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Offspring of PR Alfheim's Bilbo, M, NFO d 09 23, 8/27/87, DK/DK5 offspring
CH Kianda's IsminiFNFO fs 238/5/86DK/- 3 offspring
 Skovtrolden's AdonisMNFO n 09 224/13/89DK/- No offspring
IC Skovtrolden's AtleMNFO ns 224/13/89DK/- 10 offspring
 Skovtrolden's AvalonMNFO ns 09 224/13/89DK/- No offspring
PR Grorudmyra's TinaFNFO ns 234/19/86NO/DK 9 offspring
 Alfheim's DarinMNFO n 237/5/89DK/DK 13 offspring
CH Mifan's SifkaFNFO ns 233/19/88DK/DK 12 offspring
 Mischa 91-44MNFO ns 237/2/89DK/DK 17 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.