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Offspring of Ice Lanke Valentino, M, NFO n 22, 7/10/13, IT/DE12 offspring
 Elis Dumny KotFNFO g 241/31/12PL/DE 1 offspring
CH Muffin's The One And OnlyFNFO f 238/8/15DE/SE5 offspring
 Esbjerg's BernadetteFNFO n 09 225/22/14DE/DE 5 offspring
 Muffin's ArwenFNFO n 227/31/15DE/- No offspring
IC Muffin's ÉowynFNFO n 09 227/31/15DE/DK18 offspring
 Muffin's GaladrielFNFO n 09 227/31/15DE/- No offspring
 Muffin's Peregrin TukMNFO n 09 227/31/15DE/- No offspring
 Muffin's Samwise GamdschieMNFO n 227/31/15DE/- No offspring
 Restless TatooineFNFO n 228/16/11SE/DE17 offspring
 Muffin's BardolinoMNFO n 226/5/15DE/- No offspring
 Muffin's BaroloMNFO n 226/5/15DE/- No offspring
 Muffin's Chianti ClassicoFNFO n 226/5/15DE/DE14 offspring
 Muffin's Merlot BlancMNFO n 226/5/15DE/- No offspring
 Muffin's Petite SirahFNFO n 226/5/15DE/- No offspring
 Muffin's ValpolicellaFNFO n 226/5/15DE/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.