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Offspring of CH Louhelan Massey Ferguson, M, NFO d 09, 6/20/11, FI/FI16 offspring
 Zygot's Gin-SlingFNFO f 03 226/16/11SE/FI6 offspring
 Slytiger's Forces of NatureMNFO n 093/5/13FI/- 11 offspring
 Slytiger's Higher LoveFNFO d 093/5/13FI/- No offspring
CH Slytiger's MasqueradeFNFO f 093/5/13FI/SE23 offspring
 Slytiger's Perfect FanFNFO d 03 223/5/13FI/DE No offspring
 Slytiger's Poster GirlFNFO f 09 223/5/13FI/FRNo offspring
 Slytiger's Spanish EyesFNFO d 09 233/5/13FI/FI 16 offspring
 Giselle vom InnlandFNFO g 097/16/11DE/FI10 offspring
 Louhelan Emma FrostFNFO d 02 623/1/13FI/- No offspring
 Louhelan MystiqueFNFO f 093/1/13FI/- No offspring
 Louhelan RogueFNFO d 093/1/13FI/- No offspring
 Louhelan ShadowcatFNFO f 093/1/13FI/- No offspring
 Louhelan WolverineMNFO d 093/1/13FI/- No offspring
 Gia-Marien AngieFNFO n 231/25/11FI/FI5 offspring
 Gia-Marien Hey JudeFNFO f 09 5/27/13FI/- No offspring
 Gia-Marien Let It BeFNFO f 095/27/13FI/- No offspring
 Gia-Marien Nowehere ManMNFO n 09 5/27/13FI/- No offspring
 Gia-Marien Penny LaneFNFO f5/27/13FI/- No offspring
 Gia-Marien Ticket to RideFNFO f5/27/13FI/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.