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Offspring of Blue Lynx Quirine Lemoine, F, NFO a 09 22, 6/3/18, IT/IT9 offspring
 Silverleaf's KalecgosMNFO ns 09 227/11/19DK/IT55 offspring
 Blue Lynx EarineFNFO nts 229/7/20IT/-No offspring
 Blue Lynx ElanorFNFO a 09 229/7/20IT/-No offspring
 Blue Lynx ElrosMNFO nts 09 229/7/20IT/IT4 offspring
 Blue Lynx ErechMNFO ns 09 229/7/20IT/-No offspring
 Blue Lynx EruannonFNFO ns 229/7/20IT/-No offspring
 Blue Lynx FanieFNFO ns 09 229/17/21IT/-No offspring
 Blue Lynx FaramirFNFO ns 09 229/17/21IT/-No offspring
 Elvenstar's MikeMNFO at 09 225/28/21GR/IT 7 offspring
 Blue Lynx Gil EstelFNFO a 09 227/11/22IT/- No offspring
 Blue Lynx GlevielFNFO at 097/11/22IT/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.