikitita, NFO f 09, 2/11/89, SE/-
EC Tassemarkens Hazard, NFO n 09, 2/2/88, SE/-
Lissekullans Eldvina Smoke, NFO fs 09, 11/9/87, SE/-
Christiania's Tanja, NFO gs 09 23, 11/16/89, NO/SE
EC Christiania's Francis, NFO n 09, 7/18/85, NO/SE
IC Colosseum Kalle, NFO n 09, 2/8/84, NO/NO
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
EC Maren av Baune, NFO f 09, 1/20/83, NO/NO
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
GIC Stina, NFO f 09, 12/1/76, NO/NO
EC Christiania's Mathilde, NFO fs 09 23, 8/21/82, NO/NO
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
Feofar av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 4/15/79, NO/NO
IC Lotte, NFO f 09, 5/30/75, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Sølvi, NFO ns 23, 4/1/76, NO/NO
IC Klockargårdens Felicia, NFO ns 09 22, 5/9/93, SE/DE
CH Christiania's Jørgen, NFO n 09, 1/16/91, NO/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
CH Tassajara's Kolgrim, NFO a 09 23, 1/15/87, SE/-
IC Julie's Albert Åberg, NFO a 09 22, 7/29/85, NO/SE
CH Tigerstaden's Rampus, NFO n 09 23, 7/12/84, NO/-
Gjervfjellet Danuta, NFO n 09, 2/25/84, NO/NO
GIC Frøy Sparetta av Æsene, DM, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/85, NO/SE
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
IC Christiania's Betsy, NFO f 09, 7/30/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
EC Maren av Baune, NFO f 09, 1/20/83, NO/NO
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
GIC Stina, NFO f 09, 12/1/76, NO/NO
IC Lurven's Josefine, NFO f 09, 8/18/89, NO/NO
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
Christiania's Sabrina, NFO f 23, NO/NO
IP CH Blåmann av Skogåsen, NFO a 23, 11/23/84, NO/NO
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Nefer Ti'Ti av Skogheim, NFO f 23, 5/29/83, NO/NO
IC Christiania's Millie, NFO f, NO/NO
Gaupus av Fristad, NFO d 23, 5/7/82, NO/-
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
Christiania's Kine, NFO ns 09 23, 1/10/91, NO/SE
EC Amor av Sultano, NFO n 09, 7/20/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
GIC Pan's Trianna, NFO n 09, 5/10/84, NO/-
Pan's Trian, NFO n 09, NO/-
PR IC Løvetangens Moshe, NFO n 09, 3/26/81, NO/NO
Johnsveen's Faye, NFO f 09, 7/29/78, NO/NO
Pan's Toa, NFO n 09 23, 4/9/78, NO/-
Pan's Thomas, NFO n 09 23, 5/7/76, NO/-
Elin von Plysch, NFO n 09 23, 5/10/76, NO/NO
EC Christiania's Mathilde, NFO fs 09 23, 8/21/82, NO/NO
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
Feofar av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 4/15/79, NO/NO
Fnatt, NFO n 09 22, 11/1/77, NO/NO
Solo av Baune, NFO f 22, 6/13/76, NO/-
IC Lotte, NFO f 09, 5/30/75, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Pisil av Baune, NFO ns, 4/13/75, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest Sophie, NFO n 09 23, 6/25/75, NO/NO
Sølvi, NFO ns 23, 4/1/76, NO/NO
Steffanie-Landi von Heiselgarden, NFO n 22, 3/12/01, DE/DE
Augustus of Born Castle, NFO os 22, DE/-
Frankie vom Arlesbrunnen, NFO ns 09 23, DE/-
Wildwood's Peter Pan, NFO nts 24, 3/18/98, SE/DE
EP & EC Svarte Petters Bernard, NFO n, 11/7/95, SE/SE
EC Wildwood's Milou, DM, NFO n, 11/21/94, SE/SE
EP EC Tailor Hill's Cupido, NFO a 09 24, 2/4/93, SE/SE
IP & GIC Wildwood's Imer, NFO at 24, 2/5/92, SE/SE
IP & GIC Truelove's Amorina, NFO f 09 23, 11/9/89, SE/SE
EC Wildwood's Juvel, NFO n, 4/21/92, SE/SE
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
GIP EC Dea-Dia av Æsene, DM, NFO n, 11/11/84, NO/SE
GIC Skogstassens Bouncing Boinger, NFO n, 3/3/94, SE/SE
GIP & EC Skogstassens Auirr, NFO n 23, 11/21/90, SE/SE
EC Aksel av Ullskurk, NFO n 23, 1/21/88, NO/SE
EC MorrHoppans Fina Fioli, NFO n 23, 1/9/89, SE/-
EC MorrHoppans Fina Fioli, NFO n 23, 1/9/89, SE/-
Summertime's Mezereon, NFO n 09 23, 6/21/87, SE/-
EC MorrHoppans Caissa, NFO f 09 22, 7/25/86, SE/-
IC Wildwood's Ori Olsson, NFO as 24, 6/10/96, SE/SE
EC Romeo, NFO ns 22, 2/21/94, SE/SE
EC Glitterfjordens Smaragd, NFO ns 22, 11/19/91, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
Glitterfjordens Z Ypsilon, NFO ns 09 22, 8/19/89, SE/-
Cephalanthéra Fyra, NFO a 22, 10/31/89, SE/-
Summertime's Ragged Robin, NFO n 23, 6/21/87, SE/-
Scarecrow's Aktinium, NFO n 23, 1/23/87, SE/-
CH Wildwood's Humla, NFO a 24, 11/15/90, SE/SE
IC Svartbekken's Karl, NFO n 23, 9/15/89, NO/SE
EC Gjervfjellet Even Brattbakken, DM, NFO n 22, 6/28/84, NO/NO
EC Ollendorff's Nattens Dronning, NFO n 23, 5/27/88, NO/NO
GIP EC Dea-Dia av Æsene, DM, NFO n, 11/11/84, NO/SE
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
CH Wencke vom Arlesbrunnen, NFO n 09 22, 8/28/97, DE/-
GIC Noel-Alfasson av Trulla, NFO as 09 23, 10/8/95, DE/-
GIC Tähtiyön Alfa, NFO n 09, 4/27/93, FI/DK
GIC Tristan Felis Audax, NFO n 09, 10/30/91, DK/FI
Eddan Sebastian, NFO n 09 22, 7/29/89, FI/DK
Eddan Saga, NFO n 09 22, 7/29/89, FI/DK
IC Ronja Røverdatter Felis Audax, NFO n, 4/23/92, DK/FI
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Dina av Takeskog, NFO as 09 23, 3/28/94, DE/DE
Jankothan av Takeskog, NFO as 09 22, 4/27/93, DE/-
Hopeless Tribes Goran, NFO w 62, 8/27/91, DK/DE
IC Morky's Matilda, NFO ns 09, 7/16/91, SE/-
Svenja vom Nordkap, NFO n 09, DE/-
EC Pippo av Trollsfjord, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/86
Brende vom Isar-Strand, NFO n 09
IC Wildwood's Opelle, NFO n 22, 6/10/96, SE/DE
EC Romeo, NFO ns 22, 2/21/94, SE/SE
EC Glitterfjordens Smaragd, NFO ns 22, 11/19/91, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
Glitterfjordens Z Ypsilon, NFO ns 09 22, 8/19/89, SE/-
Cephalanthéra Fyra, NFO a 22, 10/31/89, SE/-
Summertime's Ragged Robin, NFO n 23, 6/21/87, SE/-
Scarecrow's Aktinium, NFO n 23, 1/23/87, SE/-
CH Wildwood's Humla, NFO a 24, 11/15/90, SE/SE
IC Svartbekken's Karl, NFO n 23, 9/15/89, NO/SE
EC Gjervfjellet Even Brattbakken, DM, NFO n 22, 6/28/84, NO/NO
EC Ollendorff's Nattens Dronning, NFO n 23, 5/27/88, NO/NO
GIP EC Dea-Dia av Æsene, DM, NFO n, 11/11/84, NO/SE
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
Baltimoor's Naomi, NFO n 23
Royal Imp's Maurice, NFO nt 24, 12/13/97, SE/DE
EP & EC Svarte Petters Bernard, NFO n, 11/7/95, SE/SE
EC Wildwood's Milou, DM, NFO n, 11/21/94, SE/SE
EP EC Tailor Hill's Cupido, NFO a 09 24, 2/4/93, SE/SE
IP & GIC Wildwood's Imer, NFO at 24, 2/5/92, SE/SE
IP & GIC Truelove's Amorina, NFO f 09 23, 11/9/89, SE/SE
EC Wildwood's Juvel, NFO n, 4/21/92, SE/SE
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
GIP EC Dea-Dia av Æsene, DM, NFO n, 11/11/84, NO/SE
GIC Skogstassens Bouncing Boinger, NFO n, 3/3/94, SE/SE
GIP & EC Skogstassens Auirr, NFO n 23, 11/21/90, SE/SE
EC Aksel av Ullskurk, NFO n 23, 1/21/88, NO/SE
EC MorrHoppans Fina Fioli, NFO n 23, 1/9/89, SE/-
EC MorrHoppans Fina Fioli, NFO n 23, 1/9/89, SE/-
Summertime's Mezereon, NFO n 09 23, 6/21/87, SE/-
EC MorrHoppans Caissa, NFO f 09 22, 7/25/86, SE/-
EC Tassajara's Line, NFO n 09 22, 12/28/94, SE/-
EC Bondgården:s Täppas, NFO ns 22, 5/10/93, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
GIP & CH Gerdas Bolls, NFO n 22, 2/16/89, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, NFO n 09 22, 7/6/88, SE/-
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
EC Tassajara's Tigris, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/17/93, SE/SE  
IP & GIC Wildwood's Imer, NFO at 24, 2/5/92, SE/SE
CH Amazonas Camilo, NFO n 22, 5/30/89, SE/-
CH Wildwood's Humla, NFO a 24, 11/15/90, SE/SE
IC Iris av Æsene, NFO n 09 23, 12/23/86, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
Pocahonta's Habima, NFO ns 09 22, 4/29/95, SE/-
EC Tassajara's Gro, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/91, SE/SE
IC Gårdarikes Franciskus Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
Sarosgards Eddie, NFO n, 3/17/86, SE/-
CH Wildwood's Aquarozza, NFO n, 12/17/85, SE/-
EC Lothloriens Cat Cirith, NFO a 22, 12/8/87, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
GIP EC Trippeline av Fristad, NFO gs 09, 4/25/85, NO/SE
GIC Frøy Sparetta av Æsene, DM, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/85, NO/SE
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Edvard Eroberen, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Mjavo Säure, NFO n 23, 6/6/78, NO/NO
Hedhultarns Mercedes, NFO ns 09 22, 2/5/94, SE/SE
PR EC Bondgården:s Pablo Picasso, NFO ns 09 23, 11/28/92, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
GIP & CH Gerdas Bolls, NFO n 22, 2/16/89, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, NFO n 09 22, 7/6/88, SE/-
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
IC Islandia R.G. Zelda, NFO ns 09, 11/29/88, SE/-
IP Islandia Gorm, NFO n 09, 4/11/87, SE/-
EC Blåbærskogens Fabian, NFO n 09, 12/31/85, NO/SE
Virentoftas Gina, NFO n 09 23, 6/20/84, SE/-
Lado Ruska H.S., NFO fs 23, 12/1/86, NO/SE
Lado Snøkongen, NFO w, 5/28/85, NO/NO
Haugtussa, NFO n 23, 1/1/79, NO/NO
IC Aphrodite fra Dovrefjell, NFO n 22
Vill Skjoennhet's Bromius, NFO a 22
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Penelope a Beetlejuice, NFO n 22, 7/21/96, DE/-
IC Snestorm Felis Jubatus, NFO w 62, 4/9/93, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Ustinov, NFO a 23, NO/-
Torvmyra's Graciella, NFO n 09 23, 3/13/81, NO/NL
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIP IC Colosseum Adrian Knurr, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
CH Putte*, NFO n 09, 9/15/78, NO/NO
IC Goya, NFO n 09 23, 5/25/79, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
Rosalie av Fager, NFO f 09 22, 7/14/94, DE/-
IC Katland's King Kamehameha, NFO d 23, 9/23/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Katland's Alexandria, NFO f 09, 7/26/90, DK/-
GIC Nullermand's Aegir, NFO n 09, 7/26/88, DK/DK
Kringsholm's Robin Hood, NFO n 09 23, 10/29/85, DK/DK
Ratatosk Felis Audax, NFO n 09, 2/23/87, DK/-
Deleuran's Athene, NFO g 09 23, 8/1/89, DK/-
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
IC White Christmas Felis Jubatus, NFO w 61, 6/2/88, DK/DK
EC Tora Vik Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/92, DK/DE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Clara, DM, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.