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Offspring of SC Fram's P. Teddy Bear, DVM, M, NFO w 63, 7/5/07, CH/NL8 offspring
 Långängens TjejFNFO n 09 2210/5/06SE/NL 7 offspring
 Kallima Keara av VerdenFNFO n 09 235/23/09NL/NL No offspring
 Kealy Katsuro av VerdenMNFO n 03 225/23/09NL/DE No offspring
EC Grimnir's Bonnie BlueFNFO a 234/2/05NL/NL 13 offspring
CH Jolly Jumper av Verden, JWMNFO w5/19/09NL/NLNo offspring
CH Boondock's AlexFNFO f 09 228/30/11SE/NL5 offspring
CH Violet Hill av VerdenFNFO f 09 223/3/14NL/DKNo offspring
 Voulez Vous av VerdenFNFO n 03 233/3/14NL/NL1 offspring
 Alfrodull's Brandy BerengariaFNFO e 09 233/7/12NL/NL2 offspring
 B'etor Van 't KortewoudFNFO f 09 245/14/17NL/NL1 offspring
 Heylia James Van't KortewoudFNFO f 243/12/16NL/NL1 offspring
 Catelyn Stark Van't KortewoudFNFO w 628/22/17NL/IT 1 offspring
CH Blauwe Zwaan SarabiFNFO n 09 233/15/16BE/BE 1 offspring
 Little Star Nala RonyaFNFO8/20/18 1 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.