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Offspring of Lado Oskar P.C., M, NFO n 09, 5/27/89, NO/SE5 offspring
IC Adolfinas Gaby GalinaFNFO a 228/2/89SE/SE 11 offspring
 Adolfinas JaminaFNFO n 228/18/90SE/SE 8 offspring
 Adolfinas JaqulineFNFO n 238/18/90SE/SE 7 offspring
 Adolfinas JavierMNFO n 238/18/90SE/SE No offspring
 Adolfinas JulietteFNFO n 09 228/18/90SE/SE No offspring
 Ghost Cats AtozzaFNFO gs 09 233/16/88SE/- 9 offspring
 Ghost Cats HoneymoonFNFO f 0910/8/90SE/SE 2 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.