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Offspring of IC Brannfjell Hera, F, NFO n 09, 4/15/83, NO/NO5 offspring
EP IC Trollsaga's JustinMNFO n 237/31/83NO/- 17 offspring
 Ollendorff's FedraFNFO n 09 234/13/85NO/NO 3 offspring
 Ollendorff's FrøyaFNFO a 09 234/13/85NO/NO 1 offspring
GIC Ollendorff's FønixMNFO n 09 234/13/85NO/DK 10 offspring
 Pan's PlutoMNFO a 09 2210/5/84NO/NO 12 offspring
CH Ollendorff's KawasakiMNFO * 097/14/86NO/- No offspring
IC Ollendorff's ZuzukiFNFO a 09 237/14/86NO/NO 2 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.