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Offspring of Häxan's Eros, M, NFO n 23, 6/8/87, SE/-5 offspring
PR & GIC Solhuset's LauraFNFO ns 232/28/86SE/- 6 offspring
 Sjöviken's JosuaMNFO n 23  1 offspring
 Islandia DisaFNFO a 09 234/11/87SE/- 4 offspring
 BirkMNFO n 09 238/12/88SE/- 1 offspring
 CandieFNFO n 098/12/88SE/- No offspring
 RonjaFNFO a 09 238/12/88SE/- No offspring
 SandieFNFO n 09 238/12/88SE/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.