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Offspring of Kaninus' Dolly Parton, F, NFO a 09, 3/20/04, DK/-6 offspring
 Na'zyia's AikoMNFO a 09 231/25/05DK/- 7 offspring
 Gamiks BasilMNFO a 0911/15/06DK/- No offspring
 Gamiks BastianMNFO a 0911/15/06DK/- No offspring
 Gamiks BellaFNFO a 09 2311/15/06DK/- No offspring
 Gamiks BiancaFNFO a 0911/15/06DK/- No offspring
 Gamiks BlachMNFO a 0911/15/06DK/- No offspring
 Gamiks BumMNFO a 09 2311/15/06DK/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.