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Offspring of Grimnir's Foxy Lady, F, NFO f 23, 3/31/10, NL/NL3 offspring
CH Perun's EgoMNFO d 03 232/7/11NL/NL7 offspring
 Felishof's FudgeFNFO f 09 2311/26/12NL/NL No offspring
 Narviks MercuriusMNFO n 234/9/10NL/NL 11 offspring
 Felishof's FirenzaFNFo f 232/15/12NL/DE 3 offspring
SC Tahatu's Dexter DouglassMNFO n 09 238/24/07NL/NL 13 offspring
 Felishof's YaxFNFO f 2312/7/16NL/NL 1 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.