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Offspring of PR Kloa's Cassius Clay, M, NFO ns 09 23, 1/27/07, NO/NO8 offspring
IC Kornstiens ZuzieFNFO f7/13/05NO/NO11 offspring
IC Kornstiens AdriaFNFO n 095/13/08NO/NO 3 offspring
 Kornstiens AlexianMNFO n 095/13/08NO/- No offspring
 Kornstiens AliziaFNFO ns 09 235/13/08NO/- No offspring
 Kornstiens Amanda ToniFNFO fs 09 235/13/08NO/- No offspring
IC Kornstiens AndyMNFO d 09 235/13/08NO/NO 18 offspring
PR GIC Kornstiens AntonioMNFO d 235/13/08NO/- No offspring
 Kornstiens AstherixMNFO ds 09 235/13/08NO/- No offspring
IC Kornstiens AtaliaFNFO n5/13/08NO/NO 6 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.