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Offspring of CH Gini vom Arlesbrunnen, F, NFO n 09 23, DE/-5 offspring
IC Dansbjergs RuneMNFO n 223/22/93DK/- 2 offspring
 Image vom ArlesbrunnenFNFO n 09 22DE/- 1 offspring
IC Insider vom ArlesbrunnenMNFO n 09 224/26/94DE/- 24 offspring
 Wildwood's Peter PanMNFO nts 243/18/98SE/DE 16 offspring
 Herdis vom ArlesbrunnenFNFO n 23  2 offspring
GIC Noel-Alfasson av TrullaMNFO as 09 2310/8/95DE/- 8 offspring
 Tammi vom ArlesbrunnenFNFO n 09 233/28/97DE/- No offspring
 Thonny vom ArlesbrunnenFNFO n 09 233/28/97DE/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.