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Offspring of CH Querida aus Broetzingen, F, NFO a, 3/21/08, DE/-7 offspring
GIC Björn av BarnedroemMNFO nt 221/25/07DE/- 9 offspring
 Abigail pa ElgsporetFNFO n5/23/09DE/DE No offspring
IC Annika pa ElgsporetFNFO nt 245/23/09DE/DE 5 offspring
 Anton pa ElgsporetMNFO nt 245/23/09DE/DE No offspring
GIC Asbjoern pa ElgsporetMNFO n5/23/09DE/DE 5 offspring
GIC Austin pa ElgsporetMNFO nt 245/23/09DE/DE 1 offspring
GIC Sverre av BarnedroemMNFO nt2/26/10DE/DE6 offspring
CH Dörte-Diana pa ElgsporetFNFO10/22/11 5 offspring
CH Dougie pa ElgsporetMNFO nt10/22/11DE/DE 14 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.