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Offspring of SC Dalkullans Amigo Amore, JW, M, NFO n 03, 3/15/11, SE/SE4 offspring
GIP SC Räserråttan's Greta, JW, DSM, DVM, DMFNFO f 2410/20/10SE/SE10 offspring
CH Dalkullans BallbhoaMNFO n 09 243/3/12SE/SE 9 offspring
GIP SC Dalkullans Billy Bisquit, JW, DVM, DSM, DMMNFO d 09 243/3/12SE/SE105 offspring
CH Dalkullans Bling BlingFNFO n 09 223/3/12SE/SE 15 offspring
 Dalkullans Bon AmigoMNFO n 09 223/3/12SE/SE No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.