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Jagari de Midgard, M, NFO a, 2/4/14, FR/FR
Printer Friendly | Generations: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inbreeding = 2.01% | Test mate
Inbreeding calculated based on 1598 ancestors (696 unique) of 2046 possible, 4 complete generations out of 10
Happy Time de Midgard, NFO as, FR/FR
Fashion Lysefjord, NFO ns, FR/FR
Dolittle de la Villa Medicis, NFO n 09 23, FR/FR
Atomic du Cine Chat, NFO a 09 22, FR/FR
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Beauty du Clos des Bleuets, NFO ns 23, FR/FR
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Cooleen du Lac D'Argent, NFO ns 09 22, FR/FR
GIC Bleu Firty du Lac D'Argent, NFO ns 09 22, 3/9/06, FR/FR
GIC Tristan du Soleil de Minuit, NFO n 09 23, FR/FR
EC Prins Barfott av Fager, NFO n 09 22, 11/25/98, DE/CH
WW'99 EC Remis Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n, 9/20/97, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIC Helga Den Fagre Felis Audax, DM, NFO n 23, 6/16/91, DK/NL
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Tora Vik Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/92, DK/DE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Clara, DM, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
GIC Sweeson's Rinmar, NFO n 09 23, FR/-
IC De small August am Baerenbach, NFO n 23, 10/8/96, CH/-
EC August Strindberg Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 23, 7/26/95, DK/DE
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
CH Elline Gøye Felis Jubatus, NFO n, 3/29/94, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
Alma Schindler Felis Audax, NFO n 09, 10/15/88, DK/DK
IC Gustav Bruhn Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09 23, 9/17/87, DK/DK
IC Alma Mahler Felis Jubatus, NFO f 09, 12/19/83, DK/DK
CH Viviane av Fager, NFO f 09 23, DE/-
IC Katland's King Kamehameha, NFO d 23, 9/23/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Katland's Alexandria, NFO f 09, 7/26/90, DK/-
GIC Nullermand's Aegir, NFO n 09, 7/26/88, DK/DK
Deleuran's Athene, NFO g 09 23, 8/1/89, DK/-
EC Tora Vik Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/92, DK/DE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Clara, DM, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Uranie du Clos des Preaux, NFO fs 09 23, FR/FR
GEC Norsk Molte de la Cachouteba, NFO es 09 22, 5/18/97, FR/-
Ynglesildra's Joril, NFO n 09 23, 11/16/95, NO/-
EC Drakenäs Bulwark, NFO n 09, 6/21/94, SE/NO
GIP & EC Skogstassens Auirr, NFO n 23, 11/21/90, SE/SE
EC Aksel av Ullskurk, NFO n 23, 1/21/88, NO/SE
EC MorrHoppans Fina Fioli, NFO n 23, 1/9/89, SE/-
IC Tal Der Aim's Pallasathena, NFO f 09, 5/6/92, SE/SE
GIC Tal Der Aim's Gilbert, NFO n 09, 8/30/88, SE/-
Ulvåsens Harmonie, NFO f 09 23, 11/6/87, SE/-
IC Gina av Ledsaak, NFO n 09 23, 9/4/92, NO/NO
IC Kasper av Årolilja, NFO n 09 23, 4/20/91, NO/NO
Snipp av Årolilja, NFO n 09 23, 3/23/89, NO/NO
Lurven's Punky, NFO f, 8/18/89, NO/-
Fia av Capella, DM, NFO n 22, 8/12/89, NO/NO
Trollfjell's Mr. Chevalier, NFO n 22, NO/NO
CH Felicia av Årolilja, NFO n 23, NO/NO
GIC Lorelei de la Cachouteba, NFO fs 09, 6/10/95, FR/FR
EC Jeremias de la Cachouteba, NFO es 03 23, 8/2/94, FR/FR
IC Skyfrit Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 4/9/93, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIC Torvmyra's Roseanne, NFO fs 09 23, NO/-
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
EC Gitane de la Cachouteba, NFO f 09, 8/21/91
EC Fjord Fenomen de la Pendjari, DM, NFO n 03 23, 6/22/88, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Fendi's Tinita, NFO d 09
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
Hambo's Faz Camilla, NFO n, NO/-
EC Pussekatt de La Cachouteba, NFO ns, 7/2/99
EC Black Islands Zappa, NFO ns 22, 3/1/96, SE/FR
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
PR & IC Segerhuva's Gepetto, NFO a 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
Gårdarikes Franceska Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/-
Heaven Hills Black Athena, NFO n 09, 12/24/91, SE/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
CH Tynäsudden's White Boliwia, NFO w, 6/2/90, SE/-
EP & EC Black Islands Ursula, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 6/3/92, SE/SE
GIC Lissekullans Nelson, NFO ns 23, 12/28/89, SE/-
EC Napoleon von Terp, NFO n 22, 12/31/85, NO/NO
GIC Porfyrgårdens Abbalone, NFO ns 09, 10/30/84, SE/-
IP GIC Torvmyra's Honey Favorite, NFO g 09, 2/16/87, NO/SE
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Cirkeline, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
GIC Mårbakken's Beverly, NFO f 09 23, 7/7/97, NO/FR
Tauron's Fladrif, NFO n 09 23, 7/29/95, SE/NO
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Mitzi av Myre, NFO d 09 23, 4/10/84, NO/-
Pocahonta's Bashina, NFO n 09 23, 1/7/93, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Gro, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/91, SE/SE
Målarkluddens Ronja, NFO n 23, 4/22/89, SE/-
Steigar Felicia, NFO f 09, 5/1/96, NO/NO
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Midoori Mahjong, NFO f 09, 4/23/92, SE/NO
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
Vanish du Lac D'Argent
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Gin Fizz Blue d'Erling, NFO a 23, FR/FR
SGC Bertil du Vert Monceau, NFO as 09, 5/23/06, FR/FR  
EC Shantou du Bois d'Atalante, NFO n 09, 5/15/01, FR/-  
EC Sweeson's Peterhans, NFO a 09, 5/28/99, FR/FR
WW'99 EC Remis Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n, 9/20/97, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
Audhumlas Bangsi, NFO n 09, 11/15/86, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Sekan Tara, NFO n 23, 5/17/85, NO/NO
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Helga Den Fagre Felis Audax, DM, NFO n 23, 6/16/91, DK/NL
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
Sweeson's Niagara, NFO n 09, 5/22/97, FR/-
WW'96 EC Magnus av Fager, NFO n 09 23, 11/22/95, DE/FR
EC Karl Johan Felis Jubatus, NFO a 22, 8/28/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Moa's Rh. Bouquet De Flore, NFO fs 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
PR & EC Fjällforsens Dirigent, NFO ds 09 23, 12/3/91, SE/-
EP EC Mar'Michel's Mr Chagall, NFO ns 09, 11/2/88, SE/-
IC Amazonas Modesty, NFO fs 09 22, 11/5/89, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
CH Jean Harlow des Feux d'Aurés, NFO n 09 22
Viveur of Blue Tanis, NFO n 22, 9/6/91
Naima's Tabasco, NFO d 22, 8/21/89, CH/CH
IC Naima's Santana, NFO d 23
Naima's Seline, NFO g 09
Dörthe av Mordor, NFO f
IC Holgersson's Anselm, NFO n 22, 5/6/88
Tabea av Mordor, NFO d 22
EC Hell de la Cachouteba, NFO n 09, 2/15/92, FR/FR
EC Fjord Fenomen de la Pendjari, DM, NFO n 03 23, 6/22/88, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
EC Naima's Sheyenne, DM, NFO n 09 21, CH/-
PR Naima's Rufus, NFO n
Torvmyra's Zephirine-Drou, NFO n 09 21, 9/23/85, NO/-
Tigressan's Katinka, NFO n 09 23, 6/10/97, SE/FR
IC Gomorran's King Kreole, NFO n 09 23, 11/14/94, SE/SE
Glitterfjordens IPS, NFO n 09 22, 6/15/93, SE/-
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
EC Amor av Sultano, NFO n 09, 7/20/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
GIC Pan's Trianna, NFO n 09, 5/10/84, NO/-
Torvmyra's Eartha Kitt, NFO f, NO/NO
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
Porfyrgårdens Cyrranka, NFO ns 23, 3/24/86, SE/-
Glitterfjordens Z Ypsilon, NFO ns 09 22, 8/19/89, SE/-
EP & CH Gerdas Akilles, NFO n 22, 7/21/88, SE/-
IP Islandia Gorm, NFO n 09, 4/11/87, SE/-
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
IC Glitterfjordens Gr Lillix, NFO as 09 23, 3/25/88, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
Fåfängans Genitrix, NFO ns 09 22, 4/1/87, SE/-
Sjöviken's Fatima, NFO gs 09 23, 3/4/89, SE/-
CH Enebackens Lafayette, NFO es 09 23, 3/15/86, SE/-
GIC Lado Skogmann H.T., NFO n 23, 12/27/83, NO/SE
CH Lado Tristan, NFO ns, 5/20/82, NO/NO
Haugtussa, NFO n 23, 1/1/79, NO/NO
IC Enebackens Hannelore, NFO f 09 23, 5/7/84, SE/-
IC Colosseum Ivan, NFO d 09 23, 5/24/83, NO/SE
Mjavo Sarda, NFO n 22, 5/21/77, NO/SE
CH Christiania's Sølvi, NFO ns 09 23, 11/20/83, NO/SE
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIP IC Colosseum Adrian Knurr, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
EC Christiania's Mathilde, NFO fs 09 23, 8/21/82, NO/NO
CH Håkon Jarl av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/29/81, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
Tigressan's Chantal, NFO n 23, 8/25/95, SE/SE
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
PR & IC Segerhuva's Gepetto, NFO a 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
CH Tassajara's Kolgrim, NFO a 09 23, 1/15/87, SE/-
IC Christiania's Betsy, NFO f 09, 7/30/87, NO/SE
Gårdarikes Franceska Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/-
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
EC Lothloriens Cat Cirith, NFO a 22, 12/8/87, SE/-
Heaven Hills Black Athena, NFO n 09, 12/24/91, SE/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
GIC Tal Der Aim's Gilbert, NFO n 09, 8/30/88, SE/-
Ulvåsens Harmonie, NFO f 09 23, 11/6/87, SE/-
CH Tynäsudden's White Boliwia, NFO w, 6/2/90, SE/-
IC Isfolket's Gand, NFO d 09, 4/9/89, SE/-
GIC Frosty, DM, NFO w 61, 3/22/89, SE/-
CH Gomorran's Jerica, DM, NFO n 09 23, 3/10/94, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
GIP & CH Gerdas Bolls, NFO n 22, 2/16/89, SE/-
IP Islandia Gorm, NFO n 09, 4/11/87, SE/-
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, NFO n 09 22, 7/6/88, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Delila, NFO n 09, 9/10/86, SE/-
CH Gomorran's Morgana, NFO n 09 23, 8/29/90, SE/-
IC Audhumlas Gutten, NFO n 09 23, 10/23/88, SE/-
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
Audhumlas Bangsi, NFO n 09, 11/15/86, SE/-
Trollsjön Dolores, NFO n 09 23, 3/11/89, SE/SE
Triglis Adrian Knorr, NFO n 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/SE
Amanda, NFO n 09 23, 8/1/87, SE/SE
GIC Solveig du Vert Monceau, NFO gs 09, FR/-
EC Jeremias de la Cachouteba, NFO es 03 23, 8/2/94, FR/FR
IC Skyfrit Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 4/9/93, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Ustinov, NFO a 23, NO/-
Torvmyra's Graciella, NFO n 09 23, 3/13/81, NO/NL
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIP IC Colosseum Adrian Knurr, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
CH Putte*, NFO n 09, 9/15/78, NO/NO
IC Goya, NFO n 09 23, 5/25/79, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Torvmyra's Roseanne, NFO fs 09 23, NO/-
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
CH Lado Tristan, NFO ns, 5/20/82, NO/NO
Svarta, NFO ns, NO/-
Sodåsen Fie, NFO f 09 22, NO/NO
IP Pinky, NFO e 09 22, 4/23/83, NO/NO
Miss M, NFO f 09, NO/NO
Pernille, NFO n 09 22, 5/15/83, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Amigo av Fristad, NFO d 22, 8/14/78, NO/NO
Villmarkens Sønn, NFO n 22, 5/27/77, NO/-
Freidis av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/25/77, NO/-
Lunkentuss av Baune, NFO d 23, 4/8/76, NO/-
IC Lotte, NFO f 09, 5/30/75, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
IP Ottilia-Kat de La Cachouteba, NFO a 09 22, 8/17/98, FR/-
WW'96 EC Magnus av Fager, NFO n 09 23, 11/22/95, DE/FR
EC Karl Johan Felis Jubatus, NFO a 22, 8/28/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Moa's Rh. Bouquet De Flore, NFO fs 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
PR & EC Fjällforsens Dirigent, NFO ds 09 23, 12/3/91, SE/-
EP EC Mar'Michel's Mr Chagall, NFO ns 09, 11/2/88, SE/-
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
Fåfängans Dolly, NFO fs 09, 4/29/86, SE/SE
IC Amazonas Modesty, NFO fs 09 22, 11/5/89, SE/-
IC Lothloriens E.T. Esgaroth, NFO ds 09, 8/22/86, SE/-
IC Wildwood's Aquariuz, NFO n 23, 12/17/85, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
IC Fåfängans Felicia, NFO n 22, 1/8/87, SE/SE
EC Gitane de la Cachouteba, NFO f 09, 8/21/91
EC Fjord Fenomen de la Pendjari, DM, NFO n 03 23, 6/22/88, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
Løvetangens Monty, NFO n 09, 3/26/81, NO/-
CH Jakobellas Artemis, NFO n 23, 3/15/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
Oskar, NFO n 23, 8/1/79, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
IC Fendi's Tinita, NFO d 09
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
CH Lado Tristan, NFO ns, 5/20/82, NO/NO
Svarta, NFO ns, NO/-
Sodåsen Fie, NFO f 09 22, NO/NO
IP Pinky, NFO e 09 22, 4/23/83, NO/NO
Pernille, NFO n 09 22, 5/15/83, NO/NO
Hambo's Faz Camilla, NFO n, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Gorm, NFO d 09 22, 11/4/86, NO/NO
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
IC Ollendorff's Zuzuki, NFO a 09 23, 7/14/86, NO/NO
Pan's Pluto, NFO a 09 22, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Brannfjell Hera, NFO n 09, 4/15/83, NO/NO
Elsie d'Hirion, NFO n 23, FR/FR
Naima's Octopuss, NFO ns 09 23, CH/-
Mi-Chi's Dixi, NFO n 09, 8/1/04, DK/CH
CH Ufeig Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 4/10/02, DK/DK
EC Danish Design's Erik Segersäll, NFO n 09 23, 4/7/00, DK/DK
EC Tynäsudden's Felix Brown, DM, NFO n 09 24, 10/12/91, SE/SE
GIC Elains Guicci Brown, NFO n 09 23, 1/12/88, SE/SE
EP CH Torvmyra's Exelsior, NFO n 09 23, 8/8/86, NO/SE
Enebackens Emma, NFO n 09 23, 8/1/82, SE/-
GIC Frosty, DM, NFO w 61, 3/22/89, SE/-
EC Blåbærskogens Fabian, NFO n 09, 12/31/85, NO/SE
CH Lado April Kongsdatter, NFO w, 4/14/87, NO/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
EC Augusta Mulligatawny Felis Jubatus, NFO g 09, 1/1/01, DK/DK
WW'99 EC Remis Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n, 9/20/97, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
GIC Helga Den Fagre Felis Audax, DM, NFO n 23, 6/16/91, DK/NL
CH Karen Augusta Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO f 09, 2/25/94, DK/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
IC Vildkatten's Aurora, DM, NFO f 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/DK
Solhuset's Leopold J.S., NFO e 09 23, 1/2/86, SE/-
Gårdarikes Odille, NFO n 09 22, 6/30/86, SE/-
EC Mi-Chi's Anja Andersen, DM, NFO n 22, 3/31/03, DK/DK
PR EC Ewkala's Emilio, DM, NFO n 09 22, 2/16/98, SE/SE
EC Magaris Scar, NFO n 09, 10/18/95, SE/SE
GIC Pocahonta's Biloxi, NFO n 22, 1/7/93, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Gro, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/91, SE/SE
Målarkluddens Ronja, NFO n 23, 4/22/89, SE/-
IC Mar'Michel's Rizzi Magari, DM, NFO n 09 24, 3/28/94, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
WW'04 SW'04 EP EC Tassajara's Christa, DM, DSM, NFO n 09 22, 1/1/97, SE/SE  
EP EC Solslingans Don Juan, DM, NFO ns 09, 11/23/95, SE/SE  
EP & EC Frostnattens Ivanhoe, NFO ds 09 23, 10/24/91, SE/-
CH Skottspolen's Black Blitzie, NFO ns, 9/5/92, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Tigris, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/17/93, SE/SE  
IP & GIC Wildwood's Imer, NFO at 24, 2/5/92, SE/SE
IC Iris av Æsene, NFO n 09 23, 12/23/86, NO/SE
CH Europa's Nydelige Dame, NFO n 09 22, 3/20/01, DK/DK
EC Europa's Den Gamle, NFO n 09, 7/12/98, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
IC Europa's Juba Datter, NFO n 09 23, 12/8/96, DK/DK
EC Starkad's Dianthus, NFO n 09, 8/29/95, DK/DK
WW'93 EC Et Eller Andet Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 11/10/92, DK/DK
IC Europa's Næste Nummer, NFO n 22, 9/7/96, DK/DE
EC Silverwood's Big Brown Bastian, DM, NFO n 23, 5/20/95, DK/DK
EC Fjeldkatten's Jedidiah, NFO d 09 23, 3/13/94, DK/DK
IC Leonides Jakobine, DM, NFO n 09, 5/27/93, DK/DK
EC Europa's Hip Hurra, NFO n 23, 2/17/95, DK/DK
EC Navngivet af Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 7/18/93, DK/DK
IC Vildkatten's Aurora, DM, NFO f 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/DK
Europa's Hassel Urt, NFO ns 09 23, 6/6/05, DK/CH
GIC Europa's Undulat Dræber, NFO ns 09 23, 3/4/04, DK/DK
EP EC Frejkatten's Dristige Ditlev, NFO d 09, 8/27/02, DK/DK
IC Killix Go-Cart Gucci, NFO n 09, 6/13/01, DK/DK  
EC Killix Enigma, DM, NFO a 23, 8/26/00, DK/SE
EC Europa's Danske Gorm, DM, NFO n 23, 7/12/98, DK/DK  
EC Europa's Nougat Nød, DM, NFO n, 9/7/96, DK/DK  
La Forêt's Maxïme, NFO f 09 23, 2/21/00, DK/DK  
CH Lindsay's Asti Cinzano, NFO ns 09, 9/24/98, SE/DK
IC Europa's Kønne Sussi, NFO w, 7/19/98, DK/DK
Frejkatten's Adelige Amalie, NFO f 09, 7/23/00, DK/DK
CH Tauron's Rudolf Rotnase, NFO d 09, 10/16/94, SE/DK
Glitterfjordens Juno Satyrus, NFO n 09, 6/15/93, SE/-
Asynjas Bejla, NFO f 09, 10/14/93, SE/-
Europa's Dodo Gad, NFO n 09, 7/12/98, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
IC Europa's Juba Datter, NFO n 09 23, 12/8/96, DK/DK
GIC Mar'Michel's U'arda Utchi, NFO ns 09 23, 8/1/02, SE/DK
IC Flying Dutchman av Kiruna, NFO ns 09 22, 10/30/98, CH/CH
IC Baron Münchhausen av Fager, NFO ns 09, 8/29/97, DE/DE
CH Amor av Fager, NFO ds 22, DE/DE
EC Selma Lagerlöf Felis Jubatus, NFO a 09 23, 7/26/95, DK/DE
IC Dolly Doolittle av Kiruna, NFO n 09 22, CH/-
CH Kruwaira's Cäsar, NFO n 09 22
CH Alischa von Taranis, NFO n 09 23
Mar'Michel's Ike'Bana, NFO f 09, 4/13/99, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
Glitterfjordens Egretta, NFO f 09, 9/11/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
Glitterfjordens Z Ypsilon, NFO ns 09 22, 8/19/89, SE/-
IC Europa's Jytte Hilden, NFO n 22, 9/2/01, DK/DK
IC Europa's Håndbold Dreng, NFO n 09, 10/21/99, DK/DK
EC Europa's Den Gamle, NFO n 09, 7/12/98, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
IC Europa's Juba Datter, NFO n 09 23, 12/8/96, DK/DK
EC Starkad's Dianthus, NFO n 09, 8/29/95, DK/DK
WW'93 EC Et Eller Andet Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 11/10/92, DK/DK
EC Europa's Hip Hurra, NFO n 23, 2/17/95, DK/DK
EC Navngivet af Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 7/18/93, DK/DK
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
IC Vildkatten's Aurora, DM, NFO f 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/DK
Solhuset's Leopold J.S., NFO e 09 23, 1/2/86, SE/-
Gårdarikes Odille, NFO n 09 22, 6/30/86, SE/-
EC Europa's Julle Liv, DM, NFO n 09 22, 10/29/99, DK/DK
IC Fabis Galanthus, NFO n 22, 5/30/98, DK/SE
EC Silverwood's Big Brown Bastian, DM, NFO n 23, 5/20/95, DK/DK
EC Fjeldkatten's Jedidiah, NFO d 09 23, 3/13/94, DK/DK
IC Leonides Jakobine, DM, NFO n 09, 5/27/93, DK/DK
Hagsten's Emma, DM, NFO gs 23, 7/1/95, DK/DK
IC Zygot's Grym, NFO n, 2/20/93, SE/DK
GIC Torghattens Rose-Marie, NFO ds 23, 3/26/90, DK/DK
Europa's Jolly Joli, NFO n 09 23, 9/16/95, DK/DK
WW'95 EC Skovhugger Felis Jubatus, NFO w 62, 9/5/94, DK/DK
GIC Norsk Skogkatt Felis Jubatus, NFO w 62, 8/28/92, DK/DK
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
WW'93 EC Et Eller Andet Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 11/10/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
CH Jorun Bjørnsdatter Felis Audax, NFO n 09 23, 6/16/91, DK/DK
Cassie de Khazad-Dùm, NFO n 22, FR/FR
EC Renoir Mon Seigneur de Khazad-Dûm, NFO n 03 23, 3/11/00, FR/FR
GEC Jazz Man de Nidaros, NFO n 03 23, NL/-
IC Fandou Roux de Mandalipur, NFO nt 09, FR/-
Eric Le Roux de Mandalipur, NFO n 09 21, FR/-
IC Carat de Mandalipur,  NFO n 09 23, FR/-
Torvmyra's Alexander, NFO n 09 22, 10/19/85, NO/-
Anja de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 23, BE/FR
CH Tortie White Sindy of Honey-Bee, NFO f 03 23
EC Pan's Tito Santana, NFO n 23, 1/8/86, NO/NO
Tortie White Kira of Honey-Bee, NFO f 09 22, 4/18/87
CH W'Cristin de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 21, BE/-
IC Arild de la Pendjari, NFO n 22, 4/29/85, BE/BE
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
Torvmyra's Wild Rose, NFO n 09 21, 4/19/85, NO/-
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Gentiana, NFO ns 23, 3/13/81, NO/NO
IC W'Borghild Blue de la Pendjari, NFO a 03 23, BE/-
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
Løvetangens Monty, NFO n 09, 3/26/81, NO/-
CH Jakobellas Artemis, NFO n 23, 3/15/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
Oskar, NFO n 23, 8/1/79, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Laïta de Fjorgyn, NFO n 22
CH Jurgen de la Forest des Templiers, NFO ns 22, FR/FR
CH Hero des Gardiens de Bastit, NFO ns 22
Morky's Kristian of Gardiens de Bastit, NFO ns 09 22, 4/7/91, SE/-
EC Morky's Sir John, NFO ns 09, 5/26/90, SE/SE
Morky's Lilla Ida, NFO ns 09 22, 8/15/89, SE/-
Gloria de la Vallée Rosey, NFO n
Eros de la Vallée Rosey, NFO *
EC Torv Hede's Daphne, NFO n 09, NL/FR
F'Kirsti de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 23
IC Krisby von der Eiswiese, NFO ns 23
IC Christiania's Mons, NFO ns
GIC Celestin v. Sidi Bou Said, NFO n 22
Fyrstinne Blue de la Pendjari, NFO a 09 23, BE/-
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
Gazoline de Mandalipur, NFO n 03 21, FR/-
Fjeldkatten's Baloo, NFO ns 03 23, DK/-
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
Guldfakse's Osilnica, NFO ns 09 23, 12/14/86
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
Guldfakse's Augustine, NFO ns 23, 7/23/83, DK/DK
Belouga de Mandalipur, NFO n 03, FR/FR
Torvmyra's Alexander, NFO n 09 22, 10/19/85, NO/-
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Anja de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 23, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
CH Anka de Khazad-Dûm, NFO n 09 23, 5/16/05, FR/FR
EC Afjord's Cyrano, DM, DSM, NFO n 09 23, 4/16/99, DE/PL
PR GIC Dansbjergs Ejnar, NFO d 09 23, 12/2/97, DK/-
EC Dansbjergs Rasmus, NFO n 09 23, 3/13/91, DK/DK
Pan's Tacho, NFO n 09 22, 3/18/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Pan's Tameia, NFO n 09 22, 5/31/88, NO/NO
Spicaway Jian, DM, NFO n, 10/8/88, DK/DK
CH Åsvangen's Per Spook, NFO n 09, 2/15/87, NO/DK
Skjoldunge's Gyrid, NFO n 09 23, 2/22/87, DK/DK
Dansbjergs Ofelia II, NFO f 22, 7/19/95, DK/DK
EC Dansbjergs Calle, NFO n 23, 6/14/93, DK/DK
Nilsstra Rasken, NFO n 25, 6/2/91, NO/DK
CH Dansbjergs Gina, NFO n 09 22, 4/26/92, DK/DK
EC Dansbjergs Pernille, NFO f 09, 3/12/93, DK/DK
EC Dansbjergs Balder, NFO d 09 23, 7/18/91, DK/DK
Bitten av Falchebo, NFO a 09 22, 3/27/90, NO/DK
IC Afjord's Yo-Yo, NFO a 09 23, 7/25/97, DE/DE
IC Dansbjergs Haldur, NFO n 09, 4/26/94, DK/DE
EC Dansbjergs Balder, NFO d 09 23, 7/18/91, DK/DK
Pan's Tacho, NFO n 09 22, 3/18/90, NO/DK
CH Tynäsudden's White Babette, NFO w 61, 6/2/90, SE/DK
Spicaway Jian, DM, NFO n, 10/8/88, DK/DK
CH Åsvangen's Per Spook, NFO n 09, 2/15/87, NO/DK
Skjoldunge's Gyrid, NFO n 09 23, 2/22/87, DK/DK
EC Afjord's Kirsi, NFO n 23, 3/1/95, DE/-
PR & IC Afjord's Gandalf, NFO a 23, DE/-
CH Sylarna's Josuar, NFO n, 10/6/89
Baghira von der Cat's Gallery, NFO ns 22, 10/5/89, DE/-
Janou av Bellefjord, NFO n 09 23
IC Lucky Ludwig, NFO n 23, 7/20/89, NO/-
Fancy av Bellefjord, NFO n 09 21, 4/23/91
GIC Tsunami de Miramis, DM, NFO n 09 22, FR/FR  
Remus de Stang ar Voud, NFO a 09 23, 2/23/00, FR/FR
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
PR & IC Segerhuva's Gepetto, NFO a 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
Gårdarikes Franceska Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/-
Heaven Hills Black Athena, NFO n 09, 12/24/91, SE/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
CH Tynäsudden's White Boliwia, NFO w, 6/2/90, SE/-
Ambient Final Fantasy, NFO n 24, 12/6/96, SE/FR
EC Ambient Muscadet, NFO n 22, 7/29/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
IC Ambient Araving Beauty, NFO n 22, 4/19/89, SE/SE
Ambient Åskmolnet, NFO n 23, 6/5/95, SE/SE
CH Revelia's Chat Noir, NFO n 09, 2/18/92, NO/SE
CH Chico Nova's Chiquita, NFO n 23, 4/21/85, SE/SE
Randi R'Ponhitas de Wood Lake, NFO n 09 22, FR/-
GIC Njord av Moltemyr, NFO n 22, 4/4/97, NO/FR
GIC Tassajara's Santiago, NFO n 22, 11/12/95, SE/NO
EC Bondgården:s Täppas, NFO ns 22, 5/10/93, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Tigris, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/17/93, SE/SE  
GIC Catline Evita, NFO w, 7/9/93, NO/NO
EC Åsvangen's Julian, NFO n 23, 5/3/92, NO/-
EC Hilda af Gjernes, NFO w, 1/9/88, NO/NO
IC Pamela de Wood Lake, NFO n 09, 5/17/99, FR/FR
Mefisto van Loth-Loriën Forest, NFO n 09 23, 4/22/96, NL/FR
IC Tauron's Trygve, NFO n 09 23, 2/4/95, SE/-
EC Karen van Fradan, NFO n 09 23, 3/9/89, NL/NL
Benita av Timaras, NFO fs 09 24, 6/6/97, NO/FR
CH Sloratoppen's Mattis, NFO e, 11/27/93, NO/NO
CH Skrivestua's Bjørk, NFO ns 09 23, 7/16/95, NO/NO
Humbert Blue de Midgard, NFO a 09, FR/FR
Ethemba De Harpsi'Cat, NFO n 09, FR/FR
SC Nanda Devi d'Haakona, DVM, NFO ns 09 23, 4/21/05, CH/DE
GIC Ladislas d'Haakona, NFO n 09 23, 4/23/03, CH/CH
GIC Sakeena's Spectacular, NFO n 09 23, 10/26/01, DK/CH  
IC Hyrkas Balthazar, NFO n 23, 10/30/97, DK/SE
PR GIC Steigar Magnus, NFO d 09 , 5/16/95, NO/DK
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Midoori Mahjong, NFO f 09, 4/23/92, SE/NO
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
IC Fåfängans Felicia, NFO n 22, 1/8/87, SE/SE
Tilia Nova's Faustina, NFO f 23, 7/17/95, DK/DK
IP EC Tilia Nova's Eldir, NFO a 09 23, 8/18/94, DK/DK
Tilia Nova's Cato, NFO n 22, 7/7/93, DK/DK
EC Ødegaardens Ferdinand, NFO as 22, 5/11/91, NO/DK
Ratchasima's Lalalu, NFO f 09, 4/29/91, DK/-
Oba Mimi, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/12/93, DK/-
EC Oba Sarastro, NFO n 09 23, 3/1/91, DK/-
Christiania's Kristina, NFO n 09, 3/21/92, NO/DK
IC Kianda's Special Patchwork, NFO f 09 23, 6/29/90, DK/DK
Oba Don Juan, NFO n 09 23, 4/7/89, DK/DK
IC Feles Ferox Aristotele, NFO n 09 23, 6/4/88, DK/DK
EC Oba Pamina, NFO n 09 23, 6/3/87, DK/DK
IC Guldfakse's Nolida, NFO f 23, 6/15/84, DK/DK
Tiger-Lilly, NFO fs 09 23, NO/DK
CH Påveskardet's Linnea Rosé, NFO ns 09, 10/15/98, NO/DK
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
PR & IC Segerhuva's Gepetto, NFO a 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
CH Tassajara's Kolgrim, NFO a 09 23, 1/15/87, SE/-
IC Christiania's Betsy, NFO f 09, 7/30/87, NO/SE
Gårdarikes Franceska Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/-
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
EC Lothloriens Cat Cirith, NFO a 22, 12/8/87, SE/-
Heaven Hills Black Athena, NFO n 09, 12/24/91, SE/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
GIC Tal Der Aim's Gilbert, NFO n 09, 8/30/88, SE/-
Ulvåsens Harmonie, NFO f 09 23, 11/6/87, SE/-
CH Tynäsudden's White Boliwia, NFO w, 6/2/90, SE/-
IC Isfolket's Gand, NFO d 09, 4/9/89, SE/-
GIC Frosty, DM, NFO w 61, 3/22/89, SE/-
EC Skogsbyn Lina, NFO fs 23, 8/11/93, SE/NO
CH Trolltofsen's Mestiz, NFO d 09 21, 11/26/91, SE/SE
CH Qvistas Oannes, NFO d 09 23, 1/21/88, SE/SE
Sarosgards Eddie, NFO n, 3/17/86, SE/-
Torvmyra's Hoya Carnosa, NFO g 09 22, 2/16/87, NO/SE
IC Cicceorina's Anständiga Asta, NFO fs 09 23, 1/19/89, SE/SE
EC Janillas Champis, NFO as 23, 12/22/86, SE/-
Qvistas Cicceorina, NFO f 09 23, 1/21/88, SE/SE
IC Ambient Silverella, NFO fs 23, 3/16/92, SE/FI
EC Lothloriens Legolin, NFO ds, 10/30/89, SE/-
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
CH Säävaaras Amorina, NFO n 22, 3/5/87, SE/SE
Chico Nova's Django, NFO n 09 22, 3/23/86, SE/-
CH Chico Nova's Chiquita, NFO n 23, 4/21/85, SE/SE
IC Isolde av Skara Brae, NFO n 09, CH/CH
PR EC Mimameids Ragnarök, NFO n 22, 10/31/97, SE/CH
EC Ambient Muscadet, NFO n 22, 7/29/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
EC Amor av Sultano, NFO n 09, 7/20/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
GIC Pan's Trianna, NFO n 09, 5/10/84, NO/-
Torvmyra's Eartha Kitt, NFO f, NO/NO
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
Porfyrgårdens Cyrranka, NFO ns 23, 3/24/86, SE/-
IC Ambient Araving Beauty, NFO n 22, 4/19/89, SE/SE
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
Torvmyra's Ymer, NFO d 09 22, 6/9/85, NO/SE
CH Ulvåsens Amaryllis, NFO n 09 23, 2/18/84, SE/SE
CH Säävaaras Amorina, NFO n 22, 3/5/87, SE/SE
Chico Nova's Django, NFO n 09 22, 3/23/86, SE/-
CH Chico Nova's Chiquita, NFO n 23, 4/21/85, SE/SE
GIC Tassajara's Ww Azariel, NFO a 09, 8/13/95, SE/SE
EC Bondgården:s Täppas, NFO ns 22, 5/10/93, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
GIP & CH Gerdas Bolls, NFO n 22, 2/16/89, SE/-
Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, NFO n 09 22, 7/6/88, SE/-
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
GIC Frøy Sparetta av Æsene, DM, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/85, NO/SE
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Kløfterhagen Babuschka, NFO n 09 23, 2/27/81, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Edvard Eroberen, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Mjavo Säure, NFO n 23, 6/6/78, NO/NO
EP & EC Moa's Rh. Gipsy Queen, DM, DSM, NFO f 09 23, 7/17/97, SE/CH
IC Kong Gulerod Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO d 09 23, 4/17/95, DK/SE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
CH Karen Augusta Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO f 09, 2/25/94, DK/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
IC Vildkatten's Aurora, DM, NFO f 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/DK
Solhuset's Leopold J.S., NFO e 09 23, 1/2/86, SE/-
Gårdarikes Odille, NFO n 09 22, 6/30/86, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
Frida, NFO n 23, 5/1/82, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Mitzi av Myre, NFO d 09 23, 4/10/84, NO/-
IC Fåfängans Felicia, NFO n 22, 1/8/87, SE/SE
IC Julie's Albert Åberg, NFO a 09 22, 7/29/85, NO/SE
Torvmyra's Zebrina, NFO f 09 22, 9/23/85, NO/SE
Merryll of Simchat, NFO fs 09 23, 4/1/04, CH/CH
EC Robin of Tallow's Castle, DVM, NFO d 23, CH/-
IC Billy Boy av Timaras, NFO ns 09 24, 6/6/97, NO/CH
CH Sloratoppen's Mattis, NFO e, 11/27/93, NO/NO
EC Bajasso's Chevalier de Danceney, NFO n 09 23, 1/27/90, NO/NO
Åskatt's Platon, NFO a 09 23, 2/21/87, NO/NO
Pan's Pluto, NFO a 09 22, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Ollendorff's Frøya, NFO a 09 23, 4/13/85, NO/NO
Sasja, NFO n 09, NO/NO
EC Røverdatter's Cinderella, NFO d, 11/2/90, NO/NO
GIC Ollendorff's Columbus, NFO d, 2/10/89, NO/NO
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
EC Wicky av Myre, DM, NFO f 09, 5/31/87, NO/NO
IC Ravnesåsen's Fia, NFO f 09, 9/12/89, NO/NO
Ravnesåsen's Guillian, NFO d 23, 5/31/87, NO/NO
Ravnesåsen's Mie, NFO n 09 23, NO/NO
CH Skrivestua's Bjørk, NFO ns 09 23, 7/16/95, NO/NO
GIC Ollendorff's Egil Skallagrimsson, NFO ns 09 23, 5/16/94, NO/NO
PR EC Bondgården:s Pablo Picasso, NFO ns 09 23, 11/28/92, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
Tirilltoppen Aurora, NFO ns 22, NO/NO
EC Pan's Silver Zodiac, NFO ns, 2/8/90, NO/NO
Bajasso's Juliane, NFO a 23, NO/NO
GIC Kari's Nadia, NFO n 09, 5/5/93, NO/NO
EC Gjervfjellet Even Brattbakken, DM, NFO n 22, 6/28/84, NO/NO
IP EC Høvedmannsgård Alfa, NFO n 23, 6/1/83, NO/NO
IC Gjervfjellet Kitty, DM, NFO n 22, 6/3/81, NO/NO
EC Pan's Patina, NFO n 09 23, 1/20/89, NO/NO
EC Pan's Tamar, NFO n 22, 5/29/87, NO/NO
Pandora, NFO a 09 23, 5/18/86, NO/NO
IC Lindbrekkas Sirikitt, DM, NFO f 23, 4/25/96, NO/CH
IC Lucky Chalar Whisky, NFO d 23, 3/22/95, NO/NO
GIC Furuhaugen's Blåmann, NFO a 23, 3/2/93, NO/NO
IC Lucky Balder, NFO n 22, 7/5/88, NO/-
IC Skjerpetunets Lurifaks, NFO n 09 23, 4/5/86, NO/-
Dollie, NFO a 09 22, NO/NO
EC Lucky Kristina, NFO n 23, 7/5/88, NO/NO
IC Skjerpetunets Lurifaks, NFO n 09 23, 4/5/86, NO/-
Dollie, NFO a 09 22, NO/NO
Gaupeskogens Rosita, NFO f 22, 2/14/94, NO/NO
EC Opatija's Big Boss, DM, NFO d 09 22, 9/16/90, SE/SE
EC Aksel av Ullskurk, NFO n 23, 1/21/88, NO/SE
Torvmyra's Elegance, NFO f 09 23, 8/8/86, NO/SE
EC Betina von Figueras, NFO n 09, 5/7/89, NO/NO
King Felix av Skogheim, NFO a 09, NO/NO
CH Pan's Tamara, NFO n 09 22, 5/31/88, NO/NO
GIC Lindbrekkas Bonny, NFO n 23, 12/15/90, NO/NO
CH Åsvangen's Osiris, NFO n 09, 10/26/86, NO/-
IC Sebastian, NFO n, NO/NO
IC Gjervfjellet Afrodite, NFO f 09, 1/31/83, NO/NO
CH Bacchus av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09, 7/1/81, NO/NO
PR Pamara Lady, NFO f, 6/8/81, NO/NO
IC Gjervfjellet Sirikitt, NFO n 22, 10/22/88, NO/NO
IP EC Høvedmannsgård Alfa, NFO n 23, 6/1/83, NO/NO
CH Lian Abjatar, NFO n 23, 4/30/82, NO/-
Celina av Pussipels, NFO n 23, 1/15/80, NO/NO
IC Gjervfjellet Kitty, DM, NFO n 22, 6/3/81, NO/NO
Sirikitt, NFO f 09, NO/NO
CH Karmelle of Simchat, NFO ns 09, 4/17/02, CH/-
IC Flying Dutchman av Kiruna, NFO ns 09 22, 10/30/98, CH/CH
IC Baron Münchhausen av Fager, NFO ns 09, 8/29/97, DE/DE
CH Amor av Fager, NFO ds 22, DE/DE
IC Prins Pilfinger Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/95, DK/SE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
CH Karen Augusta Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO f 09, 2/25/94, DK/DK
Moa's Rh. Berry Rose, NFO ds 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
PR & EC Fjällforsens Dirigent, NFO ds 09 23, 12/3/91, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
EC Selma Lagerlöf Felis Jubatus, NFO a 09 23, 7/26/95, DK/DE
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
IC Dolly Doolittle av Kiruna, NFO n 09 22, CH/-
CH Kruwaira's Cäsar, NFO n 09 22
Luksefjellet's Flash Gordon, NFO a 09 22, NO/CH
Beier's Romeo, NFO w, 10/29/89
Catline Julie, NFO n 09 22, 8/31/90, NO/NO
Baronessa av Kiruna, NFO f 23, 2/21/94
GIC Jasione Montana Felis Jubatus, NFO a, 2/20/93, DK/CH
Naima's Uzara, NFO f 23
CH Alischa von Taranis, NFO n 09 23
GIC Isak-Dinesen Felis Jubatus, NFO w 62, 5/1/89, DK/CH
EC Oba Papageno, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/3/87, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
Ulla vom Mauenfels, NFO n 09 23
IC Tigerstaden's Cassius, NFO n 09 23, NO/CH
Svenja vom Mauenfels, NFO f 09 23
CH Sweeson's Pomone, NFO n 09, FR/-
WW'96 EC Magnus av Fager, NFO n 09 23, 11/22/95, DE/FR
EC Karl Johan Felis Jubatus, NFO a 22, 8/28/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Moa's Rh. Bouquet De Flore, NFO fs 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
PR & EC Fjällforsens Dirigent, NFO ds 09 23, 12/3/91, SE/-
EP EC Mar'Michel's Mr Chagall, NFO ns 09, 11/2/88, SE/-
IC Amazonas Modesty, NFO fs 09 22, 11/5/89, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
CH Viviane av Fager, NFO f 09 23, DE/-
IC Katland's King Kamehameha, NFO d 23, 9/23/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Katland's Alexandria, NFO f 09, 7/26/90, DK/-
GIC Nullermand's Aegir, NFO n 09, 7/26/88, DK/DK
Deleuran's Athene, NFO g 09 23, 8/1/89, DK/-
EC Tora Vik Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/92, DK/DE
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Clara, DM, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
Karat'Cats Balia, NFO a 09 23, 6/24/06, FR/FR
Restless Diamond, NFO n 09 23, 10/25/03, SE/-
IP CH Granboet's Jameson, NFO n 23, 10/27/02, SE/SE
CH Tal Der Aim's Leonard, NFO n 22, 11/24/00, SE/SE
IC Rudolfo Felis Audax, NFO n 22, 8/8/98, DK/SE
Sebastian Felis Zeuthen, NFO n 09 22, 5/6/96, DK/-
GIC Tähtiyön Alfa, NFO n 09, 4/27/93, FI/DK
GIC Tristan Felis Audax, NFO n 09, 10/30/91, DK/FI
IC Ronja Røverdatter Felis Audax, NFO n, 4/23/92, DK/FI
Marinna Felis Audax, NFO n 09 22, 2/25/95, DK/-
Blaise Pascal Felis Jubatus, NFO ns 09, 9/14/93, DK/DK
Nora Helmer Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
PR Amarina Felis Audax, NFO a 23, 8/8/95, DK/-
Thorgrim Trolle Felis Audax, NFO a, 7/1/94, DK/-
GIC Tähtiyön Alfa, NFO n 09, 4/27/93, FI/DK
GIC Titania Felis Audax, NFO w 62, 5/14/93, DK/DK
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
IC Tal Der Aim's Courtney, NFO n 22, 3/14/99, SE/SE
GIC Solkullas Hemul, NFO n 24, 8/1/96, SE/SE
IC MorrHoppans Kreon, NFO n 09 23, 1/17/95, SE/SE
EP EC Tailor Hill's Cupido, NFO a 09 24, 2/4/93, SE/SE
PR & EC MorrHoppans Gaia, NFO ns 09 22, 1/12/92, SE/-
IC Ambient Stardust, NFO n 09, 8/10/93, SE/-
CH Revelia's Chat Noir, NFO n 09, 2/18/92, NO/SE
CH Säävaaras Amorina, NFO n 22, 3/5/87, SE/SE
Tal Der Aim's Trisha, NFO n 22, 5/27/97, SE/SE
IP EC Ollendorff's Tordenskjold, NFO n 09, 5/27/92, NO/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
EC Wicky av Myre, DM, NFO f 09, 5/31/87, NO/NO
Tal Der Aim's Faidra, NFO n 09 22, 1/13/94, SE/-
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
EC Opatija's Binbussy Bee, NFO n 09 23, 9/16/90, SE/SE
Ambient Tamora, NFO ns, 5/4/01, SE/SE
Ambient Attack, NFO n 23, 10/31/98, SE/-
Ambient Illbane, NFO n 23, 9/12/97, SE/SE
EC Ambient Muscadet, NFO n 22, 7/29/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
IC Ambient Araving Beauty, NFO n 22, 4/19/89, SE/SE
Ambient Åskmolnet, NFO n 23, 6/5/95, SE/SE
CH Revelia's Chat Noir, NFO n 09, 2/18/92, NO/SE
CH Chico Nova's Chiquita, NFO n 23, 4/21/85, SE/SE
Ambient Modesty Blaise, NFO n 23, 7/12/97, SE/SE
EC Ambient Muscadet, NFO n 22, 7/29/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
IC Ambient Araving Beauty, NFO n 22, 4/19/89, SE/SE
CH Chico Nova's Chiquita, NFO n 23, 4/21/85, SE/SE
IC Niros Chico, NFO n 09 23, 12/18/82, NO/SE
IC Enebackens Fanny, NFO n 22, 8/23/83, SE/SE
Ambient Modesty Blaise, NFO n 23, 7/12/97, SE/SE
EC Ambient Muscadet, NFO n 22, 7/29/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
EC Amor av Sultano, NFO n 09, 7/20/87, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Eartha Kitt, NFO f, NO/NO
IC Ambient Araving Beauty, NFO n 22, 4/19/89, SE/SE
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
CH Säävaaras Amorina, NFO n 22, 3/5/87, SE/SE
CH Chico Nova's Chiquita, NFO n 23, 4/21/85, SE/SE
IC Niros Chico, NFO n 09 23, 12/18/82, NO/SE
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
Prunella av Thorndikes Minde, NFO n 09 23, 5/7/80
IC Enebackens Fanny, NFO n 22, 8/23/83, SE/SE
IP Ekdalens Alexander, NFO ns 22, 2/16/82, SE/-
IC Enebackens Cerina, NFO n 22, 6/15/81, SE/SE
PR SC Restless Yawning Angel, NFO n 09 23, 10/3/02, SE/SE
EC Killix Enigma, DM, NFO a 23, 8/26/00, DK/SE
EC Europa's Danske Gorm, DM, NFO n 23, 7/12/98, DK/DK  
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
IC Europa's Juba Datter, NFO n 09 23, 12/8/96, DK/DK
EC Starkad's Dianthus, NFO n 09, 8/29/95, DK/DK
IP EC Tilia Nova's Domingo, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 3/10/94, DK/DK
GIC Baobab's Nerium, NFO a 09 23, 2/24/92, DK/DK
WW'93 EC Et Eller Andet Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 11/10/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
CH Jorun Bjørnsdatter Felis Audax, NFO n 09 23, 6/16/91, DK/DK
EC Europa's Nougat Nød, DM, NFO n, 9/7/96, DK/DK  
EC Silverwood's Big Brown Bastian, DM, NFO n 23, 5/20/95, DK/DK
EC Fjeldkatten's Jedidiah, NFO d 09 23, 3/13/94, DK/DK
CH Oba Oscar, NFO d 09, 6/1/93, DK/-
IC Fjeldkatten's Fayet, NFO f 09 23, 8/15/92, DK/DK
IC Leonides Jakobine, DM, NFO n 09, 5/27/93, DK/DK
CH Kvilles Frode Fredegod, NFO ns, 4/17/88, DK/DK
Pan's Florina, NFO n 09, 3/13/92, NO/DK
EC Europa's Hip Hurra, NFO n 23, 2/17/95, DK/DK
EC Navngivet af Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 7/18/93, DK/DK
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
IC Vildkatten's Aurora, DM, NFO f 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/DK
Solhuset's Leopold J.S., NFO e 09 23, 1/2/86, SE/-
Gårdarikes Odille, NFO n 09 22, 6/30/86, SE/-
CH Street Tigers Kiwawa, NFO f 09 23, 7/19/99, SE/SE
Street Tigers Solero, NFO d 23, 5/26/98
EP EC Tauron's Fylke, NFO n 09 23, 7/29/95, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Mitzi av Myre, NFO d 09 23, 4/10/84, NO/-
Pocahonta's Bashina, NFO n 09 23, 1/7/93, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Gro, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/91, SE/SE
Målarkluddens Ronja, NFO n 23, 4/22/89, SE/-
Street Tigers Ysatis, NFO d
EC Brattcats Rosso, NFO d 23, 12/5/93, SE/SE
EC Zygot's Hector, NFO w, 1/13/92, SE/-
Islandia R.T. Goldie, NFO ds 23, 8/19/92, SE/-
Street Tigers Clio, NFO fs 09 23
IC Tassajara's Skrym, NFO ns 23, 7/17/92, SE/SE
CH Tauron's Tinúviel, NFO f 09 23, 5/26/92
CH Tauron's Tinúviel, NFO f 09 23, 5/26/92
EC Bondgården:s Emir, NFO ns 09 22, 2/9/91, SE/SE
CH Lothloriens Cat Cirion, NFO e 22, 12/8/87, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
GIP EC Trippeline av Fristad, NFO gs 09, 4/25/85, NO/SE
CH Lothloriens Lomelindi, NFO ns 09, 10/30/89, SE/SE
GIP & EC Gårdarikes Gorgoroth, NFO n, 4/27/88, SE/SE
GIC Gårdarikes Vanessa Vild, NFO fs 09, 2/6/88, SE/-
EC Havskattens Arja, NFO f 09, 1/27/88, SE/SE
EC Sjöviken's Aron, NFO ns 09, 4/13/83, SE/-
PR Enebackens Cicero, NFO ns, 6/15/81, SE/SE
GIP Jaqueline, NFO n 09, 3/17/82
EC Solhuset's Aslög J.S., NFO f 09 23, 8/12/86, SE/SE
GIC Lado Skogmann H.T., NFO n 23, 12/27/83, NO/SE
Solhuset's Josefina, NFO fs 09 23, 10/17/84, SE/-
Titran's Yentl, NFO as, 6/21/04, BE/FR
GIC Snow du Big Bang Cats, NFO ns, 8/22/01, FR/FR
Källbokattens Robert Bruce, NFO a 22, 7/24/00, SE/SE
EC Utblicken's Vilhelm, DM, NFO a 09, 3/12/99, SE/SE
EC Gomorran's Theodor, DM, NFO a 09, 11/5/97, SE/SE
IC On Tin Tio's Lestat, NFO ds, 3/26/96, SE/SE
CH Revelia's Chat Noir, NFO n 09, 2/18/92, NO/SE
CH Glitterfjordens Chayote, NFO fs, 11/6/94, SE/SE
Tigressan's Eliza, NFO n 09, 3/11/96, SE/SE
IC Gomorran's King Kreole, NFO n 09 23, 11/14/94, SE/SE
CH Gomorran's Jerica, DM, NFO n 09 23, 3/10/94, SE/SE
PR Enebo Stugans Sigrid, NFO a 09, 11/29/95, SE/SE
EC Segersjös Goliat, NFO as 09, 2/27/93, SE/SE
EC Morky's Sir John, NFO ns 09, 5/26/90, SE/SE
GIC Segersjös Carizzma, NFO n 22, 12/9/89, SE/-
Anniehoods Hedges, NFO f 22, 10/6/91, SE/SE
EC Tuffys Flower Power, NFO w 62, 1/19/89, SE/SE
Janillas Daina, NFO n 09 22, 2/10/87, SE/-
WCH Mhorrses Lakka, NFO n 09 23, SE/SE
EP & IC Mhorrses Rosario, NFO ns 09 23, 6/11/97, SE/SE
EP EC Tauron's Fylke, NFO n 09 23, 7/29/95, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
Pocahonta's Bashina, NFO n 09 23, 1/7/93, SE/SE
EC Tauron's Ellena, DM, NFO a, 12/31/92
EC Bondgården:s Emir, NFO ns 09 22, 2/9/91, SE/SE
Ringstadmon's Marielle, NFO g, 12/24/91, SE/SE
CH Street Tigers Jasmin, NFO f, 4/3/97, SE/SE
EC Brattcats Rosso, NFO d 23, 12/5/93, SE/SE
EC Zygot's Hector, NFO w, 1/13/92, SE/-
Islandia R.T. Goldie, NFO ds 23, 8/19/92, SE/-
GC Brattcats Akleja, NFO f 09, 3/21/95, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
IC Zygot's Asti, NFO f, 8/1/90, SE/-
Petronille de la Cachouteba, NFO ns, 6/29/99, FR/-
EC Black Islands Zappa, NFO ns 22, 3/1/96, SE/FR
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
PR & IC Segerhuva's Gepetto, NFO a 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
Gårdarikes Franceska Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/-
Heaven Hills Black Athena, NFO n 09, 12/24/91, SE/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
CH Tynäsudden's White Boliwia, NFO w, 6/2/90, SE/-
EP & EC Black Islands Ursula, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 6/3/92, SE/SE
GIC Lissekullans Nelson, NFO ns 23, 12/28/89, SE/-
EC Napoleon von Terp, NFO n 22, 12/31/85, NO/NO
GIC Porfyrgårdens Abbalone, NFO ns 09, 10/30/84, SE/-
IP GIC Torvmyra's Honey Favorite, NFO g 09, 2/16/87, NO/SE
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Cirkeline, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
EC Steigar Luna, NFO n 09, 5/16/95, NO/FR
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Midoori Mahjong, NFO f 09, 4/23/92, SE/NO
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
IC Fåfängans Felicia, NFO n 22, 1/8/87, SE/SE
EC Serafina a Beetlejuice, NFO a, 4/24/01, DE/NL
WW'99 EC Remis Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n, 9/20/97, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
Audhumlas Bangsi, NFO n 09, 11/15/86, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Sekan Tara, NFO n 23, 5/17/85, NO/NO
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Helga Den Fagre Felis Audax, DM, NFO n 23, 6/16/91, DK/NL
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
Rumpelstilzchen av Fager, NFO a 09, 10/11/99, DE/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Ustinov, NFO a 23, NO/-
Torvmyra's Graciella, NFO n 09 23, 3/13/81, NO/NL
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
EC Selma Lagerlöf Felis Jubatus, NFO a 09 23, 7/26/95, DK/DE
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
Audhumlas Bangsi, NFO n 09, 11/15/86, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Sekan Tara, NFO n 23, 5/17/85, NO/NO
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
Glam-Ebony de L'Alantolie, NFO n, FR/FR
CH Diddl de la Natte a Chats, NFO n 22, FR/FR
Saroumane de Khazad-Dûm, NFO a 22, FR/FR
GEC Jazz Man de Nidaros, NFO n 03 23, NL/-
IC Fandou Roux de Mandalipur, NFO nt 09, FR/-
Eric Le Roux de Mandalipur, NFO n 09 21, FR/-
IC Carat de Mandalipur,  NFO n 09 23, FR/-
Torvmyra's Alexander, NFO n 09 22, 10/19/85, NO/-
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Anja de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 23, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
CH Tortie White Sindy of Honey-Bee, NFO f 03 23
EC Pan's Tito Santana, NFO n 23, 1/8/86, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pan's Tina Star, NFO f 23, 3/1/80, NO/-
Tortie White Kira of Honey-Bee, NFO f 09 22, 4/18/87
CH Baltazar Julius, NFO ns 23, 3/4/89
Wangbo's Ophelia, NFO f 09 22, 3/23/86, NO/-
CH W'Cristin de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 21, BE/-
IC Arild de la Pendjari, NFO n 22, 4/29/85, BE/BE
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Torvmyra's Wild Rose, NFO n 09 21, 4/19/85, NO/-
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
Gangerolf av Skogheim, NFO n 09 22, 5/29/83, NO/NO
Kristina av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 1/20/83, NO/SE
IC Torvmyra's Gentiana, NFO ns 23, 3/13/81, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
IC W'Borghild Blue de la Pendjari, NFO a 03 23, BE/-
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
Løvetangens Monty, NFO n 09, 3/26/81, NO/-
Maxie, NFO n 09, 5/9/80, NO/NO
CH Jakobellas Artemis, NFO n 23, 3/15/80, NO/-
IC Colosseum Anton Prikken, NFO n 09, 12/18/76, NO/NO
Jakobellas Pillerill, NFO n 23, 4/19/78, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Demis, NFO ns 09 23, 3/27/79, NO/NO
EP & CH Timotei, NFO n 09 23, 4/1/77, NO/NO
Spirella, NFO ns 09, 6/5/76, NO/-
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
Oskar, NFO n 23, 8/1/79, NO/NO
IC Josefine, NFO a 09, 12/1/74, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Charlie av Hanevold, NFO n 23, 3/7/78, NO/NO
Truls, NFO n 23
Grynet, NFO w 63
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Laïta de Fjorgyn, NFO n 22
CH Jurgen de la Forest des Templiers, NFO ns 22, FR/FR
CH Hero des Gardiens de Bastit, NFO ns 22
Morky's Kristian of Gardiens de Bastit, NFO ns 09 22, 4/7/91, SE/-
EC Morky's Sir John, NFO ns 09, 5/26/90, SE/SE
EC Janillas Champis, NFO as 23, 12/22/86, SE/-
Nollan, NFO ns 09, 12/13/84, SE/SE
Morky's Lilla Ida, NFO ns 09 22, 8/15/89, SE/-
IP GIC Christiania's Christian, NFO n 09 23, 7/13/87, NO/NO
PR Morky's Blue Angel, NFO as, 8/6/86, SE/-
Gloria de la Vallée Rosey, NFO n
Eros de la Vallée Rosey, NFO *
EC Høvedmannsgård Lurifax, NFO n 23, 6/8/84, NO/-
Torv Hede's Frigg, NFO *
EC Torv Hede's Daphne, NFO n 09, NL/FR
No information in the database
No information in the database
F'Kirsti de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 23
IC Krisby von der Eiswiese, NFO ns 23
IC Christiania's Mons, NFO ns
Gaupus av Fristad, NFO d 23, 5/7/82, NO/-
Zara av Granly, NFO ns 23, 12/24/77, NO/NO
GIC Celestin v. Sidi Bou Said, NFO n 22
IC Peter, NFO n 23, 1/1/77
Små-Troll's Lady Afra, NFO n, 7/12/81, NO/-
Fyrstinne Blue de la Pendjari, NFO a 09 23, BE/-
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Gazoline de Mandalipur, NFO n 03 21, FR/-
Fjeldkatten's Baloo, NFO ns 03 23, DK/-
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
IP Colosseum Casco, NFO n 09 23, 5/21/79, NO/NO
Torvmyra's Carlina, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
Pan's Sylvester, NFO n 09, 3/28/79, NO/SE
Pjewiks Forest M.A. Pjotrsdotter, NFO as 23, 4/11/78, NO/NO
Guldfakse's Osilnica, NFO ns 09 23, 12/14/86
EC Torvmyra's Sagres, NFO n 09 23, 4/15/84, NO/DK
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Guldfakse's Augustine, NFO ns 23, 7/23/83, DK/DK
EP GIC Torvmyra's Grand Soltario, NFO ns 23, 3/13/81, NO/-
IC Torvmyra's Kalinka Blue, NFO a 09, 8/12/82, NO/DK
Belouga de Mandalipur, NFO n 03, FR/FR
Torvmyra's Alexander, NFO n 09 22, 10/19/85, NO/-
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
Gangerolf av Skogheim, NFO n 09 22, 5/29/83, NO/NO
Kristina av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 1/20/83, NO/SE
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Amigo av Fristad, NFO d 22, 8/14/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Anja de la Pendjari, NFO n 09 23, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
IP GIC Jakobellas Pusur, NFO n 09 23, 6/5/82, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Floruska Fredelina, NFO n 09 23, 10/17/80, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
EC Torvmyra's Eviva Solterona, NFO n 09 23, 10/27/79, NO/-
Blizzard's Bittersweet, NFO f 22, FR/FR
Garpriket's Royce, NFO n 24, 2/16/05, SE/-
EP EC Sir Maxwell's Khapris, NFO n 09 22, 6/1/01, SE/SE  
Silverbells Blitzen, NFO n 09, 7/9/00, SE/SE
CH Rosenbacken's Santana, NFO ds 09 22, 4/13/98, SE/SE
IC Rockringen's Di Leva, NFO d 09 22, 3/14/97, SE/SE
Målarkluddens Degas, NFO n 09 23, 3/20/94, SE/SE
GIC Rockringen's Cajsa-Stina, DM, NFO d 09 22, 11/25/95, SE/SE
Engaholm's Colette, NFO fs 09 23, 2/9/97, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
CH Zygot's Peacere, NFO ds 24, 2/7/95, SE/-
Tigressan's Xmariet, NFO n 09 24, 9/23/99, SE/SE
IP EC Tilia Nova's Domingo, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 3/10/94, DK/DK
Ratchasima's Red Devil, NFO ds 09 11, 6/4/88, DK/DK
IC Kianda's Special Patchwork, NFO f 09 23, 6/29/90, DK/DK
CH Gomorran's Jerica, DM, NFO n 09 23, 3/10/94, SE/SE
GIC Tingskogen's Champagne, NFO n 22, 7/10/90, SE/SE
CH Gomorran's Morgana, NFO n 09 23, 8/29/90, SE/-
EC Nakimos Yasmine, DM, NFO n 09 22, 3/7/00, NO/SE  
EP EC Nakimos Figaro, NFO n 24, 4/9/99, NO/NO
Lucky Tigergutt, NFO n 23, 5/26/97, NO/NO
IC Skjerpetunets Lurifaks, NFO n 09 23, 4/5/86, NO/-
CH Lucky Heaven's Choice, NFO n 23, 9/10/95, NO/NO
EC Tiffany av Oseberg, NFO n 09 24, 8/20/97, NO/NO
EC Tynäsudden's Felix Brown, DM, NFO n 09 24, 10/12/91, SE/SE
Anastasia av Cozaar, NFO n 09 24, 12/28/95, NO/NO
Quinsy's Lindy, NFO a 09 24, 4/14/99, NO/NO
PR EC Taropaves Johnny Hazard, NFO n 24, 6/24/96, SE/NO
EP & EC Ambient Windjammer, NFO n 24, 3/17/93, SE/-
GIC Christiania's Zara, DM, NFO ns 23, 1/10/91, NO/SE
Quinsy's Lady Amy, NFO n 09 22, 8/21/96, NO/NO
IC Mario av Oseberg, NFO n 09 22, NO/NO
CH Quinsy's Fanny Red Beauty, NFO f 09 22, 2/7/94, NO/NO
SP EC Killix Isha, NFO n 23, 6/7/02, DK/SE
EC Europa's Danske Gorm, DM, NFO n 23, 7/12/98, DK/DK  
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
IC Europa's Juba Datter, NFO n 09 23, 12/8/96, DK/DK
EC Starkad's Dianthus, NFO n 09, 8/29/95, DK/DK
IP EC Tilia Nova's Domingo, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 3/10/94, DK/DK
GIC Baobab's Nerium, NFO a 09 23, 2/24/92, DK/DK
WW'93 EC Et Eller Andet Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 11/10/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
CH Jorun Bjørnsdatter Felis Audax, NFO n 09 23, 6/16/91, DK/DK
EC Europa's Nougat Nød, DM, NFO n, 9/7/96, DK/DK  
EC Silverwood's Big Brown Bastian, DM, NFO n 23, 5/20/95, DK/DK
EC Fjeldkatten's Jedidiah, NFO d 09 23, 3/13/94, DK/DK
CH Oba Oscar, NFO d 09, 6/1/93, DK/-
IC Fjeldkatten's Fayet, NFO f 09 23, 8/15/92, DK/DK
IC Leonides Jakobine, DM, NFO n 09, 5/27/93, DK/DK
CH Kvilles Frode Fredegod, NFO ns, 4/17/88, DK/DK
Pan's Florina, NFO n 09, 3/13/92, NO/DK
EC Europa's Hip Hurra, NFO n 23, 2/17/95, DK/DK
EC Navngivet af Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 7/18/93, DK/DK
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
IC Vildkatten's Aurora, DM, NFO f 09 23, 1/5/88, SE/DK
Solhuset's Leopold J.S., NFO e 09 23, 1/2/86, SE/-
Gårdarikes Odille, NFO n 09 22, 6/30/86, SE/-
Angeyia de la Cachouteba, NFO f 22, 3/14/05, FR/FR
EC Jeremias de la Cachouteba, NFO es 03 23, 8/2/94, FR/FR
IC Skyfrit Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 4/9/93, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Torvmyra's Roseanne, NFO fs 09 23, NO/-
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
CH Lado Tristan, NFO ns, 5/20/82, NO/NO
Svarta, NFO ns, NO/-
Sodåsen Fie, NFO f 09 22, NO/NO
IP Pinky, NFO e 09 22, 4/23/83, NO/NO
Pernille, NFO n 09 22, 5/15/83, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Amigo av Fristad, NFO d 22, 8/14/78, NO/NO
Villmarkens Sønn, NFO n 22, 5/27/77, NO/-
Freidis av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/25/77, NO/-
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
Susy, NFO n 09, NO/NO
Ragnhild de la Cachouteba, NFO n 23, 5/10/00, FR/FR
EC Black Islands Zappa, NFO ns 22, 3/1/96, SE/FR
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
PR & IC Segerhuva's Gepetto, NFO a 09 23, 4/30/92, SE/SE
EP Popsys King Lion, NFO d 09, 2/9/89, SE/SE
Gårdarikes Franceska Kahn, NFO n 23, 7/25/89, SE/-
Heaven Hills Black Athena, NFO n 09, 12/24/91, SE/SE
EC Tal Der Aim's Julius, NFO n 09, 11/22/89, SE/-
CH Tynäsudden's White Boliwia, NFO w, 6/2/90, SE/-
EP & EC Black Islands Ursula, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 6/3/92, SE/SE
GIC Lissekullans Nelson, NFO ns 23, 12/28/89, SE/-
EC Napoleon von Terp, NFO n 22, 12/31/85, NO/NO
GIC Porfyrgårdens Abbalone, NFO ns 09, 10/30/84, SE/-
IP GIC Torvmyra's Honey Favorite, NFO g 09, 2/16/87, NO/SE
CH Frigg av Baune, NFO d 09 22, 5/2/84, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Cirkeline, NFO n 09 23, 10/24/78, NO/NO
GIC Mårbakken's Beverly, NFO f 09 23, 7/7/97, NO/FR
Tauron's Fladrif, NFO n 09 23, 7/29/95, SE/NO
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Mitzi av Myre, NFO d 09 23, 4/10/84, NO/-
Pocahonta's Bashina, NFO n 09 23, 1/7/93, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Gro, NFO a 09 23, 11/7/91, SE/SE
Målarkluddens Ronja, NFO n 23, 4/22/89, SE/-
Steigar Felicia, NFO f 09, 5/1/96, NO/NO
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Midoori Mahjong, NFO f 09, 4/23/92, SE/NO
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
Dancelle de la Foret de Jernvid, NFO f, FR/FR
IC Bambou de la Foret de Jernvid, NFO a 09, 4/23/06, FR/FR
IC Virgile du Domaine de L'Arcoat, NFO ns 09, FR/FR
GEC Min Elskov de la Cachouteba, NFO ns 09 22, 2/27/96, FR/-
EC Jeremias de la Cachouteba, NFO es 03 23, 8/2/94, FR/FR
IC Skyfrit Felis Jubatus, NFO a 23, 4/9/93, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Torvmyra's Roseanne, NFO fs 09 23, NO/-
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
CH Lado Tristan, NFO ns, 5/20/82, NO/NO
Sodåsen Fie, NFO f 09 22, NO/NO
IC Torvmyra's Naranja, NFO f 22, 2/12/83, NO/NO
Amigo av Fristad, NFO d 22, 8/14/78, NO/NO
GIC Tussi, NFO n 09, 4/4/77, NO/NO
EC Isba des Feux d'Aurés, NFO n 09, 6/24/93, FR/-
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Hell de la Cachouteba, NFO n 09, 2/15/92, FR/FR
EC Fjord Fenomen de la Pendjari, DM, NFO n 03 23, 6/22/88, BE/FR
GIC Torvmyra's Terek, NFO n 09 23, 4/18/84, NO/-
EC Torvmyra's Othilina, NFO n 09 23, 5/17/83, NO/-
EC Naima's Sheyenne, DM, NFO n 09 21, CH/-
PR Naima's Rufus, NFO n
Torvmyra's Zephirine-Drou, NFO n 09 21, 9/23/85, NO/-
GIC Hennessy av Kiruna, NFO ns 09, 8/18/00, CH/-
IC Flying Dutchman av Kiruna, NFO ns 09 22, 10/30/98, CH/CH
IC Baron Münchhausen av Fager, NFO ns 09, 8/29/97, DE/DE
CH Amor av Fager, NFO ds 22, DE/DE
IC Prins Pilfinger Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09 23, 4/17/95, DK/SE
Moa's Rh. Berry Rose, NFO ds 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
EC Selma Lagerlöf Felis Jubatus, NFO a 09 23, 7/26/95, DK/DE
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
IC Dolly Doolittle av Kiruna, NFO n 09 22, CH/-
CH Kruwaira's Cäsar, NFO n 09 22
Luksefjellet's Flash Gordon, NFO a 09 22, NO/CH
Baronessa av Kiruna, NFO f 23, 2/21/94
CH Alischa von Taranis, NFO n 09 23
GIC Isak-Dinesen Felis Jubatus, NFO w 62, 5/1/89, DK/CH
Ulla vom Mauenfels, NFO n 09 23
Fairy Locket av Kiruna, NFO n 09
IC De small August am Baerenbach, NFO n 23, 10/8/96, CH/-
EC August Strindberg Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 23, 7/26/95, DK/DE
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
CH Elline Gøye Felis Jubatus, NFO n, 3/29/94, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
Alma Schindler Felis Audax, NFO n 09, 10/15/88, DK/DK
Eymara av Kiruna, NFO ns 23
IC Benij av Askim, NFO ns
IC Gunnarson's Justin, NFO ns
CH Icecat's Arctic Arielle, NFO ns 09, 3/6/91, DE/CH
CH Europa's Jo Joba, NFO w, 9/16/95, DK/-
WW'95 EC Skovhugger Felis Jubatus, NFO w 62, 9/5/94, DK/DK
WW'93 EC Et Eller Andet Felis Jubatus, NFO n 23, 11/10/92, DK/DK
CH Victoria Fleur Bleue de Wood Lake, NFO a 22, FR/FR
GEC Tiger Delft du Nord, NFO ns 22, 3/23/02, FR/DE
EC Shantou du Bois d'Atalante, NFO n 09, 5/15/01, FR/-  
EC Sweeson's Peterhans, NFO a 09, 5/28/99, FR/FR
WW'99 EC Remis Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n, 9/20/97, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
Sweeson's Niagara, NFO n 09, 5/22/97, FR/-
WW'96 EC Magnus av Fager, NFO n 09 23, 11/22/95, DE/FR
CH Jean Harlow des Feux d'Aurés, NFO n 09 22
Tigressan's Katinka, NFO n 09 23, 6/10/97, SE/FR
IC Gomorran's King Kreole, NFO n 09 23, 11/14/94, SE/SE
Glitterfjordens IPS, NFO n 09 22, 6/15/93, SE/-
Sjöviken's Fatima, NFO gs 09 23, 3/4/89, SE/-
Tigressan's Chantal, NFO n 23, 8/25/95, SE/SE
EC Heaven Hills Big Bang, DM, NFO n 09 23, 10/10/93, SE/SE
CH Gomorran's Jerica, DM, NFO n 09 23, 3/10/94, SE/SE
GIC Pamella de Stang ar Voud, NFO ns 25, 7/16/99, FR/FR
CH Iguins de Maneskinn, NFO n 09 23, 1/21/93, FR/-
CH Oba Sultan, NFO n 09 23, 12/14/91, DK/FR
EC Oba Papageno, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/3/87, DK/DK
IC Flatland's Brynhilde, DM, NFO n 09 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
Hedwig de la Cachouteba, NFO n 09 23, 6/11/92, FR/-
EC Fjord Fenomen de la Pendjari, DM, NFO n 03 23, 6/22/88, BE/FR
EC Naima's Sheyenne, DM, NFO n 09 21, CH/-
Operette de Stang ar Voud, NFO ns 25, FR/-
Lado Gaute Kongsønn, NFO ns 25, 2/22/96, NO/-
IC Nilsstra Jesper, NFO ns 25, 6/2/91, NO/NO
Lado Natasja I.H., NFO n, NO/NO
Ambient Final Fantasy, NFO n 24, 12/6/96, SE/FR
EC Ambient Muscadet, NFO n 22, 7/29/92, SE/SE
Ambient Åskmolnet, NFO n 23, 6/5/95, SE/SE
Tulipe Bleue de Wood Lake, NFO a 22, FR/FR
EC Svenn de Wood Lake, NFO n 23, 6/24/01, FR/FR
Pythagore des Grands Bois d'Atanlante, NFO a 09, FR/-
IC Mar'Michel's D'artagnan, NFO d 09 23, 9/11/97, SE/FR
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
Glitterfjordens Egretta, NFO f 09, 9/11/92, SE/SE
Tigressan's Katinka, NFO n 09 23, 6/10/97, SE/FR
IC Gomorran's King Kreole, NFO n 09 23, 11/14/94, SE/SE
Tigressan's Chantal, NFO n 23, 8/25/95, SE/SE
IC Orchidee de Wood Lake, NFO n 22, 11/30/98, FR/FR
GIC Njord av Moltemyr, NFO n 22, 4/4/97, NO/FR
GIC Tassajara's Santiago, NFO n 22, 11/12/95, SE/NO
GIC Catline Evita, NFO w, 7/9/93, NO/NO
EC Indelang Blue Scandinavia du Fjord des Vikings, NFO a 03 23, NO/-
EC Fidelio des Burgondes, NFO n 03
GIC Guldfakse's Fjordinka Freya, NFO n 23, 12/16/89, DK/FR
Stella av Moltemyr, NFO w, 6/15/01, NO/FR
CH Espen av Moltemyr, NFO n 22, 4/29/00, NO/NO
GIC Tassajara's Santiago, NFO n 22, 11/12/95, SE/NO
EC Bondgården:s Täppas, NFO ns 22, 5/10/93, SE/SE
EC Tassajara's Tigris, DM, NFO n 09 22, 5/17/93, SE/SE  
Raya Fracci av Hulder, NFO n 09 22, 11/5/98, NO/NO
CH Tigressan's Elliot, NFO n 09 23, 3/11/96, SE/NO
CH Niagara Fracci av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 1/26/94, NO/NO
GIC Catline Evita, NFO w, 7/9/93, NO/NO
EC Åsvangen's Julian, NFO n 23, 5/3/92, NO/-
EC Gjervfjellet Even Brattbakken, DM, NFO n 22, 6/28/84, NO/NO
CH Åsvangen's Tnt, NFO n 09, NO/-
EC Hilda af Gjernes, NFO w, 1/9/88, NO/NO
CH Blåbærskogens Faxe, NFO n, 12/31/85, NO/NO
CH Frida, NFO w 62, 5/1/83, NO/NO
Anaïs du Bois de la Chartreuse, NFO f, FR/FR
CH Sweeson's Sweet, NFO d 22, 4/14/01, FR/FR
WW'99 EC Remis Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n, 9/20/97, DK/DK
EP EC Gustav Vasa Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO a 09, 7/26/95, DK/DK
EC Solhuset's Sylvester, NFO n 09 22, 5/14/89, SE/SE
Audhumlas Ferrari Don Fernando, NFO a 09 23, 12/25/87, SE/-
EC Ulvåsens Ferdinand, NFO n 22, 10/9/86, SE/SE
Audhumlas Bangsi, NFO n 09, 11/15/86, SE/-
Pan's Laura, NFO n 23, 12/28/86, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Sekan Tara, NFO n 23, 5/17/85, NO/NO
WW'94 EC Gwynne Vaughani Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09, 7/13/92, DK/DK
EC Flatland's Celius, DM, NFO n, 4/1/90, NO/DK
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
EC Greatest Hits Nefertite, DM, NFO a 09, 7/28/88, DK/DK
GIC Artemis's Julius, NFO n 09, 3/11/86, DK/DK
EC Gertrud Stein Felis Jubatus, NFO n 09, 9/13/86, DK/-
EC Bergansius Nehalennia, DM, NFO w 63, 6/24/94, NL/DK
EC Gustav Wied Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO w 63, 9/13/86, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
CH Asterix av Jerpefaret, NFO n 09 23, 8/31/80, NO/NO
Colosseum Diana Verdi, NFO ns 09, 5/12/80, NO/SE
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Helga Den Fagre Felis Audax, DM, NFO n 23, 6/16/91, DK/NL
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
WW'91 Hedda Gabler Felis Jubatus, DM, NFO n 09 23, 6/22/90, DK/DK
EC Colosseum Gustav Graah, DM, NFO ns 09 23, 5/3/81, NO/DK
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
Wilma-F av Fager, NFO f 09 23, 9/23/96, DE/FR
EC Karl Johan Felis Jubatus, NFO a 22, 8/28/92, DK/-
WW'91 EC Flatland's Bjørnstierne, DM, NFO n 22, 3/27/89, NO/DK
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
Libraaten's Avedine, DM, NFO n 23, 11/30/86, NO/NO
CH Torvmyra's Baldrian, NFO n 09 23, 12/24/85, NO/NO
Flatland's Alexis, NFO as 09, 8/17/85, NO/NO
EC Flatland's Avedine, DM, NFO w 61, 8/17/85, NO/DK
GIP IC Christiania's Rudolf, NFO n 23, 4/1/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Christiania's Rufus, NFO as 23, 9/19/79, NO/NO
GIC Colosseum Henriette, NFO n 09, 4/30/82, NO/NO
Claire, NFO w 62, NO/NO
GIC Moa's Rh. Bouquet De Flore, NFO fs 09 23, 10/16/94, SE/DE
PR & EC Fjällforsens Dirigent, NFO ds 09 23, 12/3/91, SE/-
EP EC Mar'Michel's Mr Chagall, NFO ns 09, 11/2/88, SE/-
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
Fåfängans Dolly, NFO fs 09, 4/29/86, SE/SE
IC Amazonas Modesty, NFO fs 09 22, 11/5/89, SE/-
IC Lothloriens E.T. Esgaroth, NFO ds 09, 8/22/86, SE/-
IC Wildwood's Aquariuz, NFO n 23, 12/17/85, SE/-
EC Mar'Michel's Mecatti Orchida, DM, NFO f 09 23, 10/21/93, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
IC Mar'Michel's Mrs Beutiful Baby, NFO f 09 23, 3/3/88, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
IC Fåfängans Felicia, NFO n 22, 1/8/87, SE/SE
GIC Princess Leia Feux d'Aurés, NFO n 09, 6/9/99, FR/-
GIC Mar'Michel's Bombastic, NFO n 09, 1/4/97, SE/FR
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
EP GIC Niros Dunder, NFO n 23, 6/29/83, NO/NO
IC Colosseum Fergus, NFO ns 09 23, 1/15/81, NO/SE
CH Sanddrop's Susan, NFO f 09, 7/23/82, NO/FI
Pussi, NFO n 09, 12/5/82, NO/NO
IC Mitzi av Myre, NFO d 09 23, 4/10/84, NO/-
Bamse av Myre, NFO d 09 23, 5/10/83, NO/NO
Nussi, NFO f 09 23, NO/-
Nussi, NFO f 09 23, NO/-
Glitterfjordens Egretta, NFO f 09, 9/11/92, SE/SE
GIC Huldrekatten's Satyr, NFO d, 3/9/90, NO/SE
EC Amor av Sultano, NFO n 09, 7/20/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
GIC Pan's Trianna, NFO n 09, 5/10/84, NO/-
Torvmyra's Eartha Kitt, NFO f, NO/NO
Norodden Molte, NFO es 09 23, 7/22/86, NO/NO
Porfyrgårdens Cyrranka, NFO ns 23, 3/24/86, SE/-
Glitterfjordens Z Ypsilon, NFO ns 09 22, 8/19/89, SE/-
EP & CH Gerdas Akilles, NFO n 22, 7/21/88, SE/-
IP Islandia Gorm, NFO n 09, 4/11/87, SE/-
Chatjolie's Butterfly, NFO n 22, 12/15/86, SE/-
IC Glitterfjordens Gr Lillix, NFO as 09 23, 3/25/88, SE/-
CH Atlanta's Casper, NFO as 23, 6/24/86, SE/-
Fåfängans Genitrix, NFO ns 09 22, 4/1/87, SE/-
CH Frostnattens Vendela, NFO n 23, 1/11/96, SE/FR
Målarkluddens Degas, NFO n 09 23, 3/20/94, SE/SE
CH Giovanni Bizzaro av Hulder, NFO n 09 23, 4/4/91, NO/SE
EP EC Truls av Bolke, DM, NFO n 09 23, 12/15/87, NO/NO
GIP EC Pan's Polaris, DM, NFO n 09, 10/5/84, NO/NO
IC Gråpus, NFO n 09 23, NO/-
EC Mafalda av Hulder, NFO n 09, 3/17/88, NO/NO
EC Felix, NFO n 09, 2/21/86, NO/NO
Frida, NFO n 23, 5/1/82, NO/NO
IC Målarkluddens Athena, NFO n, 8/19/90, SE/-
GIC Morky's Dr Jekyll, NFO n, 7/6/88, SE/-
EP Christiania's Cato, NFO n 09, 7/30/87, NO/SE
PR Morky's Blue Angel, NFO as, 8/6/86, SE/-
Målarkluddens Lovis, NFO n 23, 4/22/89, SE/SE
EC Aksel av Ullskurk, NFO n 23, 1/21/88, NO/SE
Adolfinas Charming Cindy, NFO n 09 23, 9/12/86, SE/SE
IC Frostnattens Opera, NFO f, 12/8/93, SE/SE
EP & EC Frostnattens Ivanhoe, NFO ds 09 23, 10/24/91, SE/-
EC Opatija's Big Boss, DM, NFO d 09 22, 9/16/90, SE/SE
EC Aksel av Ullskurk, NFO n 23, 1/21/88, NO/SE
Torvmyra's Elegance, NFO f 09 23, 8/8/86, NO/SE
EC Fåfängans Julietta, DM, NFO ds 23, 4/16/88, SE/SE
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
Christiania's Gabriella, NFO fs 09 23, 1/9/84, NO/SE
Frostnattens Emmi, NFO n 09 23, 10/29/89, SE/-
EP Fåfängans Kim, NFO n 09 23, 11/28/88, SE/-
EC Freddy av Myre, DM, NFO d 09 23, 5/31/87, NO/SE
Torvmyra's Zebrina, NFO f 09 22, 9/23/85, NO/SE
Fåfängans Amalia, NFO n 09 23, 12/29/84, SE/-
Stormor I Daloms Birger Jarl, NFO n 09 23, 8/7/83, SE/SE
Fjordkattens Kraaseli Sessa, NFO as 09 23, 3/24/83, SE/-

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.