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Fig Floppy Joe, M, NFO n 09 23, 6/9/03, US/US
Printer Friendly | Generations: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inbreeding = 0.0% | Test mate
Inbreeding calculated based on 423 ancestors (177 unique) of 2046 possible, 2 complete generations out of 10 , generation 3 is less than 75 % filled
Fig Patrick, NFO d 09 23, 3/17/02, US/US
CH Fig Flash Gordon, NFO d 09 22, 7/6/99, US/US
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Fig Hoopi Shoopi Donna, NFO f 09 22, 5/5/99, US/US
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Wegiekatt Chipmunk, NFO n 09 23, 4/14/02, US/US
RW GC Jedidiah's J Buffett of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 6/29/99, US/US
Teklanika Timothy of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 22, 8/19/97
Teklanika Turbocat, NFO n 09 22, 1/11/96
Teklanika OGC Teklanika Twied, NFO n 09 22, 9/1/94
TICA SGC Jedidiah's Twyx, NFO n 09 22, 12/3/90, US/US
SGC Jedidiah's Asaph, NFO n 22, 11/30/89, US/US
Fig's Drum Roll, NFO n 09 22, 11/26/88, US/US
TICA QGC Wegiekatt's Boggle of Fig, NFO n 09 23, 5/3/87, US/US
Maineline's Björn of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
Furulunds Gaissa of Wegiekatt, NFO a 23, 6/9/85, NO/US
Irlu's Whispen of Fig, NFO n 09, 7/16/87, US/US
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
CH Mycoon Inga, NFO n 22, 6/27/84, US/US
CH Jedidiah's Hallelujah, NFO n 09 23, 5/15/88, US/US
GIC Pan's Targa of Nordmarka, NFO n 09 23, 5/29/87, NO/US
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Sekan Tara, NFO n 23, 5/17/85, NO/NO
GIC Guldfakse's Hosanna of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 23, 4/9/87, DK/US
GIC Høvedmannsgård Ludvig, NFO n 23, 4/18/85, NO/DK
Tiger-Lilly, NFO fs 09 23, NO/DK
TICA QGC Fig's Jerusha of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 22, 8/2/89, US/US
TICA QGC Wegiekatt's Boggle of Fig, NFO n 09 23, 5/3/87, US/US
Maineline's Björn of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
Furulunds Gaissa of Wegiekatt, NFO a 23, 6/9/85, NO/US
IC Jakobellas Gaius, NFO as 23, 6/5/83, NO/NO
IC Nusse (Furulund's), NFO n 09, 6/1/79, NO/-
Irlu's Whispen of Fig, NFO n 09, 7/16/87, US/US
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
CH Mycoon Inga, NFO n 22, 6/27/84, US/US
Zazzara's Vigi of Mycoon, NFO n 22, 3/29/81, US/US
Mjavos Sala Palmer of Mycoon, NFO n 09, 6/12/79, NO/US
Scandikats Tyde of Teklanika, NFO a 23
Maineline Tal of Scandikats, NFO a 09 2, 9/20/89, US/US
TICA DGC Pan's Alexi of Scandicats, NFO n 09 22, 1/20/88, NO/US
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Pandora, NFO a 09 23, 5/18/86, NO/NO
Anitra, NFO, NO/NO
Maineline Nora, NFO as 23, 1/16/88, US/US
Silver Bess' Peer of Wegiekatt, NFO ns 23, 3/20/86, DK/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
Sorte Bjørn's Bessie, NFO ns 09 23, DK/-
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
Maineline Athabache, NFO n 23
SGC Maineline Gabriel of Faeriewode, NFO ns 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
Guldfakse's Kitel of Maineline, NFO n 09 23, 8/1/88, DK/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Kalinka Blue, NFO a 09, 8/12/82, NO/DK
Juniperus, NFO n 09
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Jedidiah's Tatra of Teklanika, NFO f 09 22, 9/16/92
Irlu's Eolin L O'Sullivan, NFO n 09 22, 4/13/90
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
IC Pan's Tøffen, NFO n 09 23, 6/15/77, NO/-
Pan's Silver, NFO n 09, 7/25/74, NO/NO
Elin von Plysch, NFO n 09 23, 5/10/76, NO/NO
Mjavo Satie, NFO n 09 23
IC Colosseum Anton Prikken, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Mjavo Scirpus, NFO n 09 23, 3/25/77
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
Enebackens Bamse, NFO n 22, 9/25/80, SE/-
CH Christiania's Pernille, NFO ns, 7/5/81, NO/-
QGC Torvmyra's Amaryllis, NFO d 09 22, 10/19/85, NO/US
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
Gangerolf av Skogheim, NFO n 09 22, 5/29/83, NO/NO
IP Buster, NFO n 09, 3/2/82, NO/NO
Kine av Skogheim, NFO f 23, NO/NO
Kristina av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 1/20/83, NO/SE
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
GIC Stina, NFO f 09, 12/1/76, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Amigo av Fristad, NFO d 22, 8/14/78, NO/NO
Villmarkens Sønn, NFO n 22, 5/27/77, NO/-
Freidis av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/25/77, NO/-
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
QGC Torvmyra's Amaryllis, NFO d 09 22, 10/19/85, NO/US
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
Gangerolf av Skogheim, NFO n 09 22, 5/29/83, NO/NO
IP Buster, NFO n 09, 3/2/82, NO/NO
Kine av Skogheim, NFO f 23, NO/NO
Sussi, NFO n 09 23, NO/NO
Kristina av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 1/20/83, NO/SE
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
Feofar av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 4/15/79, NO/NO
IC Lotte, NFO f 09, 5/30/75, NO/NO
GIC Stina, NFO f 09, 12/1/76, NO/NO
Skaukongen, NFO
Mowitz, NFO f 09
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Amigo av Fristad, NFO d 22, 8/14/78, NO/NO
Villmarkens Sønn, NFO n 22, 5/27/77, NO/-
Freidis av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/25/77, NO/-
Lunkentuss av Baune, NFO d 23, 4/8/76, NO/-
IC Lotte, NFO f 09, 5/30/75, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Jedidiah's Talitha, NFO a 09, 2/8/95, US/US
TICA SGC Epona David of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 23, 8/25/92, US/US
TICA SGC Jedidiah's Twyx, NFO n 09 22, 12/3/90, US/US
SGC Jedidiah's Asaph, NFO n 22, 11/30/89, US/US
Fig's Drum Roll, NFO n 09 22, 11/26/88, US/US
TICA QGC Wegiekatt's Boggle of Fig, NFO n 09 23, 5/3/87, US/US
Maineline's Björn of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
Furulunds Gaissa of Wegiekatt, NFO a 23, 6/9/85, NO/US
Irlu's Whispen of Fig, NFO n 09, 7/16/87, US/US
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
CH Mycoon Inga, NFO n 22, 6/27/84, US/US
CH Jedidiah's Hallelujah, NFO n 09 23, 5/15/88, US/US
GIC Pan's Targa of Nordmarka, NFO n 09 23, 5/29/87, NO/US
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Sekan Tara, NFO n 23, 5/17/85, NO/NO
GIC Guldfakse's Hosanna of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 23, 4/9/87, DK/US
GIC Høvedmannsgård Ludvig, NFO n 23, 4/18/85, NO/DK
Tiger-Lilly, NFO fs 09 23, NO/DK
TICA QGC Fig's Jerusha of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 22, 8/2/89, US/US
TICA QGC Wegiekatt's Boggle of Fig, NFO n 09 23, 5/3/87, US/US
Maineline's Björn of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
Furulunds Gaissa of Wegiekatt, NFO a 23, 6/9/85, NO/US
IC Jakobellas Gaius, NFO as 23, 6/5/83, NO/NO
IC Nusse (Furulund's), NFO n 09, 6/1/79, NO/-
Irlu's Whispen of Fig, NFO n 09, 7/16/87, US/US
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
CH Mycoon Inga, NFO n 22, 6/27/84, US/US
Zazzara's Vigi of Mycoon, NFO n 22, 3/29/81, US/US
Mjavos Sala Palmer of Mycoon, NFO n 09, 6/12/79, NO/US
TICA SGC Epona Sonni, NFO n 09 23, 3/4/91, US/US
SGC Maineline Gabriel of Faeriewode, NFO ns 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
Løvetangens Monty, NFO n 09, 3/26/81, NO/-
CH Jakobellas Artemis, NFO n 23, 3/15/80, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
Enebackens Bamse, NFO n 22, 9/25/80, SE/-
CH Christiania's Pernille, NFO ns, 7/5/81, NO/-
Guldfakse's Kari of Epona, NFO n 09 23, 2/15/86, DK/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
Løvetangens Monty, NFO n 09, 3/26/81, NO/-
CH Jakobellas Artemis, NFO n 23, 3/15/80, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Kalinka Blue, NFO a 09, 8/12/82, NO/DK
Juniperus, NFO n 09
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Wegiekatt Holly of Jedidiah, NFO a 09 23, 3/5/93
Norskau Blue Dane of Wegiekatt, NFO a 09 23, 7/25/89, US/-
Norskau Jules of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 6/3/86
QGC Kela's Wolfgang Amadeus of Norskau, NFO n 09 22, 10/4/84, -/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
IC Pan's Tøffen, NFO n 09 23, 6/15/77, NO/-
Mjavo Satie, NFO n 09 23
Mycoon Kela Kat, NFO n 09 23, 2/18/83, US/-
SGC Pan's Tigris of Mycoon, NFO n 22, 3/28/79, NO/US
Mjavos Sala Palmer of Mycoon, NFO n 09, 6/12/79, NO/US
RW & GP Maineline Skadikatt of Norskau, NFO n 09 23, 2/18/85, US/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
IC Pan's Tøffen, NFO n 09 23, 6/15/77, NO/-
Mjavo Satie, NFO n 09 23
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
CH Wegiekatt Kelsey of Norskau, NFO a 23, 1/11/88, US/-
Maineline's Björn of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
Wegiekatt Jezebel, NFO a 09, 8/11/86
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
Furulunds Gaissa of Wegiekatt, NFO a 23, 6/9/85, NO/US
IC Jakobellas Gaius, NFO as 23, 6/5/83, NO/NO
IC Nusse (Furulund's), NFO n 09, 6/1/79, NO/-
Norskau Raven of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 3/24/90
TICA DGC Pan's Alexi of Scandicats, NFO n 09 22, 1/20/88, NO/US
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Pandora, NFO a 09 23, 5/18/86, NO/NO
Anitra, NFO, NO/NO
CH Wegiekatt Kelsey of Norskau, NFO a 23, 1/11/88, US/-
Maineline's Björn of Wegiekatt, NFO n 09 23, 10/16/85, US/US
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
IC Torvmyra's Gershwin of Royal Hylands, NFO n 09, 3/13/81, NO/US
Ekdalens Skadi of Nissekatt, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/US
Wegiekatt Jezebel, NFO a 09, 8/11/86
RW QGC GP Maineline's Padraic Cluvane of Irlu, NFO n 09 22, 2/18/85, US/US
Prince Charles Ur Skogi of Nissekatt, NFO n 09 22, 7/8/81, NO/US
SGC Nissekatt Verdandi of Maineline, NFO as 22, 4/24/83, US/US
Furulunds Gaissa of Wegiekatt, NFO a 23, 6/9/85, NO/US
IC Jakobellas Gaius, NFO as 23, 6/5/83, NO/NO
IC Nusse (Furulund's), NFO n 09, 6/1/79, NO/-
TICA CH Oba Ninetta of Jedidiah, NFO n 09 23, 4/16/92, DK/US
EC Oba Sarastro, NFO n 09 23, 3/1/91, DK/-
EC Oba Papageno, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/3/87, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
IP Colosseum Casco, NFO n 09 23, 5/21/79, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Anton Prikken, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Pan's Silver, NFO n 09, 7/25/74, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest M.A. Pjotrsdotter, NFO as 23, 4/11/78, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Björnåsens Bitten, NFO n 09, 7/3/76
Torvmyra's Carlina, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
EP & CH Timotei, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/77, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
Pan's Sylvester, NFO n 09, 3/28/79, NO/SE
EP Pan's Tonny, NFO n 22, 3/11/78, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
GIP Pan's Troya, NFO n 23, 11/6/75, NO/-
Pan's Toa, NFO n 09 23, 4/9/78, NO/-
Pan's Thomas, NFO n 09 23, 5/7/76, NO/-
Elin von Plysch, NFO n 09 23, 5/10/76, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest M.A. Pjotrsdotter, NFO as 23, 4/11/78, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Pisil av Baune, NFO ns, 4/13/75, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest Sophie, NFO n 09 23, 6/25/75, NO/NO
Björnåsens Bitten, NFO n 09, 7/3/76
Pan's Toma, NFO n 09, 4/11/75, NO/NO
Pan's Silvana, NFO n 09, NO/-
IC Artemis's Fie, NFO n 09 23, 3/11/86, DK/DK
IC Dovregubbens Mischa, NFO ns 09 23, 3/18/84, DK/-
CH Dovregubbens Egil Skallagrimsson, NFO ns 09, 7/23/82, DK/-
EP GIC Torvmyra's Grand Soltario, NFO ns 23, 3/13/81, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
CH Norwegian Wood's April Dream, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/76, NO/DK
IC Torvmyra's Lyca, NFO n 09 23, 5/15/82, NO/-
CH Torvmyra's Feliciano Esquivel, NFO ns 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Kispus Bellona, NFO a 09, 7/22/84, DK/-
Jodal's Alex, NFO n 09 23, 12/3/82, NO/NO
Brannfjell Eros, NFO n 09, 7/23/78, NO/-
Pan's Tarzan, NFO a 09 23, NO/-
Pan's Tamina, NFO n 09, 4/11/75, NO/-
Grönsundet's Lady Josephine, NFO n 22
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
Lady Pootie, NFO n 09
Colosseum Hulda, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/DK
CH Putte*, NFO n 09, 9/15/78, NO/NO
IC Goya, NFO n 09 23, 5/25/79, NO/NO
IC Flatland's Brynhilde, DM, NFO n 09 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
Oskar, NFO n 23, 8/1/79, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Fius, NFO d 22, 3/14/79, NO/NO
EC Solett av Baune, NFO n 09 22, 4/7/80, NO/FI
Fnatt, NFO n 09 22, 11/1/77, NO/NO
Solo av Baune, NFO f 22, 6/13/76, NO/-
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Ustinov, NFO a 23, NO/-
EP IC Trollsaga's Justin, NFO n 23, 7/31/83, NO/-
Lurva, NFO n 23, 4/5/82, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Graciella, NFO n 09 23, 3/13/81, NO/NL
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Torvmyra's Graciella, NFO n 09 23, 3/13/81, NO/NL
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EP & CH Timotei, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/77, NO/NO
Spirella, NFO ns 09, 6/5/76, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIP IC Colosseum Adrian Knurr, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
CH Putte*, NFO n 09, 9/15/78, NO/NO
IC Goya, NFO n 09 23, 5/25/79, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
EC Oba Pamina, NFO n 09 23, 6/3/87, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
IP Colosseum Casco, NFO n 09 23, 5/21/79, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Anton Prikken, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Pan's Silver, NFO n 09, 7/25/74, NO/NO
PR Pan's Truls, NFO n 09 23, 5/2/73, NO/NO
Pan's Trulte, NFO n 09, 7/5/73, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest M.A. Pjotrsdotter, NFO as 23, 4/11/78, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Pisil av Baune, NFO ns, 4/13/75, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest Sophie, NFO n 09 23, 6/25/75, NO/NO
Björnåsens Bitten, NFO n 09, 7/3/76
Pan's Toma, NFO n 09, 4/11/75, NO/NO
Pan's Silvana, NFO n 09, NO/-
Torvmyra's Carlina, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
EP & CH Timotei, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/77, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
Pan's Sylvester, NFO n 09, 3/28/79, NO/SE
EP Pan's Tonny, NFO n 22, 3/11/78, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Pisil av Baune, NFO ns, 4/13/75, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest Sophie, NFO n 09 23, 6/25/75, NO/NO
GIP Pan's Troya, NFO n 23, 11/6/75, NO/-
Pan's Silver, NFO n 09, 7/25/74, NO/NO
Pan's Thinge-Ling, NFO n 09 23, 7/25/74, NO/-
Pan's Toa, NFO n 09 23, 4/9/78, NO/-
Pan's Thomas, NFO n 09 23, 5/7/76, NO/-
IP Pjewiks Forest Troll, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/74, NO/-
Pan's Thinge-Ling, NFO n 09 23, 7/25/74, NO/-
Elin von Plysch, NFO n 09 23, 5/10/76, NO/NO
IP Pjewiks Forest Troll, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/74, NO/-
Skrekken, NFO n 09 23, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest M.A. Pjotrsdotter, NFO as 23, 4/11/78, NO/NO
Pjotr av Karibo, NFO as 23, 7/17/76, NO/NO
Pisil av Baune, NFO ns, 4/13/75, NO/NO
Frikk av Baune, NFO n 23, 6/30/72, NO/NO
Tyra, NFO ns, 8/28/73, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest Sophie, NFO n 09 23, 6/25/75, NO/NO
Pjewiks Forest Nisse, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/74, NO/NO
Pan's Tussa, NFO a 23, 7/25/74, NO/NO
Björnåsens Bitten, NFO n 09, 7/3/76
Pan's Toma, NFO n 09, 4/11/75, NO/NO
IP Pjewiks Forest Troll, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/74, NO/-
Pan's Trulte, NFO n 09, 7/5/73, NO/NO
Pan's Silvana, NFO n 09, NO/-
Trodor, NFO n 23
Hvitepus, NFO n 09
IC Artemis's Fie, NFO n 09 23, 3/11/86, DK/DK
IC Dovregubbens Mischa, NFO ns 09 23, 3/18/84, DK/-
CH Dovregubbens Egil Skallagrimsson, NFO ns 09, 7/23/82, DK/-
EP GIC Torvmyra's Grand Soltario, NFO ns 23, 3/13/81, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EP & CH Timotei, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/77, NO/NO
Spirella, NFO ns 09, 6/5/76, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
CH Norwegian Wood's April Dream, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/76, NO/DK
IC Torvmyra's Lyca, NFO n 09 23, 5/15/82, NO/-
CH Torvmyra's Feliciano Esquivel, NFO ns 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EP & CH Timotei, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/77, NO/NO
Spirella, NFO ns 09, 6/5/76, NO/-
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
Truls, NFO n 23
Grynet, NFO w 63
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Kispus Bellona, NFO a 09, 7/22/84, DK/-
Jodal's Alex, NFO n 09 23, 12/3/82, NO/NO
Brannfjell Eros, NFO n 09, 7/23/78, NO/-
Pan's Tarzan, NFO a 09 23, NO/-
Onkel Oscar, NFO a 09, NO/NO
Lucy, NFO f 09 23, 9/14/72, NO/NO
Pan's Tamina, NFO n 09, 4/11/75, NO/-
IP Pjewiks Forest Troll, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/74, NO/-
Pan's Trulte, NFO n 09, 7/5/73, NO/NO
Grönsundet's Lady Josephine, NFO n 22
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
Truls, NFO n 23
Grynet, NFO w 63
Lady Pootie, NFO n 09
Colosseum Hulda, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/DK
CH Putte*, NFO n 09, 9/15/78, NO/NO
IC Goya, NFO n 09 23, 5/25/79, NO/NO
Wegiekatt Irene, NFO a 09, 2/5/01, US/US
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