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Offspring of CH Ravnklo's Sine Inluvie Secundarum, F, NFO fs 24, 4/30/21, NO/NO4 offspring
CH Eryn Galen GamlingMNFO d 09 243/13/21IT/NO 21 offspring
 Alneskatten's Randy RandyFNFO d 09 2411/25/22NO/- No offspring
 Alneskatten's Ray RayMNFO d 09 2411/25/22NO/- No offspring
 Alneskatten's RoadkillMNFO ns11/25/22NO/- No offspring
 Alneskatten's Royal BitchFNFO f 09 2411/25/22NO/- No offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.