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Offspring of Mariskogens Hegg, M, NFO n 09 24, 9/19/14, NO/NO16 offspring
 Haapet's IdunnFNFO f 09 239/13/12NO/NO8 offspring
 Mariskogens KaffeMNFO d 03 249/21/15NO/- No offspring
 Mariskogens KajenneFNFO f 09 249/21/15NO/- No offspring
 Mariskogens KamilleFNFO f 09 249/21/15NO/NO21 offspring
 Mariskogens KokosMNFO d 039/21/15NO/NO 2 offspring
 Tingoskattens IdaFNFO n 02 216/3/13NO/NO 12 offspring
 Tingoskattens YadeFNFO n 03 2211/14/15NO/NO 8 offspring
 Tingoskattens YanMNFO n 09 23/2411/14/15NO/NO No offspring
CH Tingoskattens YndeFNFO n 03 2411/14/15NO/NO9 offspring
 Tingoskattens YoshiMNFO n 03 2411/14/15NO/DK83 offspring
 Tingoskattens YvonnFNFO n 0311/14/15NO/NO No offspring
GIC Cederskogens Dixie DiamantFNFO n 03 228/14/09SE/NO27 offspring
IC Mariskogens LeeaFNFO n 03 2211/2/15NO/NO13 offspring
 Mariskogens LerkMNFO n 03 2211/2/15NO/- No offspring
 Mariskogens LiljeFNFO a 03 2211/2/15NO/NO5 offspring
 Mariskogens LindMNFO n 09 2411/2/15NO/- No offspring
 Mariskogens LotusMNFO n 09 2211/2/15NO/- No offspring
 Mariskogens LyngMNFO n 0311/2/15NO/- No offspring
 Mariskogens LønnMNFO n 09 2411/2/15NO/NO25 offspring

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.