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Offspring of CH Dorotea av Bustepinn, F, NFO fs 23, 11/24/02, NO/NO7 offspring
IC Møysalen's OdinMNFO n 09 221/15/03NO/NO 36 offspring
 Kloa's AdrianMNFO n 09 2312/5/05NO/- No offspring
 Kloa's AmadeusMNFO d 09 2212/5/05NO/- No offspring
 Kloa's AndyMNFO n 09 2212/5/05NO/- No offspring
SP Kloa's AstrixMNFO d 09 2212/5/05NO/- 3 offspring
PR CH Myrtekransen's ArielMNFO w 611/1/07NO/NO 19 offspring
 Kloa's DennisMNFO w1/17/08NO/- No offspring
 Kloa's Djengis KhanMNFO w1/17/08NO/- No offspring
IC Kloa's DortheFNFO w1/17/08NO/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.