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Offspring of Flying Snow Eddison, M, NFO ns 09 22, 5/15/14, DE/DE5 offspring
 Asante Amber WaldFNFO nts 09 245/13/14CZ/DE 3 offspring
 Flying Snow LearyFNFO nts 09 248/1/15DE/- No offspring
 Flying Snow SamolinaFNFO nts 098/1/15DE/NL 1 offspring
 Josie-Zorrolina De LĀ“AlantolieFNFO nt 09 225/6/14FR/DE 1 offspring
 Flying Snow SunnyMNFO nt 03 222/22/17DE/DE 6 offspring
 Ilsebill vom FernewaldFNFO6/18/11 1 offspring
 Maggie vom FernewaldFNFO8/24/15  1 offspring
 Hiemer's FerunFNFO nts 22DE/DE 1 offspring
 Flying Snow SkrollanFNFO nt 09 22DE/DE 1 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.