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Offspring of PR EC Magoria's Amun-Ra, M, NFO n 09, 2/16/02, SE/SE5 offspring
 Zolas MiltoniaFNFO n 09 2311/8/01SE/SE 5 offspring
 Zolas C. DowianaMNFO n 09 231/26/04SE/- No offspring
 Zolas C. LabiataMNFO n 09 241/26/04SE/- No offspring
 Zolas C. LawrenceanaMNFO n 09 231/26/04SE/- No offspring
 Zolas C. ViolaceaFNFO n 09 231/26/04SE/- No offspring
 Zolas C. WalkerianaFNFO n 09 241/26/04SE/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.