Test MatingInbreeding = 0.0%
Cat 2
Cat 4
Cat 8
Cat 16
Cat 17
Cat 9
Cat 18
Cat 19
Cat 5
Cat 10
Cat 20
Cat 21
Cat 11
Cat 22
Cat 23
Blue Lynx Francina Díaz Mestre, NFO fs 22, 7/17/21, IT/IT
Blue Lynx Yuichi Sugita, NFO d 09 22, 12/16/19, IT/IT
Clooney de Noires-Joux, NFO n 09 22, 4/12/16, CH/IT
SC NC's Hunky Dory, NFO n 03 22, 5/27/12, SE/CH
SC Galena v. Arlesbrunnen, NFO nt 09 24, 4/12/10, CH/CH
Sagarmâthâ de Noldor, NFO f 03 22, 10/26/17, ES/IT
NW SC Just Catnap's Sander, DVM, DSM, NFO n 09 22, 1/30/09, SE/ES
SC Safari Kittens Sunshine, DVM, NFO f 09 24, 7/3/11, SE/ES
Blue Lynx Lindsay Davenport, NFO ats 22, 4/7/17, IT/IT
Snorre von der Gehlen Bieke, NFO nt 22, 3/30/10, DE/IT
Yanis vom Egert, NFO at 09 22, 8/25/08, DE/DE
Adriana von der Gehlen Bieke, NFO nts 09 22, 4/18/08, DE/DE
Vevelstad Whispers In The Dark, NFO ns 24, 2/12/14, PT/IT
Ringelpiez vom Ambergarten, NFO nts 11, 6/13/11, DE/IT
Sif Gatil de Asgard, NFO gs 22, 2/16/10, PT/PT

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.