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Offspring of IC Tigla Tøs Ve Gimle, F, NFO n 09 23, 4/29/92, DK/-13 offspring
EC Silverwood's Big Brown Bastian, DMMNFO n 235/20/95DK/DK74 offspring
 Gossa Ve GimleFNFO n 096/17/96DK/- No offspring
 Krummi Ve GimleMNFO n6/17/96DK/- No offspring
 Molda Ve GimleFNFO n 09 236/17/96DK/-12 offspring
IC Palina Ve GimleFNFO n 236/17/96DK/- 9 offspring
 Sorti Bagheera Ve GimleMNFO n6/17/96DK/- No offspring
 Torfi Ve GimleMNFO n 236/17/96DK/- No offspring
GIC Tähtiyön AlfaMNFO n 094/27/93FI/DK84 offspring
 Bibi Ve GimleFNFO n 097/27/94DK/- No offspring
 Frida Ve GimleFNFO n 097/27/94DK/- No offspring
 Hjalma Ve GimleFNFO n 097/27/94DK/- No offspring
 Katina Ve GimleFNFO n 237/27/94DK/- No offspring
 Lubba Ve GimleFNFO n 09 227/27/94DK/- No offspring
EC Flatland's DanielMNFO n 2312/13/90NO/DK149 offspring
 Frosti Ve GimleMNFO a 09 235/6/95DK/- No offspring
 Siggi Ve GimleFNFO n 09 235/6/95DK/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.