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Offspring of Miranda av Løvebakken, F, NFO n 23, 3/29/91, NO/NO5 offspring
 Norden's FrodeMNFO d 22NO/NO 21 offspring
 Kati's Ina-MajaFNFO f 09 23NO/NO 5 offspring
 Kati's Zala AlexisFNFO f7/5/95NO/- No offspring
 Kati's Zara AlfaFNFO g 237/5/95NO/NO 6 offspring
 Kati's Zara AlfineFNFO f 227/5/95NO/- No offspring
 Kati's Zima AmandaFNFO f 227/5/95NO/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.